本书在罗跃嘉博士论文“跨感觉通路选择性注意的事件相关电位研究”基础上,系统介绍了注意的概念、认知理论,注意的蛇经解剖与生理基础;从听觉通路、视觉通路和视听跨通路的角度阐述了用认知神经科学方法研究注意的脑机制,以及对意识的初步认识与探索。本书不但总结了作者多年在注意方面的研究成果,也力图反映目前国际主义认知神经科学领域的最新进展。 -
《人脑功能》这部经过彻底修订的第二版《人脑功能》阐述了现代无创伤脑成像技术的理论、实践和应用方法,以及在探索正常脑和疾病脑的结构和功能中的应用。如同第一版一样,本书由功能成像实验室(Functional Imaging Laboratory, FIL)的成员所撰写,FIL是维康基金会(Wellcome Trust)资助的伦敦实验室,在过去的10年一直致力于发展脑成像技术的方法和应用。 本书由两大部分构成,第一部分介绍了感觉、认知和行动领域的人脑功能研究的进展,通过对正常功能和疾病引起的功能异常的研究,提供了人脑如何组织的相关信息。第二部分包括了相关实验设计和数据分析的理论和应用方法。通过介绍功能磁共振成像(fMRI),描述了脑成像领域的主要进展和变化,概述了整合于流行分析软件包SPM的基本原理和新内容,这其中包含了FIL国际长期合作者的贡献,他们都参与了脑成像数据分析框架的艰苦工作。 -
本书简明扼要地介绍了事件相关脑电位研究者应掌握的ERP神经电生理学基础,详细论述了ERP实验的实用知识,包括记录ERP所需的设备及其使用方法,实验准备和实验中应当注意的问题,ERP离线分析的基本方法以及目前广为采用的问题、ERP离线分析的基本方法以及目前 广为采用的各种先进的ERP分析方法和脑成像技术;最后,举例介绍了几种关于ERP研究的实验设计和结果分析。本书的内容不仅系统完整,而且实用易懂,可读性极强。本书可作为本科生,研究生的ERP实验教材,不仅适用于刚刚涉足ERP领域的读者,也适用于有多年经验的ERP研究的研究人员。 -
21世纪高校心理学教材:本书系统介绍了认知神经科学研究的主要领域和研究技术。 -
Introduction to the Event-related Potential Technique
The event-related potential (ERP) technique in cognitive neuroscience allows scientists to observe human brain activity that reflects specific cognitive processes. In An Introduction to the Event-Related Potential Technique, Steve Luck offers the first comprehensive guide to the practicalities of conducting ERP experiments in cognitive neuroscience and related fields, including affective neuroscience and experimental psychopathology. The book can serve as a guide for the classroom or the laboratory and as a reference for researchers who do not conduct ERP studies themselves but need to understand and evaluate ERP experiments in the literature. It summarizes the accumulated body of ERP theory and practice, providing detailed, practical advice about how to design, conduct, and interpret ERP experiments, and presents the theoretical background needed to understand why an experiment is carried out in a particular way. Luck focuses on the most fundamental techniques, describing them as they are used in many of the world's leading ERP laboratories. These techniques reflect a long history of electrophysiological recordings and provide an excellent foundation for more advanced approaches.The book also provides advice on the key topic of how to design ERP experiments so that they will be useful in answering questions of broad scientific interest. This reflects the increasing proportion of ERP research that focuses on these broader questions rather than the "ERPology" of early studies, which concentrated primarily on ERP components and methods. Topics covered include the neural origins of ERPs, signal averaging, artifact rejection and correction, filtering, measurement and analysis, localization, and the practicalities of setting up the lab. -
Widely praised for its student-friendly style and exceptional artwork and pedagogy, Neuroscience: Exploring the Brain is a leading undergraduate textbook on the biology of the brain and the systems that underlie behavior. This edition provides increased coverage of taste and smell, circadian rhythms, brain development, and developmental disorders and includes new information on molecular mechanisms and functional brain imaging. Path of Discovery boxes, written by leading researchers, highlight major current discoveries. In addition, readers will be able to assess their knowledge of neuroanatomy with the Illustrated Guide to Human Neuroanatomy, which includes a perforated self-testing workbook. This edition's robust ancillary package includes a bound-in student CD-ROM, an Instructor's Resource CD-ROM, a Connection Website, and LiveAdvise: Neuroscience online student tutoring.