Are You Smart Enough to Work at Google?
ARE YOU SMART ENOUGH TO WORK AT GOOGLE? guides readers through the surprising solutions to dozens of the most challenging interview questions. The book covers the importance of creative thinking, ways to get a leg up on the competition, what your Facebook page says about you, and much more. ARE YOU SMART ENOUGH TO WORK AT GOOGLE? is a must read for anyone who wants to succeed in today's job market. -
What Would Google Do?
A bold and vital book that asks and answers the most urgent question of today: What Would Google Do? In a book that's one part prophecy, one part thought experiment, one part manifesto, and one part survival manual, internet impresario and blogging pioneer Jeff Jarvis reverse-engineers Google—the fastest-growing company in history—to discover forty clear and straightforward rules to manage and live by. At the same time, he illuminates the new worldview of the internet generation: how it challenges and destroys, but also opens up vast new opportunities. His findings are counterintuitive, imaginative, practical, and above all visionary, giving readers a glimpse of how everyone and everything—from corporations to governments, nations to individuals—must evolve in the Google era. Along the way, he looks under the hood of a car designed by its drivers, ponders a worldwide university where the students design their curriculum, envisions an airline fueled by a social network, imagines the open-source restaurant, and examines a series of industries and institutions that will soon benefit from this book's central question. The result is an astonishing, mind-opening book that, in the end, is not about Google. It's about you. -
《效率提升10倍的google化知性生产技巧》内容简介:信息是google化时代最硬挺的通货! google化时代的新教伦理就是不聪明的人被聪明的人不断掠夺! 日本180万读者翘首以盼——如何将自己彻底google化的真知卓见。日本财经女王独家披露google化时代找出1%最有价值信息的私家心得! 1 掌握麦肯锡立业的不二法门——“框架力”。 2 利用”潜知力”积累经验值。 3 具备“抗失败能力”,从失败中找灵感。 4 将自己的心得与他人经验完美结合。 5 发挥不了自己价值的部分就干脆地舍弃。 6 不吝惜购书费用,多读好书,google化时代更需要从书籍中吸收珍贵养分。 阅读《效率提升10倍的google化知性生产技巧》,你将明白,在输入与产出信息的方式上的高下之分往往决定着你人生的境遇!独特的知性生产技巧令你百战不殆! 胜间和代的惊人发现:搭商务舱的人士,不是在看书,就是在用笔记本电脑,不断致力于知识吸收与生产;反观搭经济舱的人,多半都在打电子游戏、看电影、睡觉。你希望自己的人生属于经济舱,还是商务舱? -
失讀症男孩如何成為全世界最會整理資訊的男人? Google前資訊長首度公開私房整理術, 教你Google時代最厲害的新本事! 為什麼記了一大堆,關鍵時刻卻腦袋一片空白? 為什麼忙了一整天,待辦事項卻仍然一長串? 為什麼想了老半天,卻還是難以下決定? 為什麼大人的記性總是那麼差,而小孩就是很難專心? 面對資訊苦多、思緒苦亂,許多書都在教人怎麼增強記憶才不會忘,但這本書要你別再折磨你的腦了。了解人腦、人性的限制,善用科技、學做筆記,分清事情的輕重緩急,適時將腦中混亂的資訊與思緒「外包」給身邊的各種工具,並充分利用資訊過濾、搜尋、擷取、分享的技巧,才能在必要時掌握事情脈絡,快速找出答案。 別急著埋頭苦幹、別將資訊硬塞進腦中,適度保持大腦淨空,這個時代要學會有技巧的「忘」,才能隨時記起並優先處理當下最重要的事,遇事從容應對,不再臨危就亂。 -
A revealing, forward-looking examination of the outsize influence Google has had on the changing media Landscape. -