The Musician's Guide to Theory and Analysis
Theoretically current and pedagogically innovative, the Musician's Guide series uses the phrase model approach to show students how music works in context. With a focus on real music literature that students know and play, it shows how music theory relates directly to practice and performance. The Musician's Guide to Theory and Analysis includes all topics essential to first- and second-year theory for music majors, from fundamentals to post-tonal theory and analysis. -
《Hi-Fi音响入门指南》是音响技术与音乐欣赏相关知识的百科,内容深入浅出,侧重实用而新颖全面。《Hi-Fi音响入门指南》分三大部分:(1)电声基础,包括声学和音响在内的基础知识;(2)音响百问,对393个有关音响技术包括AV影院的实际问题阐述解释;(3)音乐与欣赏,提供欣赏音乐和选购软件的相关知识。 《Hi-Fi音响入门指南》可供音乐、音响爱好者及有关专业人士阅读,在高质量声音重放方面作为参考和指南。 -
Beginning in 1994 and closing in the first months of 1998, the UK passed through a cultural moment as distinct and as celebrated as any since the war. Founded on rock music, celebrity, boom-time economics, and fleeting political optimism, this was "Cool Britannia." Records sold in the millions, a new celebrity elite emerged, and Tony Blair's Labour Party found itself returned to government. Drawing on interviews from all the major bands including Oasis, Blur, Elastica, and Suede, and from music journalists, record executives, and those close to government, Britpop! charts the rise and fall of the Britpop moment. In this wonderfully engaging, page-turning narrative, John Harris, currently the hottest young music journalist in the UK, argues that the high point of British music's cultural impact also signaled its effective demise. After all, if rock stars were now friends of government, how could they continue to matter? "Cool Britannia was an empty promise that was bound to end in tears. John Harris captures the moment when New Labour, desperately wanting to seem hip, invited Britpop into Downing Street. Irresistible." -Billy Bragg -
6-CD Set for Wright's Listening to Music, 5th and Listening to Western Music
More than any other music appreciation text, LISTENING TO MUSIC, 5th Edition, helps students to develop and refine their listening skills. Wright covers traditional Western music from medieval to modern and integrates non-Western music throughout the text where appropriate, drawing comparisons between Western and non-Western musical cultures. Concluding chapters discuss popular music and its impact on musical globalization. Musical examples from each historical period are discussed within their social context, giving students a broad sense not only of the construction of a piece, but also of its historical and cultural meaning. This chronological text offers instructors and students particular help in developing listening skills in three ways: First, a free "Introduction to Listening" CD comes packaged with each student copy of the text. This CD plays all of the music discussed in the music fundamentals chapters in Part I of the text, providing numerous demonstrations and quizzes, as well as an audio guide called "Instruments of the Orchestra." Second, Wright's text is the only one to provide Listening Exercises built into the book; a total of 47 Exercises delve deeply into the core repertory. Third, computer-enhanced Active Listening Guides and listening quizzes for all of the music in the text are available at no extra cost from the Thomson Schirmer website to further challenge and test your students. Get the whole lessons on http://oyc.yale.edu/music/listening-to-music/. -
电颤世纪,ISBN:9787800287978,作者:吴宁 等著