The Voice of Hope
Freedom from Fear
From the winner of the 1991 Nobel Peace Prize, Burma's "woman of destiny" This collection of writings reflects Aung San Suu Kyi's greatest hopes and fears for her people and her concern about the need for international co-operation. It gives poignant and humorous reminiscences as well as independent assessments of her role in politics. With forewords by Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Vaclav Havel. 注:该书有2个封面内容完全一致,货品随机发送 -
她是全世界受迫害人民追求自由的化身!為了幫助緬甸幾百萬人民,她選擇不考慮自己的感覺!我隨時都在想,這世界沉默而脆弱地等待地平線那頭悸動的第一線黎明之光喚醒,這教我無比感動。 ──翁山蘇姬,緬甸來信翁山蘇姬是全球爭取民主與和平、反對軍權統治的象徵,為了爭取緬甸民主,過去20年,她大部分時間都被軟禁。1991年獲頒諾貝爾和平獎。2010年美國《時代雜誌》將她名列在「史上十大政治犯」首位。2010年11月13日終於脫離軟禁被釋放。2011年榮獲英國皇家國際事務研究所年度最佳政治人物獎。2012年1月以來,正式為其黨員展開拉票競選活動,所到之處皆受到民眾的熱烈歡迎和支持……彼德‧波凡姆的《翁山蘇姬》採用了從未公諸於世的嶄新資料,敘述勇氣和毅力讓全球人民為之著迷女性的故事。這位繼聖雄甘地之後以非暴力政治反抗馳名的女性,在初涉政壇四年之後,即獲諾貝爾獎。翁山蘇姬在1988年4月由英國回緬甸照顧她生病的母親之時,她的人生就起了重大轉變。不到六個月,她就成了她國家史上民眾最大規模反抗公認的領袖,然而當她共同創立的政黨在選舉中大獲全勝時,她卻遭到軍政府監禁,不得就職。在先前二十年遭軟禁十五載的翁山蘇姬以個人最大的犧牲,來履行她對和平革命的承諾。2010年11月,在虛假選舉(她並沒有參加)之後,她再度獲得自由,受到民眾熱烈的擁戴──但唯有時間才能說明這位傑出的女性在她國家的未來中,會扮演什麼樣的角色。 -
Freedom from Fear
The Lady and the Peacock
The definitive biography of Aung San Suu Kyi, Burma's pro-democracy leader. Until she was released in November 2010, Aung San Suu Kyi had been under house arrest in Burma for fourteen of the previous twenty years. She was already confined to her home when the party she co-founded and led, the National League for Democracy, won a landslide victory in a general election in 1990. The result was never acknowledged by the military regime in power for many decades. Yet, headline, tragic events have happened in Burma in recent years: the brutally put down uprising of the monks and nuns in 2007, the devastation left by Cyclone Nargis in 2008, and then Aung San Suu Kyi's trial following the entry into her home of an American intruder who swam across a lake to reach her. Since then there have been sham elections held in November 2010, and 'Daw Suu' (as the Nobel Peace Prize Laureate is known) was released into an uneasy stand off with the junta. Praised all over the world for her martyrdom, a matchless emblem of Buddhist fortitude and good humour to her people, there is no public figure in the world today who can compare to her. Yet no book has yet been written that does justice to her extraordinary story: brought up mostly in India, settled in North Oxford with her English scholar husband and two sons, called back to Burma to look after her sick mother, then caught up in a revolutionary uprising for which she became leader, yet trapped inside the country -- never to see her husband again. The Lady and the Peacock is the first, accessible biography of Aung San Suu Kyi. It will become the definitive work on this extraordinary woman, of whom Archbishop Desmond Tutu has said: "Aung San Suu Kyi is a remarkable and courageous human being. Listen to her voice and be inspired..." From the Trade Paperback edition. -
Perfect Hostage
Like Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela, Aung San Suu Kyi is an iconic figure, and the best-known prisoner of conscience alive today. Awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1991, at great personal cost she has steadfastly opposed Burma’s brutal military regime since 1988, when she emerged as the leader of the Burmese democracy movement. As well as house arrest she has endured every kind of intimidation, including an attempt on her life in 2003. Yet if her exemplary fortitude has earned Aung San Suu Kyi world-wide admiration, inside Burma itself little has changed - as Justin Wintle’s comprehensive biography makes hideously plain.