Three Thousand Years of Chinese Painting
An illustrated and comprehensive account of the history of Chinese painting from prehistoric times to the 21st century. It should be of interest to students and general readers who wish to gain an in-depth knowledge of Chinese painting. -
Pictures and Visuality in Early Modern China
Pictures and Visuality in Early Modern China is not simply a survey of sixteenth-century images, but rather, a thorough and thoughtful examination of visual culture in China's Ming Dynasty, one that considers images wherever they appeared—not only paintings, but also illustrated books, maps, ceramic bowls, lacquered boxes, painted fans, and even clothing and tomb pictures. Clunas's theory of visuality incorporates not only the image and the object upon which it is placed but also the culture which produced and purchased it. Economic changes in sixteenth-century China—the rapid expansion of trade routes and a growing class of consumers—are thus intricately bound up with the evolution of the image itself. Pictures and Visuality in Early Modern China will be a touchstone for students of Chinese history, art, and culture. -
(上册)法史治学历来重视对史料的深入挖掘,因而各家之研究方法也是各有所长。中、日均为东亚之主要国家,两国在法制史学研究领域的交流素来频繁,一直有不少日本学者孜孜不倦地投身于对中国法制史学的研究之中,并为中华法系矗立于世界法学之林做出重要贡献。《日本学者中国法论著选译》(上册)收入了日本学界近十年间的中国法律史的研究成果,可以很好地供国内学界参阅。此外,本论文集所录之译文均来自日本学者的推荐,所以能够更真实地表达出日本学者的学术倾向,充分向国内学者展现日本学者所受学术训练的独特之处。本书收入的论文在断代上涵盖了从先秦到隋唐的各个主要历史阶段。其中,先秦秦汉部分的数篇文章均以最新的出土文献为基础并结合传世文献分析从先秦至秦汉的法制变迁及其文化背景。魏晋南北朝到隋唐的数篇文章则以关注这一时期的礼、乐、政、刑的实态,且以新发现的宋天圣令为据复原唐令和分析唐、日律令制的异同。它们者是国内学者可咨参照的高水平国外成果。 本书各篇论文论点鲜明新颖,引用资料翔实,条理清晰,语言表述精炼,能给法律专业学生、法律史爱好者或研究者带来良多益处。 (下册)在中国法律史学领域,日本学者是一支重要的研究力量。他们对中国法律史的研究对中国甚至世界法律史研究者都具有重要的借鉴和参考价值。对他们的研究成果进行翻译并介绍到我国,可以开阔我国法律史学者的视界,进一步推进法律史学的研究。 本书由中国政法大学法律史学研究院编,共收录了12篇文章,时间跨度上从宋代到中国人民共和国,对宋代的“断例”、元代的“投下”、明清的“歇家”以及当代中国的司法独立等进行了独特的论述。这些文章的作者都是各研究领域的专家,论述精到,翻译者的译文质量也很不错,可读性较强。 -