《石乃亥的卓玛藏区游记》作者多次前往藏区、不仅拍摄了数千幅藏区美丽的山川景色,也用文字和相片记录了藏区人民的热情好客,待人友善,淳朴豪爽的性格。游记内容为作者亲身经历,真实感人。作者文笔流畅,照片色彩艳丽,是一部不可多得的藏区游记。 -
The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying
In this major and comprehensive work, Buddhist meditation master and international speaker Sogyal Rinpoche brings together the ancient wisdom of Tibet with modern research on death and dying and the nature of the universe. With unprecedented scope, The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying clarifies the majestic vision of life and death that underlies The Tibetan Book of the Dead. Sogyal Rinpoche presents simple yet powerful practices from the heart of the Tibetan tradition that anyone, whatever their religion or background, can do to transform their lives, prepare for death, and help the dying. Rinpoche shows the hope there is in death: how we can go beyond denial and fear to discover what it is in us that survives death and is changeless. He presents a lucid, inspiring, and complete introduction to the practice of meditation, to karma and rebirth, and to the trials and rewards of the spiritual path. He gives advice on how to care for the dying with love and compassion and offer them spiritual assistance. Rinpoche presents his own vision of the near-death experience from the Tibetan perspective. He explains in detail the "bardos," those states of consciousness after death that have fascinated and tantalized Western artists, psychologists, scientists, doctors, and philosophers ever since the publication of The Tibetan Book of the Dead in 1927. The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying is not only a spiritual masterpiece but also a manual, a guide, a work of reference, and a source of sacred inspiration. It has been written to inspire all who read it to begin the journey to enlightenment and so become "servants of peace," working in the world with joy, wisdom, and compassion to take part in safeguarding the future of humanity. -
On the Cultural Revolution in Tibet
“A vital contribution has been rendered to the literature on both modern Tibet and the Cultural Revolution.”—Jrnl of Asian Stds (jas) / Se Asia & Western Pacific "A heart-pounding narrative interspersed with the cool, distant voice of analysis. From the first page, the reader is graphically immersed in the chaotic world of the Cultural Revolution."—Buddhadharma "An admirably sophisticated and powerful analysis of events of baffling complexity."—The China Quarterly "This brave manuscript is the first in any language to look at the Cultural Revolution in Tibet. The material is refreshingly new, coming from the authors' extensive interviews and oral histories collected in recent years. This is extremely valuable, as Tibet is not always accessible to western writers. It is indeed remarkable that the authors have been able to solicit views from both sides of the factional struggle, so that we have now a clear contour of the tragic 1969 Nyemo Incident. This contribution cannot be overstated."—Uradyn E. Bulag, author of The Mongolia-Tibet Interface: Opening New Research Terrains in Inner Asia "This is an important, accessible, and riveting description of a controversial and significant episode in modern Tibet history that scholars have not previously been able to access."—Robbie Barnett, Columbia University -
《西藏的寺与僧(1940年代)》作者于西藏和平解放前任拉萨实地调查与搜集资料后所作,反映了当时西藏宗教的真实面貌,系国内对1940年代藏传佛教寺院与僧侣情况较早、较全面的系统记述。 -
西藏乃至中国的整个藏区,大都处于偏僻的山区,历来被蒙上了一层神秘的色彩。特别是元代以来,西方不断派出使节和探险家入藏。自1245年柏朗嘉宾出使蒙古,到大卫—妮尔1925年入藏,历时近680年的探险史,本书中都作了大致介绍。特别是对于19世纪末以来英国侵略西藏的历史,书中记载得更为详细。读者在阅读过程中会深切地感受到这一切。 特别要说明的是,由于地理和历史的原因,20世纪以前,外界对西藏知之甚少,西方世纪尤其如此。所以,本书中所概述的西方人传闻中,尤其是早期游历作品中有大量的道听途说以至以讹传讹。翻译时,其中一些充满谬误的图文均予以保留,旨在说明西方“发现”西藏曲折也算真实的过程。总之,其中的不确、不实之处,请读者诸君结合已有的相关知识予以明辨。 -