Winston Churchill The Gathering Storm The Second World War Volume I
在线阅读本书 诺贝尔文学奖得主、英国前首相丘吉尔全景式历史巨著 入选美国“当代文库100”20世纪百大英文非小说 “一项文学奖本来意在把荣誉给予作者,而这一次却相反,是作者给了这项文学奖以荣誉。” ——瑞典文学院院士在为丘吉尔颁发诺贝尔奖时致辞 “在黑暗的年代里,他的言语以及与之相应的行动,唤起了世界各地千百万人们心中的信念和希望……在人类冲突的领域里,以前还从未发生过这样的事:如此众多的人都应该深深地感激一个人。” ——瑞典文学院院士利列斯特兰德 “这确实是一本伟大的书,它撼动了人们的心灵,并为这段影响历史的过程留下了忠实记录。” ——《西部邮讯》 “何其幸运,我们拥有这些珍贵的财产,它将会流传后世,让后人们阅读再三。” ——查尔斯·韦博斯爵士 第二次世界大战回忆录是前英国首相温斯顿·丘吉尔在第二次世界大战刚结束之后著作的六部书。他以二战时期英国首相的亲身经历,并引用大量政府文件和个人纪录,记述1930年代初到二战结束期间的主要国际事件,尤其是英国的政治和军事活动。 全书按事件发生时间分为六册: 第一卷《风云紧急》The Gathering Storm(1919年-1940年5月) 第二卷《最光辉的时刻》The Finest Hour(1940年5月-1940年底) 第三卷《伟大的同盟》The Grand Alliance(1941年) 第四卷《命运的关键》The Hinge of Fate(1942年-1943年5月) 第五卷《紧缩包围圈》Closing the Ring(1943年6月-1944年6月) 第六卷《胜利与悲剧》Triumph and Tragedy(1944年6月 -1945年8月世界大战结束) 1941年上半年,英国仍在北非、地中海、中东和大西洋上孤军奋战,损失军舰和商船共300万吨之巨,情势非常危急。罗斯福决定在冰岛设立基地,由美军参与护航。 4月13日,日苏签定中立条约;美日间有关太平洋问题的谈判却毫无进展,因为美方坚持日本先从中国撤兵。 6月22日,苏联突遭德军袭击,顷刻间西部边界就被全线突破,损失惨重。丘吉尔当初预期德、苏必将开战的时刻,终于到来。英国向苏军输送军火物资,改变了英国孤立作战的情势。 7月起,美国大力供应英苏所需军火;8月份,英、美通过“大西洋宪章”,奠定日后建立联合国的思想基础。 12月7日,日军偷袭珍珠港,重创美国太平洋舰队,德国向美国宣战,美国正式参战。丘吉尔所设想的英、美、苏三国的伟大联盟终于实现。 Book Description The first volume of Churchill's Noble-Prize winning six-part chronicle of World War II. THE GATHERING STORM depicts the rise of Hitler and the indifference of the leaders of the European democracies to the clouds of the gathering storm. Churchill incorporate contemporary documentation and his own reminiscence in this opening memoir. -
The Power Broker
The Innovators
Following his blockbuster biography of Steve Jobs, The Innovators is Walter Isaacson’s revealing story of the people who created the computer and the Internet. It is destined to be the standard history of the digital revolution and an indispensable guide to how innovation really happens. What were the talents that allowed certain inventors and entrepreneurs to turn their visionary ideas into disruptive realities? What led to their creative leaps? Why did some succeed and others fail? In his masterly saga, Isaacson begins with Ada Lovelace, Lord Byron’s daughter, who pioneered computer programming in the 1840s. He explores the fascinating personalities that created our current digital revolution, such as Vannevar Bush, Alan Turing, John von Neumann, J.C.R. Licklider, Doug Engelbart, Robert Noyce, Bill Gates, Steve Wozniak, Steve Jobs, Tim Berners-Lee, and Larry Page. This is the story of how their minds worked and what made them so inventive. It’s also a narrative of how their ability to collaborate and master the art of teamwork made them even more creative. For an era that seeks to foster innovation, creativity, and teamwork, The Innovators shows how they happen. -
Why the West Rules--For Now
Why does the West rule? In this magnum opus, eminent Stanford polymath Ian Morris answers this provocative question, drawing on 50,000 years of history, archeology, and the methods of social science, to make sense of when, how, and why the paths of development differed in the East and West — and what this portends for the 21st century. There are two broad schools of thought on why the West rules. Proponents of "Long-Term Lock-In" theories such as Jared Diamond suggest that from time immemorial, some critical factor— geography, climate, or culture perhaps — made East and West unalterably different, and determined that the industrial revolution would happen in the West and push it further ahead of the East. But the East led the West between 500 and 1600, so this development can't have been inevitable; and so proponents of "Short-Term Accident" theories argue that Western rule was a temporary aberration that is now coming to an end, with Japan, China, and India resuming their rightful places on the world stage. However, as the West led for 9,000 of the previous 10,000 years, it wasn't just a temporary aberration. So, if we want to know why the West rules, we need a whole new theory. Ian Morris, boldly entering the turf of Jared Diamond and Niall Ferguson, provides the broader approach that is necessary, combining the textual historian's focus on context, the anthropological archaeologist's awareness of the deep past, and the social scientist's comparative methods to make sense of the past, present, and future— in a way no one has ever done before. -
Logics of History
While social scientists and historians have been exchanging ideas for a long time, they have never developed a proper dialogue about social theory. William H. Sewell Jr. observes that on questions of theory the communication has been mostly one way: from social science to history. Logics of History argues that both history and the social sciences have something crucial to offer each other. While historians do not think of themselves as theorists, they know something social scientists do not: how to think about the temporalities of social life. On the other hand, while social scientists’ treatments of temporality are usually clumsy, their theoretical sophistication and penchant for structural accounts of social life could offer much to historians. Renowned for his work at the crossroads of history, sociology, political science, and anthropology, Sewell argues that only by combining a more sophisticated understanding of historical time with a concern for larger theoretical questions can a satisfying social theory emerge. In Logics of History, he reveals the shape such an engagement could take, some of the topics it could illuminate, and how it might affect both sides of the disciplinary divide. -
英文名:Mayflower:A Story of Courage, Community, and War 《纽约时报》2006年十大好书之一。 美国的源头在何处? “五月花号”的航行以及欧洲移民登上美洲大陆最初的故事,是一部被历史湮没的、时间跨度长达五十五年的豪壮史诗,著名作家菲尔布里克生动再现了这次航行,掀开了普利茅斯殖民地以及一系列美国传奇背后的真实。 第一个感恩节的欢乐只是新移民的故事的开始,1620年至1676年,正是各种各样的危机和战争,塑造了今天美国的雏形。本书向为宗教信仰不惜一切的真正清教徒的勇气致敬,也盛赞美洲土著人的温文尔雅和慷慨大度,更描绘了双方的智慧和惨烈的战争场景。作战双方的后代多年后才意识到,如果两个民族放弃共同生存的艰苦努力,带来重大后果多么令人恐惧。三百八十多年后的今天,在一个日渐繁杂、危机也与日俱增的世界里,《五月花》的故事对于今天更具意义。