The Poverty of Historicism
在线阅读本书 Hailed on publication in 1957 as 'probably the only book published this year that will outlive the century', this is a devastating criticism of the idea that there are fixed laws in history and that human beings are able to predict them. -
The Open Society and its Enemies, Volume I
Written in political exile in New Zealand during the Second World War and first published in two volumes in 1945, Karl Popper's The Open Society and Its Enemies is one of the most famous books of the twentieth century. Hailed by Bertrand Russell as a 'vigorous and profound defence of democracy', its now legendary attack on the philosophies of Plato, Hegel and Marx prophesied the collapse of communism in Eastern Europe and exposed the fatal flaws of socially engineered political systems. Popper's highly accessible style, his erudite and lucid explanations of the political thought of great philosophers and the recent resurgence of totalitarian regimes around the world are just three the reasons for the book's enduring popularity and why it demands to be read today. -
《波普》内容简介:卡尔·波普被看作是20世纪最伟大的科学哲学家之一,还被看作是对马克思和封闭社会最系统和最有影响的批判者之一。他是理性主义的坦率的拥护者,是科学与社会中的主观主义和权威主义的一贯的批判者。他以科学与形而上学之间的可证伪性的划界标准而著名,但更重要的是他的可错论,他将理性等同于批判的态度,他对归纳的批判,他将科学描述为通过试验和试错而增长的永不终结的解决问题的活动。可能最重要的还是他对开放社会与思想自由的捍卫。波普是科学与社会理论中的决定论的批判者,是自由意志的拥护者。在他的晚年,他提倡进化论的认识论,身心的二元论以及我们的理论、问题与艺术作品通常属于客观的但非物质的“世界III”的观点。 -
The Logic of Scientific Discovery
When first published in 1959, this book revolutionized contemporary thinking about science and knowledge. It remains the one of the most widely read books about science to come out of the twentieth century. -
《开放宇宙》是波普尔为他的《科学发现的逻辑》一书撰写的《后记》的第二卷,但它是独立成篇的,逐发展为一部单独的、完整的著作,其篇幅远远超过了最初的《科学发现逻辑》。配收编著W·W·巴特利教授在前言中写道:“它包含了对于我所了解的决定论和非决定论问题的最持久、最重要的论述”。 书中充分表现出波普尔作为哲学家的睿智与博学。本书语言明晰晓畅,结构严谨,论述缜密,具有很强的说明力。 -