The McKinsey Mind
在线阅读本书 McKinsey is the 800-pound gorilla on the consulting block. In the best-selling The McKinsey Way>/I>, Ethan Raisel provided a through-the-keyhole perspective on the way this worldwide consulting institution approaches--and solves--the myriad professional problems encountered by its high-powered clientele. His goal in that book was simple: to communicate "new and useful skills to everyone who wants to be more useful in their business." The McKinsey Way used recollections and anecdotes of problem-solving techniques of the world's most successful consulting firm. The McKinsey Mind uses the same combination of insider knowledge and lucid prose to go a step farther: where The McKinsey Way showed readers what to do, The McKinsey Mind will show readers how to do it. The outline of the book will follow the same format as The McKinsey Way . It uses the same "lesson headings" as the original ("Don't Reinvent the Wheel," "Feel Free to be MECE"), but with a different focus. And that is where the similarity ends. The headings will be reorganized into a structure that focuses on implementation and expands upon lessons of The McKinsey Way with examples, parables, and exercises. The book can be used together with The McKinsey Way , or as a stand-alone, ensuring that both fans of The McKinsey Way and new readers will take-away important skills from the book. -
The Art of Project Management
The Art of Project Management covers it all--from practical methods for making sure work gets done right and on time, to the mindset that can make you a great leader motivating your team to do their best. Reading this was like reading the blueprint for how the best projects are managed at Microsoft... I wish we always put these lessons into action!" --Joe Belfiore, General Manager, E-home Division, Microsoft Corporation "Berkun has written a fast paced, jargon-free and witty guide to what he wisely refers to as the 'art' of project management. It's a great introduction to the discipline. Seasoned and new managers will benefit from Berkun's perspectives." --Joe Mirza, Director, CNET Networks (Cnet.com) "Most books with the words 'project management' in the title are dry tomes. If that's what you are expecting to hear from Berkun's book, you will be pleasantly surprised. Sure, it's about project management. But it's also about creativity, situational problem-solving, and leadership. If you're a team member, project manager, or even a non-technical stakeholder, Scott offers dozens of practical tools and techniques you can use, and questions you can ask, to ensure your projects succeed." --Bill Bliss, Senior VP of product and customer experience, expedia.com In The Art of Project Management, you'll learn from a veteran manager of software and web development how to plan, manage, and lead projects. This personal account of hard lessons learned over a decade of work in the industry distills complex concepts and challenges into practical nuggets of useful advice. Inspiring, funny, honest, and compelling, this is the book you and your team need to have within arms reach. It will serve you well with your current work, and on future projects to come. Topics include: How to make things happen Making good decisions Specifications and requirements Ideas and what to do with them How not to annoy people Leadership and trust The truth about making dates What to do when things go wrong -
The Daily Drucker
Revered management thinker Peter F. Drucker is our trusted guide in this thoughtful, day-by-day companion that offers his penetrating and practical wisdom. Amid the multiple pressures of our daily work lives,The Daily Drucker provides the inspiration and advice to meet the many challenges we face. With his trademark clarity, vision, and humanity, Drucker sets out his ideas on a broad swath of key topics, from time management, to innovation, to outsourcing, providing useful insights for each day of the year. These 366 daily readings have been harvested from Drucker's lifetime of work. At the bottom of each page, the reader will find an action point that spells out exactly how to put Drucker's ideas into practice. It is as if the wisest and most action-oriented management consultant in the world is in the room, offering his timeless gems of advice. The Daily Drucker is for anyone who seeks to understand and put to use Drucker's powerful words and ideas. -
★全球管理者必读的经典之作! ★深刻影响全球商界、政界高层人士的著作 彼得.德鲁克论述了管理的新范式如何改变和如何继续改变我们对管理实践和管理理论的基本认识。书中不乏远见卓识和超前思维,它集丰富的知识、广泛的实践经验、深邃的洞察力、精辟的分析和拨云见雾般的常识于一身,这些都是德鲁克著作的精髓和“管理学的里程碑”。 ——《哈佛商业评论》 [德鲁克的影响] 我们身边耳熟能详的人物,无论是第五项修炼的倡导者彼得.圣吉、市场营销之父菲利浦.科特勒、领导力大师约翰.科特,还是英特尔公司总裁安迪.格鲁夫、微软董事长比尔.盖茨、通用电气公司CEO 杰克.韦尔奇……他们在管理思想和管理实践方面都受到了彼得.德鲁克的启发和影响。 [大师中的大师] 德鲁克先生被称为大师中的大师,不仅因为他是现代管理学的奠基人,目标管理的创建者,他在市场、创新、变革、战略、知识管理、21世纪管理者的挑战等方面的真知灼见,也让诸多管理大师和成功企业家从中受益。海尔集团张瑞敏同样深受教益:“我也成了德鲁克迷,到处搜集他的著作。读他的书是一种享受,因为常常使人有茅塞顿开之感。这本《卓有成效的管理者》我更是爱不释手,不知读了多少遍,常读常新。尤其是面对变幻莫测的市场和全球化竞争的困惑时,总能从书中得到新的启示。” [内容介绍] 本文集由三本书组成:《个人的管理》、《组织的管理》和《社会的管理》、由日本长期担任德鲁克著作日文翻译的笃男植田先生选编,选编的内容均为德鲁克所有著作中,特别是近10年来的新著中的精华。本文集论述内容全面,它系统地浓缩了德鲁克先生的管理思想,可谓“三叶乃尽知秋”,因此得到了德鲁克先生本人的首肯及褒扬。本文集在日本推出后,立即成为该国当时的管理学畅销书之一。 [德鲁克的其他著作] 查看德鲁克的全部著作 -
这本书收录了全球45位世界级战略大师,包括迈克尔·波特、加里·哈默尔、亨利·明茨伯格、迈克尔·汉默等的经典范文或案例分析。这些论文和案例已被哈佛商学院、沃顿商学院等列为MBA学生必读之作,并被世界顶类管理杂志如《财富》、《福布斯》、《商业周刊》、《哈佛商学院评论》等相继转载。读者可以从中了解在全球一体化及知识密集度越来越高的商业朝代,企业如何利用战略制胜,如何建立企业核心竞争力,如何利用战略构筑企业未来,如何应对全球化竞争及快速变革的策略与智慧。 -
Leading Change
What will it take to bring your organization successfully into the twenty-first century? The world's foremost expert on business leadership distills twenty-fiveyears of experience and wisdom based on lessons he haslearned from scores of organizations and businesses to write this visionary guide. The result is a very personal book that is at once inspiring, clear-headed, and filled with important implications for the future. The pressures on organizations to change will only increase over the next decades. Yet the methods managers have used in the attempt totransform their companies into stronger competitors -- total quality management, reengineering, rightsizing, restructuring, cultural change, and turnarounds -- routinely fall short, says Kotter, because they fail to alter behavior. Emphasizing again and again the critical need for leadership to make change happen, Leading Change provides the vicarious experience and positive role models for leaders to emulate. The book identifies an eight-step process that every company must go through to acheive its goal, and shows where and how people -- good people -- often derail. Reading this highly personalbook is like spending a day with John Kotter. It reveals what he has seen, heard, experienced, and concluded in many years of working with companies to create lasting transformation. The book is an inspirational yet practical resource for everyone who has a stake in orchestrating changes in their organization. In Leading Change we have unprecedented access to our generation's master of leadership.