《如若有你一生何求》内容简介:叶一生这个女人,不漂亮,于大街上随手抓一把的那种。她爱的人太优秀,当第三者出现,她只会懦弱的退出。然而,总有那么一种优秀的男人,万花丛中片叶不沾,只执着一个女人。意外的一场禁果,萌发了天长地久的情深。她要得太少,他却爱得太多。他们之间的一百步距离,她若只迈了一步,剩下的九十九步便是都由他迈,也无怨无悔。他的目的不过是脱光她的衣服,换上婚纱而已。 -
Something Like Summer
Love, like everything in the universe, cannot be destroyed. But over time it can change. The hot Texas nights were lonely for Ben before his heart began beating to the rhythm of two words; Tim Wyman. By all appearances, Tim had the perfect body and ideal life, but when a not-so-accidental collision brings them together, Ben discovers that the truth is rarely so simple. If winning Tim's heart was an impossible quest, keeping it would prove even harder as family, society, and emotion threaten to tear them apart. Something Like Summer is a love story spanning a decade and beyond as two boys discover what it means to be friends, lovers, and sometimes even enemies. -
The Lovely Bones
Once in a generation a novel comes along that taps a vein of universal human experience, resonating with readers of all ages. THE LOVELY BONES is such a book -- a #1 bestseller celebrated at once for its artistry, for its luminous clarity of emotion, and for its astonishing power to lay claim to the hearts of millions of readers around the world. "My name was Salmon, like the fish; first name, Susie. I was fourteen when I was murdered on December 6, 1973." So begins the story of Susie Salmon, who is adjusting to her new home in heaven, a place that is not at all what she expected, even as she is watching life on earth continue without her -- her friends trading rumors about her disappearance, her killer trying to cover his tracks, her grief-stricken family unraveling. Out of unspeakable tragedy and loss, THE LOVELY BONES succeeds, miraculously, in building a tale filled with hope, humor, suspense, even joy. The major motion picture version of THE LOVELY BONES, directed by Peter Jackson and starring Rachel Weisz, Susan Sarandon, Mark Wahlberg, Stanley Tucci, and Saoirse Ronan is scheduled for release on December 11, 2009. -
07年度《城市画报》&豆瓣网评选十大争议书《空事》姐妹篇 倍受媒体热点关注的“毒药”小说新作,魔女作家路佳瑄的靡靡之音 一部全新阅读的试验性小说集、精致文字表现力下的诗意呈现 57个残缺故事,只有开始、结局,没有过程 57种极端书写,绮靡、决绝、混乱、敏感 寂寞绽放的都市情感滋生着温暖的力量 “开始”与“结尾”间绝然的零距离却隐含无限生机 1、惊世骇俗的内容:如实书写了社会文化边缘人群不为人知的生活,映射出比安妮宝贝更绮靡、更决绝、更混乱的都市气质,彰显圆满之外的残缺美感。 2、新奇的故事结构:只用开头和结尾营造故事的氛围。 3、独树一帜的语言:真实、直白、大胆。独创个人独白式的短句,节奏顿挫有力,充满阅读快感。 4、颠覆性的装帧设计:突破传统模式,更跳跃、更轻松、更富情调。 5、插图:把作者在集会、酒吧、阳台等地拍摄的照片进行蒙太奇处理,充分表现混乱、急促、多彩的城市生活。 -
Me Before You
Lou Clark knows lots of things. She knows how many footsteps there are between the bus stop and home. She knows she likes working in The Buttered Bun tea shop and she knows she might not love her boyfriend Patrick. What Lou doesn't know is she's about to lose her job or that knowing what's coming is what keeps her sane. -