《YES!产品经理(套装上下册)》是一本融合了经管、工具和职场小说特点的图书,作者是国内产品经理咨询界最有实力的团队。 《YES!产品经理(套装上下册)》以职场小说的形式全面介绍产品管理、产品经理相关的知识,所有的问答均放置在设计好的101个情节中,同时每一个情节之间也都有相应的联系,读者能够从具体的情节走向中不但了解到产品管理的完整知识,而且能够深刻感受到一个产品经理的现实工作状态,从知识点上来说,涉及基础理论、工具方法和企业实施,从目标读者来说,涉及个人和企业。读者从具体的情节走向中不但能够了解到产品管理的完整知识,而且能够深刻感受到一个产品经理的现实工作状态。 《YES!产品经理(套装上下册)》面向的读者:产品经理,或即将成为产品经理,想了解产品经理的读者。 -
*为所有设计师提供的一站式参考书与资源宝典 *详解常用设计概念,配以图示实例 *跨学科跨领域的设计思想、解决方案与创新思维 *涵盖平面设计、建筑设计与用户界面设计各领域核心理论 不论是举办营销活动、设计海报、筹划博物馆展览、设计计算机游戏,还是更复杂的控制系统的设计,我们看到的 最终设计作品实际上是诸多设计领域里的概念与实践的融合。直到今天,仍然没有人能做到对这些领域全部精通,因此设计师要设计一个作品,就要在各领域不断搜寻和借鉴。 而本书是第一部跨越各专业领域的设计著作,图片丰富,使用方便。用清晰易懂的语言解说设计概念,且配有将概念用于实践的图示实例。从“80/20法则”、“意元集组”、“娃娃脸偏见”、“奥卡姆剃刀”、“自相似性”到“讲故事”等通用法则。读者可从这125条法则中,快速地吸收宝贵经验,避免致命错误,开启更多、更好的沟通与创意。 这本重要的设计法则书,是设计师、工程师、建筑师,以及正在学习设计专业的学生的必备工具和实用宝典。任何一个读者都可以通过这本书看懂设计的门道,培养出判断“好设计、好物件、好视觉如何好”的眼光与能力。 自2003年初版以来,受到全世界三十多个国家近百万读者的信赖。这是十年来首次更新的版本,对第一版的内容的进行了大量的充实与修改,新增了25条法则。 本书官网:www.universalprinciplesofdesign.com -
用户在哪里,有什么需求?他们为什么会选用竞争对手的产品而不是你的?从大数据中固然能得出一些结论,但是要搞清楚作为地球上顶级复杂生物的人的真实想法,还是走近他们,面对面访谈更直接有效。 用户访谈是一项技能,与一般的交谈有本质上的区别,需要遵从一定的步骤和方法。优秀的采访者用最自然的方式和用户进行交流,看似不经意,而实际上该说什么、何时说、如何说以及什么时候应该沉默,都有精准的权衡,都试图在闲聊中洞察人心。作者Steve根据自己多年的一线访谈经验,总结、整理出一套用户访谈方法,能指导你完成一次成功的用户访谈。同时,《洞察人心:用户访谈成功的秘密》给出了不少访谈案例,亦可作为参照。 无论你是直接面对用户的研究人员、营销人员,还是开发人员、产品经理、公司决策者,抑或是创业者,读一读《洞察人心:用户访谈成功的秘密》都会有收获。 -
Actionable Gamification
The new era of Gamification and Human-Focused Design optimizes for motivation and engagement over traditional Function-Focused Design. Within the industry, studies on game mechanics and behavioral psychology have become proliferate. However, few people understand how to merge the two fields into experience designs that reliably increases business metrics and generates a return on investment. Gamification Pioneer Yu-kai Chou takes reader on a journey to learn his twelve years of obsessive research in creating the Octalysis Framework, and how to apply the framework to create engaging and successful experiences in their product, workplace, marketing, and personal lives. "Yu-kai is at the cutting edge of the field of behavior design." -Nir Eyal, Best Selling Author of Hooked: How to Design Habit-Forming Products "Yu-kai's Octalysis framework brilliantly explains the intricate relationships between human behaviors and their inner drives. Accompanied by numerous application examples, Octalysis is the turnkey for gamification in any product and service design." -Dr. Jianming Dong, Chief User Experience Architect, Huawei Yu-Kai is the real deal. His experience, expertise and passion make this a must read for those looking to grasp the possibilities available through applied gamification. --Jeff Gates, former counsel to U.S. Senate Committee on Finance and author of The Ownership Solution, Democracy at Risk, Guilt By Association. Yu-kai's Insights were instrumental in helping Lucky Diem supercharge our client La Quinta's bookings per user by 206% and incremental revenue per user by $157 (132% Lift) against the control group. Being able to achieve a viral coefficient of 530%, I would recommend any business to work with Yu-kai and learn his Octalysis Framework. --Andrew Landis, Founder & CEO of Lucky Diem Yu-kai's reputation precedes him in the field of gamification. His Octalysis framework is both elegantly simple and intricately complex. His book is not only extrinsically rewarding to read, but intrinsically motivating to apply; it s wickedly effective, and yet divinely true. Octalysis brilliantly unified all these seemingly conflicting aspects of gamification into a single cohesive framework with a hidden twist in the middle of it it s sensational. --Michael Wu, Chief Scientist of Lithium -
Visual Thinking
Increasingly, designers need to present information in ways that aid their audiences thinking process. Fortunately, results from the relatively new science of human visual perception provide valuable guidance. In Visual Thinking for Design, Colin Ware takes what we now know about perception, cognition, and attention and transforms it into concrete advice that designers can directly apply. He demonstrates how designs can be considered as tools for cognition - extensions of the viewers brain in much the same way that a hammer is an extension of the users hand. Experienced professional designers and students alike will learn how to maximize the power of the information tools they design for the people who use them. Presents visual thinking as a complex process that can be supported in every stage using specific design techniques. Provides practical, task-oriented information for designers and software developers charged with design responsibilities. Includes hundreds of examples, many in the form of integrated text and full-color diagrams. Steeped in the principles of active vision, which views graphic designs as cognitive tools. -
1. 苹果公司前首席设计师罗伯特•布伦纳,“乔纳森•艾维”的伯乐,首度以“苹果人”内部视角揭示苹果设计之道。 2. 乔布斯设计团队中最有影响力的设计大师,精彩讲述伟大的设计如何成就伟大的企业。 3. 甄选全球企业经典案例,深度探寻苹果、宜家、星巴克、摩托罗拉等知名品牌的成败根源,堪称成为设计主导型企业的必读著作。 4. 伟大的产品源于至关重要的设计,这是一系列通向完美体验的门户。 5. 本书采用双色印刷,