《我们如何摔断腿》内容简介:这部长篇小说笔调诙谐,堪称克罗地亚一个非同寻常的家庭的编年史,其时间跨度为1951年到1992年。数十年间,这个家庭一直为一则奇特的咒语所困扰,致使家中的所有男性成员在遇到一生的至爱时无不将自己的一条腿摔断。故事以轻松闲适的风格娓娓道出,书中描述的诸多短小情节,将这个家庭连接成一个紧密的整体。作者笔下的人物形象十分可爱,生活的欢乐充溢在字里行间。这是一本适合普通读者和文学鉴赏家阅读的好书。 -
The Complete Yes Prime Minister
Scalpel-sharp in observation, deceptively simple in construction... at its frequent best Yes Prime Minister exhibits the classical perfection of a Mozart sonata' - Richard Last in The Times 'Its closely observed portrayal of what goes on in the corridors of power has given me hours of pure joy' - Rt Hon. Margaret Thatcher MP ' Yes Prime Minister ... is not only a continuing marvel of editing by Jonathan Lynn and Antony Jay but also a collector's must' - John Coldstream in the Daily Telegraph ' Yes Prime Minister is a comedy in a class of its own' - Celia Brayfield in The Times -
《长安乱》的主人公出生未知,父母不详,却不知为何有一个师父。他从小受困,四面高墙,一样不知为何。懂事的时候命运安排他目睹武林中最浩大的一场比武。当时江湖中有两个派系,便是少林和武当,少林的势力比武当强大一点,因为大家都觉得长头发很难打理…… -
The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out of the Window and Disappeared
It all starts on the one-hundredth birthday of Allan Karlsson. Sitting quietly in his room in an old people's home, he is waiting for the party he-never-wanted-anyway to begin. The mayor is going to be there. The press is going to be there. But, as it turns out, Allan is not...Slowly but surely Allan climbs out of his bedroom window, into the flowerbed (in his slippers) and makes his getaway. And so begins his picaresque and unlikely journey involving criminals, several murders, a suitcase full of cash, and incompetent police. As his escapades unfold, we learn something of Allan's earlier life in which - remarkably - he helped to make the atom bomb, became friends with American presidents, Russian tyrants, and Chinese leaders, and was a participant behind the scenes in many key events of the twentieth century. Already a huge bestseller across Europe, The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out of the Window and Disappeared is a fun, feel-good book for all ages. Translated by Rod Bradbury. -
《李逵日记之聚义厅》以李逵的官场升迁经历为蓝本,写出了梁山中的人性百态与人情翻覆。水浒人物不再是一个个劫富济贫的好汉形象,而是各自戴上了一副“看形势、观局面”的面具。李逵给我们勾勒了在“梁山”这个权力机构中,大家为了权力勾心斗角、相互制衡的官场形态,并给我们讲出了在这样的形态下各级干部如何站队,如何送礼,如何织就关系网,如何处理同事、兄弟、上司的关系等官场秘籍。 -
巨龟大阿图因!它缓缓游过星星之间的深渊。氢气成霜。凝在它粗壮的四肢上:陨星擦过庞大古老的龟甲,落痕斑斑。它那巨眼,足有万顷。眼角黏液混合星尘,结成痂壳。 巨龟背上是四头巨象。它们宽厚的肩膀披着星辉,托起一个世界——这世界无比辽阔。周遭是绵长的瀑布,上面是蔚蓝色的天堂穹顶。 这就是碟形世界。 个世界的口号(如果有的话): 一切怪事。皆有可能! 碟形世界的一个偏僻山村里,一个女婴呱呱坠地。根据神秘的预言。她将成为一名伟大的巫师。 问题是:女人不能成为伟大的巫师,她们根本不能当巫师,只能当巫女。 女婴长大了。成了个倔强的小女孩。她下定决心,一定要成为碟形世界有史以来的第一位女巫师……