Unearthing the Nation
Questions of national identity have long dominated China’s political, social, and cultural horizons. So in the early 1900s, when diverse groups in China began to covet foreign science in the name of new technology and modernization, questions of nationhood came to the fore. In Unearthing the Nation, Grace Yen Shen uses the development of modern geology to explore this complex relationship between science and nationalism in Republican China. Shen shows that Chinese geologists—in battling growing Western and Japanese encroachment of Chinese sovereignty—faced two ongoing challenges: how to develop objective, internationally recognized scientific authority without effacing native identity, and how to serve China when China was still searching for a stable national form. Shen argues that Chinese geologists overcame these obstacles by experimenting with different ways to associate the subjects of their scientific study, the land and its features, with the object of their political and cultural loyalties. This, in turn, led them to link national survival with the establishment of scientific authority in Chinese society. The first major history of modern Chinese geology, Unearthing the Nation introduces the key figures in the rise of the field, as well as several key organizations, such as the Geological Society of China, and explains how they helped bring Chinese geology onto the world stage. -
China Dreams
After celebrating their country's three decades of fantastic economic success, many Chinese are now asking, "What comes next?" How can China convert its growing economic power into political and cultural influence around the globe? William Callahan's China Dreams gives voice to China's many different futures by exploring the grand aspirations and deep anxieties of a broad group of public intellectuals. Stepping outside narrow politics of officials vs. dissidents, Callahan examines what a third group - "citizen intellectuals" - think about China's future. China Dreams eavesdrops on fascinating conversations between officials, scholars, soldiers, bloggers, novelists, film-makers and artists to see how they describe China's different political, strategic, economic, social and cultural futures. Callahan also examines how the PRC's new generation of twenty- and thirty-somethings is creatively questioning "The China Model" of economic development. The personal stories of these citizen intellectuals illustrate China's zeitgeist and a complicated mix of hopes and fears about "The Chinese Century", providing a clearer sense of how the PRC's dramatic economic and cultural transitions will affect the rest of the world. China Dreams explores the transnational connections between American and Chinese people, providing a new approach to Sino-American relations. While many assume that 21st century global politics will be a battle of Confucian China vs. the democratic west, Callahan weaves Chinese and American ideals together to describe a new "Chimerican dream". -
China's Search for Security
Despite its impressive size and population, economic vitality, and drive to upgrade its military, China remains a vulnerable nation surrounded by powerful rivals and potential foes. Understanding China’s foreign policy means fully appreciating these geostrategic challenges, which persist even as the country gains increasing influence over its neighbors. Andrew J. Nathan and Andrew Scobell analyze China’s security concerns on four fronts: at home, with its immediate neighbors, in surrounding regional systems, and in the world beyond Asia. By illuminating the issues driving Chinese policy, they offer a new perspective on the country’s rise and a strategy for balancing Chinese and American interests in Asia. Though rooted in the present, Nathan and Scobell’s study makes ample use of the past, reaching back into history to illuminate the people and institutions shaping Chinese strategy today. They also examine Chinese views of the United States; explain why China is so concerned about Japan; and uncover China’s interests in such problematic countries as North Korea, Iran, and the Sudan. The authors probe recent troubles in Tibet and Xinjiang and explore their links to forces beyond China’s borders. They consider the tactics deployed by mainland China and Taiwan, as Taiwan seeks to maintain autonomy in the face of Chinese advances toward unification. They evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of China’s three main power resources—economic power, military power, and soft power. The authors conclude with recommendations for the United States as it seeks to manage China’s rise. Chinese policymakers understand that their nation’s prosperity, stability, and security depend on cooperation with the United States. If handled wisely, the authors believe, relations between the two countries can produce mutually beneficial outcomes for both Asia and the world. -
In the past three decades, China has risen from near collapse to a powerhouse -- upending nearly every convention on the world stage, whether policy or business. China is now the globe’s second largest economy, second largest exporter, a manufacturing machine that has lifted 500 million of its citizens from poverty while producing more than one million US dollar millionaires. Then why do China’s leaders describe the nation’s economic model as “unstable and unsustainable”? Because it is. James McGregor has spent 25 years in China as a businessman, journalist and author. In this, his latest highly readable book, he offers extensive new research that pulls back the curtain on China’s economic power. He describes the much-vaunted “China Model” as one of authoritarian capitalism, a unique system that, in its own way, is terminating itself. It is proving incompatible with global trade and business governance. It is threatening multinationals, which fear losing their business secrets and technology to China’s mammoth state-owned enterprises. It is fielding those SOEs – China’s “national champions” -- into a global order angered by heavily subsidized state capitalism. And it is relying on an outdated investment and export model that’s running out of steam. What has worked in the past, won’t work in the future. The China Model must be radically overhauled if the country hopes to continue its march toward prosperity. The nation must consume more of what it makes. It must learn to innovate. It must unleash private enterprise. And the Communist Party bosses? They must cede their pervasive and smothering hold on economic power to foster the growth, and thus social stability, that they can’t survive without. Government must step back, the state-owned economy must be brought to heel, and opportunity must be freed. During the Tang Dynasty, an official in the imperial court observed: “No ancient wisdom, no followers.” He was lamenting that regime was headed alone into dangerous and uncharted waters without any precedent for guidance. Again today – as McGregor makes clear – this is China’s greatest challenge. -
这本书系统地分析了中国和俄罗斯改革的差异。在作者看来,俄罗斯的“休克疗法”是失败的,而中国的渐进式改革是成功的。而存在这种差异的原因主要在于两国选择的政策不同。俄罗斯选择了“大爆炸”式方法,即“休克疗法”。“休克疗法”代表了一种正统的转轨理论,认为经济改革的成功需要共产主义政治体制的改变。罗澜认为俄罗斯政策选择上的错误应归咎于西方新古典经济理论家,他们建议莫斯科和国际货币基金组织等机构接受新古典经济学的分析作为给予国际援助的条件的理论基础。中国与之不同,政策选择上没有听从国际组织和新古典经济理论家的建议,而是根据中国的实际自主抉择,“摸着石头过河”,因此获得了成功。 -
征服全球是中國的目標! 我們正在目睹一個中國遲早會攻克西方市場的擴張現象。 中國已在世界投資主權債務,在東歐承造新的基礎建設, 在西方拯救瀕臨倒閉的品牌。 因此,我們面對的是個緩慢而持續的占領過程, 它勢必改變我們每個人的生活, 且極可能已為21世紀的世界新秩序埋下根基, 那將是一個由中國領導的世界?! 走訪25國,真人實事採訪,挖掘你不能不知的真相! 本書是兩名西班牙駐華記者,憑著堅毅的決心所完成的精彩力作,他們感慨坊間有太多探討中國事務的著述,不是提出草率的評論,就是偏重商業觀點,而北京發表的官方聲明,又總是規避事實,於是他們做了一項重大決定──親自觀察中國勢力在全球擴張的速度有多快。 《中國悄悄占領全世界》就是他們長征數千英里、歷經五百多次的訪談之後交出的成績單。他們打破先例,嘗試會見數百位中國人,這些華人靠勤勉的態度、機靈的頭腦,和不講情面的商業手腕,快速將世上大部分地區納入北京勢力範圍,所跨領域十分驚人:從祕魯礦場到西伯利亞森林、從蘇丹水庫到緬甸玉礦,到處都有中國的「無聲軍隊」在致力扭轉龐大資源的去向。不少曾以美俄為靠山的國家已更換盟邦,全球正處於世界強權排名大洗牌的萌芽階段。遭受西方制裁而導致經濟凍結的緬甸、委內瑞拉、伊朗等地,在中國人眼裡更有吸引力,因為他們可從這些國家取得更好的交易,行動也不受監視。 讀者將在書中看到一些不平凡的人物,他們往往在極度惡劣的工作條件下為中國賣命,在世上最排外的地區奮鬥打拚,共同創造一個尚未正式成形的新帝國。作者的訪談對象包括:蘇丹的中國農夫、埃及的廉價成衣販,以及在亞洲各地掌理大型礦場、林場和天然氣開採計畫的企業主管。其中許多人展現了不容置疑的雄心與活力,他們常在大多數人難以接受的環境下工作,然而這些工作已為政治、生態和經濟帶來令人忐忑不安的影響。 ※ 國內外名人、媒體推薦 中國人再一次大舉移民全世界,只不過,這一次不是做奴工,背後有著強大國力支撐。本書透露了西方帝國主義後代的恐懼。 ──公孫策 知名評論家 黨國資本主義的共產中國,如今更變本加厲地將黑手直接伸向全世界,《中國悄悄占領全世界》揭開了驚世現狀。發掘共產中國悄悄占領全世界的所作所為。 ──吳惠林 中華經濟研究院研究員 似熟悉,卻也陌生;說緩慢,容或瞬間。看著中國政經狂潮襲向全世界,不論選擇借勢站上浪頭或想避開巨浪吞沒,這世代的台灣人沒有理由不試著更去了解我們的大鄰居,中國。 ──蘭萱 知名廣播、電視節目主持人 沈雲驄 早安財經文化公司發行人、楊家彥 台灣經濟研究院研究六所所長 熱情推薦 一本探討攸關全球重要課題的精彩好書! ──《華爾街日報》 一篇篇真人實事的採訪報導,引人入勝,一定要看! ──《展望雜誌》 報導範圍廣泛,令人嘆為觀止,作者悲天憫人地敘述中國升斗小民移民海外的遭遇,並提出真知灼見。 ──《金融時報》 行文流暢……陳述中國人在世界各地的作為。例如,某些不負責任的企業確實引起不少怨言,他們把中國勞工帶進非洲、虐待海外工人、破壞各地環境,甚至與各國貪婪的政治權貴狼狽為奸,巧取豪奪。 ──《經濟學人》 一部調查報導傑作……這是第一本詳述中國史上最大規模移民現象、記錄華人移民觀點的著作……如果你想了解中國如何改變世界,一定要讀這本。 ── 《南華早報》 以耐人尋味、富同情心的筆調,描繪在非洲各地經營零售業、販賣大量中國製消費品的75萬華人眾生相,既精彩又生動。 ──《旁觀者》 兩名西班牙作者揭露驚人的事實……中國人應該反省書中提到的問題。 ──《倫敦標準晚報》 首開先河的調查報導……說明中國在海外的作為,反映了中共政體本質。 ──《星期日泰晤士報》 文字生動活潑,流露人道精神……為所有想了解中國向全球擴張勢力的行動如何改變世人生活的讀者,提供了重要資訊。 ──《文學評論》