要在当今不断变化、不可预知的市场中获得成功,企业需要重新全面地考虑、架构自己的战略。抛弃从内而外的研发新产品,企业需要开始从外而内地着眼于流程,并且从用户体验开始。这是一种新的思维和工作方式,能够将还在市场环境中挣扎的公司转变为创新的、灵敏的、成功的组织。 企业需要形成一系列新的竞争力: 定性的用户研究:了解用户行为和动机; 开放式设计流程:将新创意转化为优秀用户体验; 敏捷的技术实现:快速创建原型,并将它们从白板上转移到能提供反馈的人群中。 在本书中,Adaptive Path,领先的体验战略和设计公司,讲述了成功的企业如何通过用户体验来塑造自己的产品研发流程,从头到尾。 -
本书收集了UCDChina上线以来推出的13个话题,内容涵盖了产品设计的全部流程,按顺序集结到第一到第十三章中,讨论了如何研究用户、如何将用户需求应用到产品设计中、如何传达和协作。在第十四章,几位设计师分享了生活中的UE故事。第十五章,列举了一些实例和实践者的观点。本书适合有一定工作经验,从事产品设计、产品策划、交互设计、视觉设计、用户研究、前端开发、网站运营,以及所有与互联网有关的从业人员阅读。 -
About Face 3 交互设计精髓
本书是一本数字产品和系统的交互设计指南,全面系统地讲述了交互设计过程、原理和方法,涉及的产品和系统有个人电脑上的个人和商务软件、Web应用、手持设备、信息亭、数字医疗系统、数字工业系统等。运用本书的交互设计过程和方法,有助于了解使用者和产品之间的交互行为,进而更好地设计出更具吸引力和更具市场竞争力的产品。 全书分成3篇:第1篇描述了“目标导向设计”,详细讨论了用户和设计的过程及思想;第2篇讲的是交互设计的原则,可以帮助您在较高层次上去把握设计;第3篇则介绍具体的细节方面的界面设计原则。 本书结构清晰、深入浅出,是一本难得的大师经典之作。本书的读者对象包括数字产品和系统的交互设计师、用户界面设计师、项目经理、可用性工程师等,以及目前正在学习交互设计和用户界面设计专业的本科和研究生等。 -
Subject To Change
To achieve success in today's ever-changing and unpredictable markets, competitive businesses need to rethink and reframe their strategies across the board. Instead of approaching new product development from the inside out, companies have to begin by looking at the process from the outside in, beginning with the customer experience. It's a new way of thinking-and working-that can transform companies struggling to adapt to today's environment into innovative, agile, and commercially successful organizations.Companies must develop a new set of organizational competencies: qualitative customer research to better understand customer behaviors and motivations; an open design process to reframe possibilities and translate new ideas into great customer experiences; and agile technological implementation to quickly prototype ideas, getting them from the whiteboard out into the world where people can respond to them. In "Subject to Change: Creating Great Products and Services for an Uncertain World", Adaptive Path, a leading experience strategy and design company, demonstrates how successful businesses can - and should - use customer experiences to inform and shape the product development process, from start to finish. -
Web Design for ROI
Your web site is a business--design it like one. Billions of dollars in spending decisions are influenced by web sites. So why aren't businesses laser-focused on designing their sites to maximize their Return on Investment (ROI)? Web design can do more than make a site look good--it can be a powerful strategic weapon that enhances financial returns and creates competitive advantage. It's time to make web sites accountable. It's time to make design decisions based on metrics and business goals. It's time for Web Design for ROI. In this book you'll learn: * Why so many organizations think about web design the wrong way* How small design changes can have a big impact on your bottom line* Simple tips to increase web sales/leads by 10% -- 50% (or more)* Concrete design guidelines for: * Landing pages * Home pages * Category pages * Detail pages * Forms * Checkout processesPacked with helpful examples from a wide variety of sites! -
《U一点·料——阿里巴巴1688UED体验设计践行之路》是1688UED团队历经多年实践之后的心血之作,书中以“道─术─器”的思路为编排脉络,从设计观、思考体系、方法论上层层剖析,将零散的行业knowhow串成体系,对“UED如何发展突破”提出了自己的真知灼见。该书重实战、讲方法、求专业、论文化,是一部走心的诚意之作。 本书作者从美工到用户体验设计师,从感性随意到理性思考,从简单的PS做图到提升商业价值,用真实案例详细描述、分享了这个创新群体在沉淀“用户体验”的深刻本质与构建“体验设计”专业架构中形成的思考体系(Think-flow)和工作流程(Work-flow),创造性地梳理出“五导家”的方法论,并以通俗易懂的故事的形式展现在书中,让读者如亲身体会这个专业团队的技术和文化,这对所有设计师来说都是极有价值的思考模板与行为参考。 本书获得了阿里巴巴集团、设计行业协会、设计同行、高校、企业高管等多方认可和诚意推荐。