Eurasian Crossroads
Eurasian Crossroads is the first comprehensive history of Xinjiang, the vast central Eurasian region bordering India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Russia, and Mongolia. Forming one-sixth of the People's Republic of China (PRC), Xinjiang stands at the crossroads between China, India, the Mediterranean, and Russia and has, since the Bronze Age, played a pivotal role in the social, cultural, and political development of Asia and the world. Xinjiang was once the hub of the Silk Road and the conduit through which Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam entered China. It was also the point at which the Chinese, Turkic, Tibetan, and Mongolian empires communicated and struggled with one another. Xinjiang's population comprises Kazakhs, Kirghiz, and Uighurs, all Turkic Muslim peoples, as well as Han Chinese, and competing Chinese and Turkic nationalist visions continue to threaten the region's political and economic stability. Besides separatist concerns, Xinjiang's energy resources, strategic position, and rapid development have gained it international attention in recent decades. Drawing on primary sources in several Asian and European languages, James Millward presents a thorough study of Xinjiang's history and people from antiquity to the present and takes a balanced look at the position of Turkic Muslims within the PRC today. While offering fresh material and perspectives for specialists, this engaging survey of Xinjiang's rich environmental, cultural, and ethno-political heritage is also written for travelers, students, and anyone eager to learn about this vital connector between East and West. -
The Cambridge History of Inner Asia
This volume centres on the history and legacy of the Mongol World Empire founded by Chinggis Khan and his sons, including its impact upon the modern world. An international team of scholars examines the political and cultural history of the Mongol empire, its Chinggisid successor states, and the non-Chinggisid dynasties that came to dominate Inner Asia in its wake. Geographically, it focuses on the continental region from East Asia to Eastern Europe. Beginning in the twelfth century, the volume moves through to the establishment of Chinese and Russian political hegemony in Inner Asia from the sixteenth to the nineteenth centuries. Contributors use recent research and new approaches that have revitalized Inner Asian studies to highlight the world-historical importance of the regimes and states formed during and after the Mongol conquest. Their conclusions testify to the importance of a region whose modern fate has been overshadowed by Russia and China. -
本书是一项基础性的研究,旨在阐明10-13世纪特定的民族、经济和地缘政治环境下陆上丝绸之路贸易史的演变过程。盛唐之后陆上丝绸之路的演变状况是中外历史上的重要事件,客观地再现这段历史可以弥补丝绸之路研究史上的薄弱环节,其在学术上的意义和价值是十分重要的。本书对前人的研究成果进行了较为系统的归纳与整理,将以宋朝、西夏、辽等政权与西方的交往分为几个研究板块,以贸易线路、贸易方式、贸易主体等内容为研究线索,在勾勒出10—13世纪陆上丝绸之路基本状况的同时,力图在整体上把握丝绸之路各要素之间的内在联系,使研究呈现出系统性和完整性。 -
欧文·拉铁摩尔(Owen Lattimore,1900-1989)是一位世界著名的汉学家、蒙古学家、地缘政治学家,在20世纪中国学术和政治中曾经扮演过非常重要的角色,同时对于中国边疆研究也做出了开创性的贡献。本书从拉铁摩尔本人在中国的人生经历出发,从知识建构的角度梳理20世纪初至今中国学界对于拉铁摩尔及其理论的接受过程,并通过对他在中国边疆地区(东北、蒙古、新疆等地)所进行的田野考察活动的细致梳理,对他与当时中国学界和政治界的联系进行分析,并在此基础上对拉铁摩尔在华研究过程中所提出的相关核心概念与理论范式进行归纳与反思。本书力图以上述的相关梳理与分析,为进一步推进中国的边疆研究提供一种新的视角,并为我们更好地认识我们的祖国及其边疆地区提供一个历史的文本。 【拉铁摩尔】当一捆捆的羊毛从骆驼背上被卸下装上货车时,骆驼就在那里休息——马可•波罗时代与轮船时代在这里相会了。我决定我必须到商队出发的地方去,亲自看看那里的情况。 【拉铁摩尔】从太平洋到帕米尔高原,又从帕米尔高原南下,到达分隔中国与印度的高寒地带,在这个范围内所包括的是满洲、蒙古、新疆和西藏。这是亚洲中部的隔绝地域,世界上最神秘的边疆之一。 【费正清(John K. Fairbank)】 欧文通过他的想象力,结合实地观察,建立了一座历史理论的城堡。 【罗威廉(William T. Rowe)】 总体而言,欧文•拉铁摩尔的研究为人类历史的根本动力问题提供了一种独到见解。 【袁剑】 他是一个从小在中国长大的美国孩子,一个曾经卯足了劲想要考牛津大学的懵懂少年,一个在商行工作中发现边疆与内亚魅力的青年人,一个与新婚妻子度过一整个“蜜月年”的丈夫,一个跟埃德加•斯诺、费正清等建立起终生友谊的学者,一个曾经拜访过延安的美国友人,一个首次将中国内陆边疆地区进行区域性划分的西方研究者,一个对政治不敏感却被委任为蒋介石政治顾问的老实人,一个被麦卡锡主义迫害而不得不远走他国的学问家,一个在耄耋之年应邀访华的老朋友,他是边疆与内亚研究领域的拓荒者,也是国际关系与地缘政治方面的思想者,更是20世纪国际风云变幻的见证者之一,他就是欧文•拉铁摩尔(Owen Lattimore,1900-1989,中文名为赖德懋、赖迪谟等)。 -
本书利用满、汉、蒙、藏多种语言文字史料,以卫拉特蒙古的一支阿拉善和硕特部为切入点,通过揭示该部在清朝时期的活动,首先探讨了康熙、雍正时期西北准噶尔部、青海和硕特部、达赖喇嘛地方政权等的内部动向,及清朝基于这种动向所实施的方针政策。同时又以阿拉善和硕特部为中心。考察了清朝时期外藩蒙古札萨克旗内部的社会行政组织的存在形式及其具体运营,以及札萨克王爷的部众支配手段。以此较详细、系统地论述了清朝时期外藩蒙古的政治与社会的具体面貌。 -