本書作者陳碧蘭,為中共早期活動家,與丈夫彭述之同為中共托派重要代表人物,本書為陳碧蘭的個人回憶錄。陳碧蘭是中共早期婦女運動領袖之一,曾就讀上海大學及留學蘇聯。她參與不少中共秘密活動,一度兼任中共婦女部代理書記,後因批評中共路線被開除出黨,轉而接受托洛茨基主張,大陸解放後與彭述之流亡法國。 本書敘述她由童年時代至流亡法國後的革命生涯,涉及不少中共早期秘密活動和黨內鬥爭內幕,牽涉李漢俊、陳潭秋陳獨秀、周恩來、鄧穎超、瞿秋白、蔡和森、向警予、施存統、張國燾、王若飛等重要人物,也牽涉大量中共黨內鬥爭的始末。作者有一定理論修養,故對黨內不同時期的思想爭論也剖析甚詳,本書對了解中共黨史以及共產黨與托派鬥爭的前因後果,有相當重要的參考作用。 -
按照中共中央批准的编辑十一届三中全会以来重要文献选编系列的计划,继二〇一三年六月出版《十七大以来重要文献选编》下册后,现在出版《十八大以来重要文献选编》上册。《十八大以来重要文献选编》上册,收入自二〇一二年十一月党的十八大,至二〇一四年三月十二届全国人大二次会议这段时间内的重要文献,共七十篇。其中,中共中央、全国人大、国务院、中央军委作出的决议、决定等二十五篇;中央领导同志的报告、讲话等四十五篇。有十七篇重要文献是第一次公开发表。中央领导同志的文稿都经本人审定。 -
向太阳,向光明 :朱厚泽文存,1949-2010
一位了不起的思想家 深刻洞见中国经济社会发展症结 本书是一位卓越思想家的文集。1949—2010 年间朱厚泽留下了大量文章、讲话及访谈录,本书从这些文稿中汇集了他关于商品经济发展、经济工作、文化及宣传工作、环境问题、二十世纪至今人类社会进程的思考,探讨中国在人类文明发展中的路径,以及对全面深刻的改革和长期持续发展的忧思。 当下语境,时代命题,历史眼光,洞见发展的症结所在,明白清晰的语言表达, 诸如这些方面都使得本书具有极高的价值。 -
The Formation of the Chinese Communist Party
Official Chinese narratives recounting the rise of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) tend to minimize the movement's international associations. Conducting careful readings and translations of recently released documents in Russian, Japanese, and Chinese, Ishikawa Yoshihiro builds a portrait of the party's multifaceted character, revealing the provocative influences that shaped the movement and the ideologies of its competitors. Making use of public and private documents and research, Ishikawa begins the story in 1919 with Chinese intellectuals who wrote extensively under pen names and, in fact, plagiarized or translated many iconic texts of early Chinese Marxism. Chinese Marxists initially drew intellectual sustenance from their Japanese counterparts, until Japan clamped down on leftist activities. The Chinese then turned to American and British sources. Ishikawa traces these networks through an exhaustive survey of journals, newspapers, and other intellectual and popular publications. He reports on numerous early meetings involving a range of groups, only some of which were later funneled into CCP membership, and he follows the developments at Soviet Russian gatherings attended by a number of Chinese representatives who claimed to speak for a nascent CCP. Concluding his narrative in 1922, one year after the party's official founding, Ishikawa clarifies a traditionally opaque period in Chinese history and sheds new light on the subsequent behavior and attitude of the party.