Thinking Like an Anthropologist
This exciting new text teases out the common core of the cultural anthropological way of thinking, makes it explicit in a set of eleven questions, and uses those questions to enhance learning. Each question receives treatment in a brief chapter, accompanied by several exercises and classroom demonstrations. The textbook is intended to be accompanied by - and applied to - a reader, a few ethnographies, or a monograph with topical focus such as language, globalization, technology, art, or gender. The eleven questions that organize the text can be applied singly and cumulatively to address the cultures presented in the ethnographies or case studies chosen by each instructor. A comprehensive guide written by John Omohundro assists instructors who adopt this novel approach and suggests numerous examples of ethnographies and readers that would be effective companions for the text. -
本书获得国内外学者的热烈推荐! 完整记录人类学家深入一个未经现代社会“污染”的原住民村;鬼、灵魂、巫术、捕猎、剃头礼、饮食等原始的异文化,让你大开眼界! 这本书标识了一个具有民族志天赋之人的出现。 ──罗伯特・田丹(美国纽约大学水牛城分校人类学系教授) 嘉运的研究成果将留给我们,并教导我们一个原生社群如何在一个更广的社会脉络下,思考食物的角色。 ──拿督胡德・萨雷(马来西亚国民大学环境及发展中心名誉教授) 本书内容属小品,文笔轻松,却能畅快地阐述文化相对、相处及相调侃的趣味。这份趣味代表人类学家具有的一份福气。作者受到善待,于是,生动的田野点滴,方得以细述有料。 ──谢世忠(国立台湾大学人类学系教授) 这本书不只是一个有关Semaq Beri人民族志的纪录,更重要的是这本书将提高读者对这群人及其处境的警觉。 ──科林・尼古拉斯(原住民关怀中心協调员) -
Addiction by Design
Recent decades have seen a dramatic shift away from social forms of gambling played around roulette wheels and card tables to solitary gambling at electronic terminals. Addiction by Design takes readers into the intriguing world of machine gambling, an increasingly popular and absorbing form of play that blurs the line between human and machine, compulsion and control, risk and reward. Drawing on fifteen years of field research in Las Vegas, anthropologist Natasha Dow Schll shows how the mechanical rhythm of electronic gambling pulls players into a trancelike state they call the "machine zone," in which daily worries, social demands, and even bodily awareness fade away. Once in the zone, gambling addicts play not to win but simply to keep playing, for as long as possible--even at the cost of physical and economic exhaustion. In continuous machine play, gamblers seek to lose themselves while the gambling industry seeks profit. Schll describes the strategic calculations behind game algorithms and machine ergonomics, casino architecture and "ambience management," player tracking and cash access systems--all designed to meet the market's desire for maximum "time on device." Her account moves from casino floors into gamblers' everyday lives, from gambling industry conventions and Gamblers Anonymous meetings to regulatory debates over whether addiction to gambling machines stems from the consumer, the product, or the interplay between the two. Addiction by Design is a compelling inquiry into the intensifying traffic between people and machines of chance, offering clues to some of the broader anxieties and predicaments of contemporary life. -
人类学是一个复杂的、范围广泛的、时时变迁的领域。尽管人类学家看待世界的方式多种多样,但是其中也包含着一些重要的主题。《人类学透镜(第2版)》作者将其近半个世纪的与人类学打交道的亲身经历、生活中的趣闻轶事及学科重点融合到一起,简洁生动地讲述了人类学的核心概念、独特的人类学研究方法、人类学的哲学底蕴,以及人类学在现实生活中的应用。 -
越来越多地走出国门的中国人需要人类学视野,越来越急迫地关怀世界议题的中国社会科学需要人类学视野。有鉴于此,我们把编译这套丛书既作为一项专业工作,也作为一项社会使命来操持。 这套丛书与商务印书馆的“汉译人类学名著丛书”是姊妹关系,都是想做基础性的学术工作。那套书主要翻译人类学大家的原创性代表作,尤其是经典的民族志;这套书定位于介绍社会文化人类学的基本知识,例如人类学的概论、多国的学术发展史、名家生平与学术的评介、人类学的分支学科或交叉学科。’我们相信人类学是人文社会科学的一门基础性学科,我们这个译丛要做的是着眼于中国社会科学的发展来介绍人类学的基础性知识。若希望人类学在中国发挥基础性学科的作用,目前中国的人类学同仁还要坚持从基本工作着手。 人类学是现代人文社会科学的基础学科。这虽然在学术比较发达的国家是一个常识并已经落实在教育与科研的体制上,但是在发展中国家还是一个需要证明的观念,更不要说相应的制度设计还只是停留在少数学者的呼吁中。指出发达国家的学科设置事实也许是不够的,我们还可能需要很专业的证明。不过,我们在此只能略做申论。