The Cambridge History of Early Inner Asia
This volume introduces the geographical setting of Central Asia and follows its history from the palaeolithic era to the rise of the Mongol empire in the thirteenth century. From earliest times Central Asia linked and separated the great sedentary civilisations of Europe and Asia. In the pre-modern period 'Inner Asia' was definable more as a cultural than a geographical entity, its frontiers shifting according to the changing balances of power. Written by distinguished international scholars who have pioneered the exploration of Central Asia's poorly documented past, this volume discusses chronologically the varying historical achievements of the disparate population groups in the region. -
The Cambridge History of Inner Asia
This volume centres on the history and legacy of the Mongol World Empire founded by Chinggis Khan and his sons, including its impact upon the modern world. An international team of scholars examines the political and cultural history of the Mongol empire, its Chinggisid successor states, and the non-Chinggisid dynasties that came to dominate Inner Asia in its wake. Geographically, it focuses on the continental region from East Asia to Eastern Europe. Beginning in the twelfth century, the volume moves through to the establishment of Chinese and Russian political hegemony in Inner Asia from the sixteenth to the nineteenth centuries. Contributors use recent research and new approaches that have revitalized Inner Asian studies to highlight the world-historical importance of the regimes and states formed during and after the Mongol conquest. Their conclusions testify to the importance of a region whose modern fate has been overshadowed by Russia and China. -
《剑桥中国辽西夏金元史》(907-1368年)规模宏大,集中了西方研究中国史的许多学者的力量,本卷也不例外。导言的作者是本卷的两位主编,慕尼黑大学名誉教授傅海波和普林斯顿大学名誉教授崔瑞德。前者是著名的辽、金、元史研究专家,著述颇丰,尤长于金史研究,在本卷中还担任第3章金朝历史的写作;后者则多年来从事中国古代史的研究,亦是《剑桥中国史》秦汉、隋唐、明代等卷的主编,在本卷中还与克劳斯-彼得·蒂兹合写了第一章辽朝的历史。第二章西夏史的作者是肯永学院教授邓如萍,她已发表过一些有关西夏历史的论著。特伦顿州立学院教授托马斯·爱尔森主要研究早期蒙古国的历史,故撰写本卷的第四章。第五章的作者哥伦比亚大学纽约市立学院教授莫里斯·罗沙比,著有《忽必烈汗:他的生活和时代》等著作,所以专写忽必烈一朝的历史。第六章的作者萧启庆原为新加坡大学教授,现为台湾清华大学历史研究所教授,著有《元代的军事制度》、《元代史新探》、《蒙元史新研》等著作,此次担任元中期历史的写作,驾轻就熟。堪萨斯大学教授窦德士,主要研究元明思想史和政治史,著有《征服者与儒士》、《儒学与独裁统治》等著作,在本卷中撰写第七章元后期的历史。第八章作者是原在哈佛大学任教、现在米德尔斯伯里学院任教的伊丽莎白·恩迪科特-韦斯特教授,她著有《蒙古在中国的统治:元代的地方行政管理》等著作,所以专述与元代政府和行政管理的有关问题。普林斯顿大学名誉教授牟复礼研究中国史多年,在本卷中写作第九章,专门讨论元朝统治下的社会问题。如本卷原书序言所说,牟复礼还通读了本卷全稿并提出了修改意见。应该承认,本卷是《剑桥中国史》中难度较大的一卷,因为它所叙述的辽、西夏、金、元四个王朝,都是中国历史上少数民族建立的王朝,在研究这些王朝的历史时,既要面临许多语言、文字问题,还要深入研究民族关系和国家关系的发展变化、多元文化的构成及其相互影响、社会风俗的变化等一系列问题。本卷的编著者对这些问题作了许多值得重视的探讨。 -