On Certainty
Philosophical Investigations
Product Description Incorporating significant editorial changes from earlier editions, the fourth edition of Ludwig Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations is the definitive en face German-English version of the most important work of 20th-century philosophy •The extensively revised English translation incorporates many hundreds of changes to Anscombes original translation •Footnoted remarks in the earlier editions have now been relocated in the text •What was previously referred to as Part 2 is now republished as Philosophy of Psychology A Fragment, and all the remarks in it are numbered for ease of reference •New detailed editorial endnotes explain decisions of translators and identify references and allusions in Wittgenstein's original text •Now features new essays on the history of the Philosophical Investigations, and the problems of translating Wittgensteins text -
Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951) was an extraordinarily original thinker, whose influence on twentieth-century thinking far outside the bounds of philosophy alone. In this engaging Introduction, A.C. Grayling makes Wittgenstein's thought accessible to the general reader by explaining the natureand impact of Wittgenstein's views. He describes both his early and later philosophy, the differences and connections between them, and gives a fresh assessment of Wittgenstein's continuing influence on contemporary thought. -
Young Ludwig
Ludwig Wittgenstein is universally recognized as one of the most original and influential philosophers of his age and as a personality of great magnetism and power. Not all who recognize his importance admire him or approve of it; his life and work are both surrounded by controversy. In this welcome reissue of his classic biographical study, complete with a brand-new Preface, Brian McGuinness traces the early years of this fascinating figure and examines the formative influences which shaped his extraordinary life. -
《哲学研究》是二十世纪最重要的哲学著作之一。自1953年正式出版以来,对二十世纪后半叶以来的世界哲学面貌产生了深远的影响。本书是维特根斯坦后期的代表作。其中主要批评了其前期有关语言、心灵和世界的思想,提出了相关的新的理解,认为语言、心灵、世界三者之间的一致关系发生在语言之内,而非语言之外;并对哲学的本性做出了全新的诠释,断言哲学研究就是语法研究。本书的中文翻译工作可以回溯到1989年,译者韩林合决定以维特根斯坦作为博士阶段的研究方向,《哲学研究》的翻译工作从那时就已经断断续续地开始。有鉴于维特根斯坦在哲学领域的巨大影响力,本书是哲学研究者的必备经典书目。 -