Strong Borders, Secure Nation
As China emerges as an international economic and military power, the world waits to see how the nation will assert itself globally. Yet, as M. Taylor Fravel shows in Strong Borders, Secure Nation, concerns that China might be prone to violent conflict over territory are overstated. The first comprehensive study of China's territorial disputes, Strong Borders, Secure Nation contends that China over the past sixty years has been more likely to compromise in these conflicts with its Asian neighbors and less likely to use force than many scholars or analysts might expect. By developing theories of cooperation and escalation in territorial disputes, Fravel explains China's willingness to either compromise or use force. When faced with internal threats to regime security, especially ethnic rebellion, China has been willing to offer concessions in exchange for assistance that strengthens the state's control over its territory and people. By contrast, China has used force to halt or reverse decline in its bargaining power in disputes with its militarily most powerful neighbors or in disputes where it has controlled none of the land being contested. Drawing on a rich array of previously unexamined Chinese language sources, Strong Borders, Secure Nation offers a compelling account of China's foreign policy on one of the most volatile issues in international relations. -
The Tragedy of Great Power Politics
在线阅读本书 A decade after the cold war ended, policy makers and academics foresaw a new era of peace and prosperity, an era in which democracy and open trade would herald the "end of history." The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, sadly shattered these idyllic illusions, and John Mearsheimer's masterful new book explains why these harmonious visions remain utopian. To Mearsheimer, great power politics are tragic because the anarchy of the international system requires states to seek dominance at one another's expense, dooming even peaceful nations to a relentless power struggle. Mearsheimer illuminates his theory of offensive realism through a sweeping survey of modern great power struggles and reflects on the bleak prospects for peace in Europe and northeast Asia, arguing that the United States's security competition with a rising China will intensify regardless of "engagement" policies. -
《局部全球化世界中的自由主义、权力与治理》是美国著名学者罗伯特o基欧汉20年来重要论文的结集,是专为中国读者编辑的一本学术著作。这些文章都是围绕世界政治的相互依赖、制度、全球化、治理等问题展开的,每篇文章都揭示了世界政治的一个层面,它们共同构成了理解世界政治的多个角度。《局部全球化世界中的自由主义、权力与治理》的主题是,探究在相互依赖的情境之下国际制度如何运作。作者期望自己的学术研究能够引起中国学者的深入思考,对中国认识处于变化中的世界政治有所启迪。《局部全球化世界中的自由主义、权力与治理》还附有门洪华博士的一篇论文,作为中国学者对国际制度理论及其应用的思考、对基欧汉学术研究的回应。 -
全球化主要是指商品、资金、信息、人员(部分的)在全球范围内的自由流动,经济要素在全球范围内加以合理配置。全球化之所以在过去的十年中取得长足进步,离不开技术的快速进步,离不开良好的国际政治与安全环境。从总体上看,这些支撑全球化的有利因素并未根本改变。 全球化在经过后冷战时期高歌猛进的十年之后,目前步入了消化、调整、深化的阶段。在未来五至十年中,全球化是否能够继续推进,取决于主要国家能否有效地开展合作,协调政策,取决于它们能否克服彼此之间的利益冲突,取决于它们能否有效地解决全球化带来的负面效应。一句话,如何创造出适应全球化新现实的有效治理模式,决定着全球化的前途与命运。总结历史和现实的经验教训,我们可以看到,那种认为全球化的浪潮势不可挡、不可逆转的观点,显然是盲目乐观了。 -