The Art of the Start
What does it take to turn ideas into action? What are the elements of a perfect pitch? How do you win the war for talent? How do you establish a brand without bucks? These are some of the issues everyone faces when starting or revitalizing any undertaking, and Guy Kawasaki, former marketing maven of Apple Computer, provides the answers. The Art of the Start will give you the essential steps to launch great products, services, and companies—whether you are dreaming of starting the next Microsoft or a not-for-profit that’s going to change the world. It also shows managers how to unleash entrepreneurial thinking at established companies, helping them foster the pluck and creativity that their businesses need to stay ahead of the pack. Kawasaki provides readers with GIST—Great Ideas for Starting Things—including his field-tested insider’s techniques for bootstrapping, branding, networking, recruiting, pitching, rainmaking, and, most important in this fickle consumer climate, building buzz. At Apple, Kawasaki helped turn ordinary customers into fanatics. As founder and CEO of Garage Technology Ventures, he has tested his iconoclastic ideas on real- world start- ups. And as an irrepressible columnist for Forbes , he has honed his best thinking about The Art of the Start . -
前言 死的将军还不够多 我在各种各样的组织工作了至少50年:在大学做过教师和行政,在公司做过顾问,做过董事,还有志愿者。在这些年里,我和几十,甚至是上百位领导谈过,内容涉及他们的角色、目标和成绩。和我合作过的有制造业的巨头,也有微型公司;有遍及世界的组织,也有某个小镇上只有数个严重残疾的孩子的组织;有聪明绝顶的执行官,也有一些昏庸的;有经常谈论领导的人,也有从来不把自己当作领导者也很少谈起领导的人。 而我学到的东西是明确的。首先,世界上可能有天生的领导者,但可以依赖天资的人实在是太少了。领导力应该是学来的,也是可以学到的——当然,这也是编写本书的目的和本书的用途所在。我学到的第二点是“领导性格”、“领导风格”、“领导特质”之类的东西是不存在的。在这半个世纪中我遇到和合作过的最有效率的领导者中,有的整天将自己封闭在办公室里,有的却过于爱好社交;有的是“老好先生”(尽管不是很多),有的则严格遵守纪律;有的果断激进,有的却在做决定前研究再三;有的平易近人,有的却在和人合作了多年后还是很疏远,不光是对我这个外人,对组织中的成员亦是如此;有的会一见面就谈起他们的家庭,有的却除了手头的任务外只字不提。 有的领导者非常自大,但这并不影响他们的成绩(就像麦克阿瑟将军一样,他的自负直到他失业的晚期并没影响到他的成功)。有的领导者在错误面前表现得自我谦虚,这同样也没有他们的成功(就像乔治马绍尔将军和杜鲁门同样获得了成功一样)。有的领导者私人生活简朴得就像沙漠中的隐者,有的却爱炫耀、爱享乐,抓住一切机会大搞排场。有的领导者喜欢听别人讲话,而也有一些成功者喜欢聆听自己内心的声音。在我遇到过的成功者唯一的共同性格特质是他们很少或没有超凡的魅力,也很少去运用它或它所意味的东西。 所有我遇到过的领导者(包括和我合作过和看到过的)懂得简单的四点: 1. 领导者的唯一定义是有下属的人。有的人是思考者,有的是预言家。而两个角色都是重要的且是迫切需要的。没有下属就没有领导者。 2. 高效的领导者并不是大家爱戴和尊敬的人,而是其下属做正确的事的人。成绩才是领导,而不是受欢迎度。 3. 领导者是引人注目的,因此他们会以身作则。 4. 领导并不意味着头衔、特权、职位和金钱,而是责任。 ……………… -
The 48 Laws of Power
Blue Ocean Strategy
A landmark work that upends traditional thinking about strategy, and charts a new path to capture new market space that is ripe for growth. 点击链接进入中文版: 蓝海战略:超越产业竞争、开创全新市场(哈佛商学院系列) -
从遍布全球的中小企业到如日中天的跨国公司,曾经辉煌的企业和领导人,他们成功的途径千差万别,但让他们一败涂地的原冈,却惊人地相似…… 每个人都喜欢谈论自己的成功,因为每个人部希望学习如何成功。然而有着可口乐教父之称的唐纳德·基奥更喜欢谈论失败。因为了,解失败才能减少失败,减少失败,意味着增加成功。基奥先生根据一生的管理经验总结出一系列公司、企业和个人最容易掉进去的陷阱,称之为“管理十诚”。 看似简单至极,任何真理都是如此。正如沃伦·巴菲特所言:“唐纳德·基奥最强的能力就在于他总能迅速地看穿事物的本质,说话做事能够苴切主题,把复杂的问题变简单是他的处事原则。” -
In Search of Excellence
The "Greatest Business Book of All Time" (Bloomsbury UK), In Search of Excellence has long been a must-have for the boardroom, business school, and bedside table. Based on a study of forty-three of America's best-run companies from a diverse array of business sectors, In Search of Excellence describes eight basic principles of management -- action-stimulating, people-oriented, profit-maximizing practices -- that made these organizations successful. Joining the HarperBusiness Essentials series, this phenomenal bestseller features a new Authors' Note, and reintroduces these vital principles in an accessible and practical way for today's management reader. --This text refers to the Paperback edition.