《解读量化投资:西蒙斯用公式打败市场的故事》内容简介:詹姆斯·西蒙斯,基金领域的拓扑学大腕,成功取代保尔森的对冲之王,20年内最佳赚钱基金经理,在投资界掀起了一场量化投资的狂潮。《解读量化投资:西蒙斯用公式打败市场的故事》用轻松、幽默的讲故事手法,解读了西蒙斯量化投资“黑箱”之内的秘密。通过深入浅出地回顾西蒙斯的投资布阵,比较西蒙斯与巴菲特投资模式的迥异,分析投资领域技术分析方法和宏观分析方法的优劣,《解读量化投资:西蒙斯用公式打败市场的故事》带我们走近了20年中平均每年总回报为80%的大奖章基金,看看它如何能将1万元变成1亿元。用数学公式打败市场,投资并非悬而未决的事情——这就是《解读量化投资:西蒙斯用公式打败市场的故事》揭示的投资之道。 -
How I Became a Quant
Praise for How I Became a Quant "Led by two top-notch quants, Richard R. Lindsey and Barry Schachter, How I Became a Quant details the quirky world of quantitative analysis through stories told by some of today's most successful quants. For anyone who might have thought otherwise, there are engaging personalities behind all that number crunching!" --Ira Kawaller, Kawaller & Co. and the Kawaller Fund "A fun and fascinating read. This book tells the story of how academics, physicists, mathematicians, and other scientists became professional investors managing billions." --David A. Krell, President and CEO, International Securities Exchange "How I Became a Quant should be must reading for all students with a quantitative aptitude. It provides fascinating examples of the dynamic career opportunities potentially open to anyone with the skills and passion for quantitative analysis." --Roy D. Henriksson, Chief Investment Officer, Advanced Portfolio Management "Quants"--those who design and implement mathematical models for the pricing of derivatives, assessment of risk, or prediction of market movements--are the backbone of today's investment industry. As the greater volatility of current financial markets has driven investors to seek shelter from increasing uncertainty, the quant revolution has given people the opportunity to avoid unwanted financial risk by literally trading it away, or more specifically, paying someone else to take on the unwanted risk. How I Became a Quant reveals the faces behind the quant revolution, offering you?the?chance to learn firsthand what it's like to be a?quant today. In this fascinating collection of Wall Street war stories, more than two dozen quants detail their roots, roles, and contributions, explaining what they do and how they do it, as well as outlining the sometimes unexpected paths they have followed from the halls of academia to the front lines of an investment revolution. -
My Life as a Quant
在线阅读本书 In My Life as a Quant, Emanuel Derman relives his exciting journey as one of the first high–energy particle physicists to migrate to Wall Street. Page by page, Derman details his adventures in this field—analyzing the incompatible personas of traders and quants, and discussing the dissimilar nature of knowledge in physics and finance. Throughout this tale, he also reflects on the appropriate way to apply the refined methods of physics to the hurly–burly world of markets. -
My Life as a Quant
Emanuel Derman was one of the first physicists to move to Wall Street, and his career paralleled the growth of quantitative trading over the past twenty years. In My Life as a Quant, he traces his transformation from ambitious young scientist to managing director and head of the renowned Quantitative Strategies group at Goldman, Sachs & Co. Derman’s tale recounts his adventures with quants, traders and other high fliers on Wall Street as he became the best-known quant in the business. He describes the struggles of research and his interactions with an assorted cast of famous scientists. He relates his impressions of some of the most creative minds on Wall Street, including Fischer Black, with whom he collaborated on the widely used Black-Derman-Toy model of interest rates. Throughout his story he reflects on the appropriate way to apply the refined methods of physics to the hurly-burly world of markets and the people that inhabit them. -
本书获选《商业周刊》十大好书。 2000年国际金融工程师协会年度金融工程师,2002年入选《风险》杂志名人堂。 自资本资产定价模型和布莱克-肖尔斯模型被发明之后,宽客成为华尔街的新宠,因为投资银行和基金公司必须采用日益复杂的数量交易策略和衍生产品。我几乎每天都与这些受过科学训练的宽客们打交道。本书作者伊曼纽尔·德曼是华尔街的顶级宽客,至今仍享盛名。他是首批转战华尔街的高能实验物理学家之一,在十几年中创建了对今天影响深远的众多金融交易模型。本书精彩纷呈,分析了物理学与金融学之间的关联和不同,讲述了许多物理学巨匠和金融学大师的故事;既可作为通俗金融读物,也可供希望了解宽客之道的理工科入学生,研究生和各界人士欣赏。——清华大学金融学特聘教授,巴克莱银行中国研究主管 黄海洲 这部自传精彩如同小说。关于德曼从数学物理学者转战金融领域、从高盛跳到所罗门兄弟公闭的传奇故事,告诉了我们如何开动脑筋让财富自己生长。——诺贝尔经济学奖得主 保罗·萨缪尔森 这是本精彩之极的门传,它记叙了这样一个特別的时代,在这个时代,科学家发现了华尔街,而华尔街也发现了科学家。——麻省理工学院斯隆商学院弗兰科·莫迪里亚尼讲席教授 史蒂夫·罗斯 从“至刚”的物理学家转向“至柔”的金融家的心路历程……我还没有见过其他哪本著述能如此完美地跨越这两种文化。——《随机致富的傻瓜》作者 纳西姆·塔勒布 华尔街早已不是古尔德、摩根那种老式的神秘商人的做派了。近年来,投资银行和对冲基金纷纷采用数量交易策略和衍生产品组合,招募名牌大学的理工科博士和教授,为复杂多变的产品建模并控制风险。今天,几乎所有公司的财富和市场的稳定性都建筑于数学模型上。“宽客”(Quant)——受过严格科学训练的数量金融师——正是这些模型的创建者,他们是华尔街舞台上未来的明星。 在形形色色的宽客中,没有人比伊曼纽尔·德曼更出名。他是首批“移民”华尔街的高能实验物理学家之一,历经十七年的商海生涯,逐渐成为高盛公司数量策略小组的领导人,并与布莱克等人合作创建了对今天影响深远的众多金融交易模型。 本书叙述了德曼从物理学家到金融宽客的人生跨越,他曾是爱因斯坦、薛定谔、李政道等物理学巨匠的门徒,进入金融领域后又与众多分析师、交易员和基金经理人共事。作者力图拨开重重迷雾,探索物理与金融的相似之道与诡异之处,借此让读者从局内人的角度一窥华尔街的另类群体——宽客们——的人生图卷。