在今天的世界上,有很多而且是越来越多的人自视为中国人,他们的数量比欧洲和北美居民的总和还要多。作为一个国家、一类文化,中国何以发展繁衍得如此之大?它为什么没有像世界上其他许多帝国,如罗马帝国和奥斯曼帝国那样土崩瓦解?它的单一专制的政府为什么能够而且又是如何统治如此众多的国民的? 《剑桥插图中国史》探讨了中华文明形成的诸多基本问题,涵盖了中国历史上的艺术、文化、经济、社会、对妇女的态度、对外政策、移民以及政治等方方面面。尤其侧重考察了社会和文化的发展及其对普通人生活的影响。为了避免外国学者阐释中国历史的局限性,作者尽可能地参考了中国各界对许多重大历史事件和历史发展走向的阐释。 对于中国这一独特文明,本书既有宏观上的综合概述,又有微观上的如对它的历史连续性、断裂带所做的具体剖析。这是一本西方人了解中国历史及其社会文化的必读图书。 -
Places of Memory in Modern China
In the last decades, the scholarship on issues of national and cultural identity of China has been constantly on the rise. This edited volume aims at addressing these issues by applying Pierre Nora’s approach of places of memory (lieux de mémoire) to the Chinese context. The volume assembles a number of articles that focus on the most significant places of memory in modern and contemporary China, ranging from Qin Shihuang’s Terracotta Warriors to the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall. The genesis and nature of these places are discussed in detail by combining approaches of both cultural and historical sciences. In addition, issues of cultural memory and politics are addressed in order to question the ideological construction of these places. -
《增长的迷思:海外学者论中国经济发展》内容简介:随着中国的迅速崛起,海外中国问题研究急剧扩展,世界上到处都在述说着“中国故事”。关于中国的“统治说”与“崩溃说”在全球文化语境中各执一端、相互矛盾,这其中包含多少学理上的探究和现实中的策略尚待更进一步的讨论,然而,有一个事实不可否认:在当代全球体系下,“中国”已成为全球学者共同关注的热门词汇。“中国研究”正牵动着世界相关领域专家的问题意识。 处在十字路口的中国何去何从?中国经济高速增长渐成“浮云”?“新”贫困人口层出,如何实现公平?全球争夺石油战中,中国能否胜出?《增长的迷思:海外学者论中国经济发展》收录了世界各国知名学者对中国经济发展的深层思考,分别从区域发展不平衡与贫富差距问题、能源问题、环境与粮食安全问题、科技与知识创新问题、前景等六个方面加以阐释。所选文章均为外籍学者对中国经济发展问题进行学术探讨的第一手资料,集中呈现了海外学界对于“中国经济发展”的研究细节。 -
Village China Under Socialism and Reform
Village China Under Socialism and Reform offers a comprehensive account of rural life after the communist revolution, detailing villager involvement in political campaigns since the 1950s, agricultural production under the collective system, family farming and non-agricultural economy in the reform, and everyday life in the family and community. Li's rich examination draws on original documents from local agricultural collectives, newly accessible government archives, and his own fieldwork in Qin village of Jiangsu province to highlight the continuities in rural transformation. Firmly disagreeing with those who claim that recent developments in rural China represent a radical break with pre-reform sociopolitical practices and patterns of production, Li instead draws a clear history connecting the current situation to ecological, social, and institutional changes that have persisted from the collective era. -
Pianos and Politics in China
In China, a nation where the worlds of politics and art are closely linked, Western classical music was considered during the cultural revolution to be an imperialist intrusion, in direct conflict with the native aesthetic. In this revealing chronicle of the relationship between music and politics in twentieth-century China, Richard Kraus examines the evolution of China's ever-changing disposition towards European music and demonstrates the steady westernization of Chinese music. Placing China's cultural conflicts in global perspective, he traces the lives of four Chinese musicians and reflects on how their experiences are indicative of China's place at the furthest edge of an expanding Western international order. -
Empire, Nation, and Beyond