亨利•A•克伦普顿24年的卓越谍报生涯从非洲开开始。随后的整整十年,他在亚洲和欧洲的冷战战场中招募间谍,其中有恶心的罪犯,也有勇士。他去过联邦调查局,然后是中情局的反恐中心,开拓了包括无人机计划在内的许多新项目。他去过阿富汗,领导了“9•11”事件后中情局针对基地组织的战争;这是中情局有史以来最重要最成功的准军事秘密行动。后来,他回到中情局运作美国各种各样的秘密行动。 克伦普顿一生中,最受命运摆布的篇章莫过于“9•11”以后的时光了,他受命参与领导了阿富汗战役。他的战略创意和大胆领导作风在战场上和椭圆形办公室都充分表现出来,在双子塔轰然倒塌后不到三个月,美国和阿富汗盟军就击溃了基地组织和塔利班。2001年底,在阿富汗战场与塔利班激战犹酣的美国人还不足500人,但却混合了中情局与特种部队的人员。这场战役改变了美国发动战争的方式。 克伦普顿详细描述了他如何进入酒店房间安装窃听设备,如何与当地游击队合作,如何招募教授从事间谍工作等细节。他将改变人们看待中情局的方式。这是史无前例的史诗之作,是关于谍报、战争、领导力,以及间谍意义的深入浅出的课程。 -
Strategic Vision
By 1991, following the disintegration first of the Soviet bloc and then of the Soviet Union itself, the United States was left standing tall as the only global super-power. Not only the 20th but even the 21st century seemed destined to be the American centuries. But that super-optimism did not last long. During the last decade of the 20th century and the first decade of the 21st century, the stock market bubble and the costly foreign unilateralism of the younger Bush presidency, as well as the financial catastrophe of 2008 jolted America – and much of the West – into a sudden recognition of its systemic vulnerability to unregulated greed. Moreover, the East was demonstrating a surprising capacity for economic growth and technological innovation. That prompted new anxiety about the future, including even about America’s status as the leading world power. This book is a response to a challenge. It argues that without an America that is economically vital, socially appealing, responsibly powerful, and capable of sustaining an intelligent foreign engagement, the geopolitical prospects for the West could become increasingly grave. The ongoing changes in the distribution of global power and mounting global strife make it all the more essential that America does not retreat into an ignorant garrison-state mentality or wallow in cultural hedonism but rather becomes more strategically deliberate and historically enlightened in its global engagement with the new East. This book seeks to answer four major questions: 1. What are the implications of the changing distribution of global power from West to East, and how is it being affected by the new reality of a politically awakened humanity? 2. Why is America’s global appeal waning, how ominous are the symptoms of America’s domestic and international decline, and how did America waste the unique global opportunity offered by the peaceful end of the Cold War? 3. What would be the likely geopolitical consequences if America did decline by 2025, and could China then assume America’s central role in world affairs? 4. What ought to be a resurgent America’s major long-term geopolitical goals in order to shape a more vital and larger West and to engage cooperatively the emerging and dynamic new East? America, Brzezinski argues, must define and pursue a comprehensive and long-term a geopolitical vision, a vision that is responsive to the challenges of the changing historical context. This book seeks to provide the strategic blueprint for that vision. -
《国际安全研究的演化》主要收录了后冷战时代的国际安全研究:传统主义者、元事件的消失:摆脱苏联的威胁、内部学术争论:国家中心主义和认识论、大国政治:一种对苏联的替代?、技术驱动力、区域安全与非西方事件等内容。 -
《全球政治与国际关系经典导读》从更宏大的视野出发,围绕“人的解放与国际关系的进步”这条历史主线,选录了十几篇经典文章,以期使学习和研究全球政治与国际关系的读者有一个参考和品读的蓝本。全书大体分成三部分,分别涉及“国际关系的进步”、“全球治理”以及“当代国际关系新挑战”等主题。编者特意对各篇选文加了简短的评语,简要评介了一下原作者,并在每篇文章之后列出了值得读者进一步深入研读的五篇文献的目录。 《全球政治与国际关系经典导读》可供学习和研究政治学、国际关系学、外交学等专业的学者和学生阅读使用,也可供那些对国际问题感兴趣的读者参考。 -