——亚洲研究协会前主席 罗友枝(Evelyn Rawski)
——国际知名清史学者 冉玫烁(Mary Backus Rankin)
今日我们所处的时代是一个什么样的时代? 我们从哪里来,可能往哪里去? 为什么我们过去信奉不疑的标准与制度会难以为继? 新的秩序与结构又将如何产生,从哪里涌现? 中国崛起将如何撼动当前全球秩序和西方话语权? 本书将中国的发展经验及其影响放置在最宽广的历史坐标与理论视野中作者在梳理过去三百年世界史的演进脉络,深入观察西方国家政治经济体制的构成与运作机制,批判性透视全球政治经济旧秩序的真实本质与宰制机制的基础上,深入浅出地探讨了中国兴起对人类社会发展的历史意涵这个大问题。 作者提出,与中国崛起相关联,当前人类社会正处于一个数百年难遇的“巨变时代”,其最重要的特征是四重历史趋势的反转,即以美国为核心的单极体系式微;“第三波民主”的退潮;资本主义全球化陷入困境;西方中心世界的末落和非西方世界的全面崛起。 作者以敏锐的洞察力和鲜活的事实探析了中国道路、中国体制的特色和优越性,比如以市场为导向的社会主义经济体系,国有经济、集体经济、民营经济、外资经济共存的所有制结构,中共的自我修正与回应社会需求的能力,中共独特的人才选拔、竞争、淘汰机制,农村土地的集体所有等。 -
Just One Child
China's one-child rule is unassailably one of the most controversial social policies of all time. In the first book of its kind, Susan Greenhalgh draws on twenty years of research into China's population politics to explain how the leaders of a nation of one billion decided to limit all couples to one child. Focusing on the historic period 1978-80, when China was just reentering the global capitalist system after decades of self-imposed isolation, Greenhalgh documents the extraordinary manner in which a handful of leading aerospace engineers hijacked the population policymaking process and formulated a strategy that treated people like missiles. Just One Child situates these science- and policymaking practices in their broader contexts--the scientization and statisticalization of sociopolitical life--and provides the most detailed and incisive account yet of the origins of the one-child policy. -
China Under Hu Jintao
CHINA UNDER HU JINTAO Opportunities, Dangers, and Dilemmas edited by Tun-jen Cheng (College of William and Mary, USA) , Jacques deLisle (University of Pennsylvania, USA) , & Deborah Brown (Seton Hall University, USA) The fourth generation of leaders of the People's Republic of China, while benefiting from the prestige of China's entry into the World Trade Organization and the honor of hosting the 2008 Olympic Games, also needs to contemplate the sobering side-effects of a rapid and internationally-interdependent economy and a troubled and only partly reformed political system. This important book approaches the study of the PRC under Hu Jintao in a two-fold manner: by examining the new political parameters within which the party-state functions and by analyzing the prominent issues — at home and abroad — that are commanding the attention of China's new leaders. The book tackles a comprehensive range of topics, including elites, institutions and state-society relations, politics and the political implications of economic change, domestic politics and foreign relations. Contents: China under Hu Jintao: Introduction (T-j Cheng et al.) Political Succession: Changing Guards and Changing Rules (J Fewsmith) Is the Chinese State Apparatus Being Revamped? (Y Huang) Who Does the Party Represent?: From “Three Revolutionary Classes” to “Three Represents” (B J Dickson) Jiang Zemin's Successors and China's Growing Rich-Poor Gap (E Friedman) Information Technology in China: A Double-Edged Sword (T-j Cheng) The Future of SOEs: From Shortage Economics to “Enron-omics”? (X Hu) The Evolution of Elections in China (A E Gadsden) What Does Buyun Township Mean in the Context of China's Political Reform? (Y Liu) China and the WTO: Evolving Agendas of Economic Openness, Domestic Reform, and International Status, and Challenges of the Post-Accession Era (J deLisle) China's Accession into the WTO and China's Financial Markets (K T Liaw) China–ASEAN Relations: The Significance of an ASEAN–China Free Trade Area (A D Ba) New Leadership Team, New Approaches toward Taiwan? (C-c Lo) China's Relations with the United States and Japan: Status and Outlook (R Sutter) Readership: Academics, professionals and policy-makers concerned with political issues in China. “Each essay in this collection is profoundly rich in theoretical insights and empirical evidence. Overall, this book is valuable reading for teachers and researchers fully engaged in the China field.” Dr Wei-Chin Lee Wake Forest University “This volume begins with an excellent and insightful introduction that aptly summarizes and elaborates on the main ideas articulated in the articles … Overall, this book provides a rich analysis and contrasting perspectives that are informative and enlightening. It is eminently suitable for specialist and non-specialist alike.” The China Journal -
你认识“国平”吗? 近期以来,党媒人民网、新华网中常常出现重要评论文章,署名皆是“国平”。 纵观这些文章,“国平”关注的事件不单重要,而且评论与中央步调高度统一,受到了广泛关注、转载。 虽然,“国”姓也是中国传统姓氏之一,但这个“国平”很可能不是一个真人名字。近期出现的这些文章,大多为评论性质,且关注的事件涉及重大国计民生以及重要国际关系,更像代表国家的评论,而“国平”一词谐音也与“国评”一致。——《国平是谁?》 ∷大国风范 外交风采 ∷人格魅力 高尚情怀 ∷依法治国 依法治网 ∷治国理政 大政方略 ∷反恐怒吼 万众同声 ∷爱国爱港 力反“占中” ∷网络空间 未来无限 ∷党风政风 风清政明 ∷放眼世界 评点天下 ∷盛会主场 魅力绽放 -