Being and Time
Amazon.com Review Martin Heidegger paved the road trod on by the existentialists with the 1927 publication of Being and Time. His encyclopedic knowledge of philosophy from ancient to modern times led him to rethink the most basic concepts underlying our thinking about ourselves. Emphasizing the "sense of being" (dasein) over other interpretations of conscious existence, he argued that specific and concrete ideas form the bases of our perceptions, and that thinking about abstractions leads to confusion at best. Thus, for example, "time" is only meaningful as it is experienced: the time it takes to drive to work, eat lunch, or read a book is real to us; the concept of "time" is not. Unfortunately, his writing is difficult to follow, even for the dedicated student. Heidegger is best read in German: his neologisms and other wordplay strain the talents of even the best translators. Still, his thoughts about authentic being and his turning the philosophical ground inspired many of the greatest thinkers of the mid 20th century, from Sartre to Derrida. Unfortunately, political and other considerations forced Heidegger to leave Being and Time unfinished; we can only wonder what might have been otherwise. --Rob Lightner From Library Journal One of the landmarks of 20th-century philosophy, Heidegger's 1927 treatise is thought to have been the inspiration for such subjects as psychoanalysis, existentialism, ethics, hermeneutics, and more. This new translation by one of Heidegger's students offers the text in a more precise and understandable English than earlier editions. Copyright 1996 Reed Business Information, Inc. -
The Question Concerning Technology, and Other Essays
"To read Heidegger is to set out on an adventure. The essays in this volume--intriguing, challenging, and often baffling to the reader--call him always to abandon all superficial scanning and to enter wholeheartedly into the serious pursuit of thinking.... "Heidegger is not a 'primitive' or a 'romanitic.' He is not one who seeks escape from the burdens and responsibilities of contemporary life into serenity, either through the re-creating of some idyllic past or through the exalting of some simple experience. Finally, Heidegger is not a foe of technology and science. He neither disdains nor rejects them as though they were only destructive of human life. "The roots of Heidegger's hinking lie deep in the Western philosophical tradition. Yet that thinking is unique in many of its aspects, in its language, and in its leterary expression. In the development of this thought Heidegger has been taught chiefly by the Greeks, by German idealism, by phenomenology, and by the scholastic theological tradition. In him these and other elements have been fused by his genius of sensitivity and intellect into a very individual philosophical expression."--William Lovitt, from the Introduction -
《海德格尔诗学》一书是西方出版业冠名“鼎盛期的跨美学(交流)”庞大书系中的一部,这个书包括40多部美学著作,作者包括了弗洛伊德、利奥塔和德里达等思想家和学者。《海德格尔诗学》法语版一经出版,英语世界立时组织翻译,迅速出版学术著作闻名于世的斯坦福大学出版社出版。这一事实本身说明,这是一部极有学术价值,而为市场欢迎的著作。作者马克·弗罗芒一默里斯在本书中从美学的角度全面讨论了海德格尔诗学的主要内容与独特贡献;生动再现了“诗学”的活的内容,极具可读性;并且把海德格尔的意义延伸至后现代主义,具有非常独特的视角,为海德格尔学说的爱好者提供了一个独特的切入视角。 -
《存在论:实际性的解释学(夏季学期讲座)》主要讲述了:20世纪末,随着海德格尔早期著作的陆续编辑出版,引起了西方学术界对海德格尔早期思想研究的热情和兴趣,不少有分量的成果相继发表出来,推动了国际海学整体水平的提高。在海德格尔早期思想中,《存在论——实际性的解释学》具有重要的地位。它是海德格尔1923年夏季学期讲座,属于其弗莱堡早期的思想,后收入作者德文版《海德格尔全集》第63卷,1988年出版,1999年出了英文单行本。海德格尔讲授这门课时,时年34岁。 本讲座有两个突出的现象学的解构的例子:一个是从一开始,海德格尔就对“本体论”(存在论)这个概念做了某种“拆解”的工作:既没有完全抛弃它,又通过回到存在的源始经验将它同西方传统形而上学意义上的本体论区分开来了,这里面包括对存在本身意义的恢复,尽管这个阶段是以作为在者的此在的存在意义为中心。另一个是在讲实际性的“此在”这个概念时,海德格尔用了两节(第4节和第5节)对在西方古希腊和基督教传统观念融合的基础上所形成的有关人的“僵硬”观念进行了解构,因为不拆解这种观念,我们便无法真正“看”到“此在”本身的意义。 -
本书是美国哲学家瓦莱加一诺伊介绍海德格尔《哲学献文(从本有而来)》的一本导读性著作。作为德国著名海德格尔专家赫尔曼的弟子,作者在书中秉承了赫尔曼忠于海德格尔思想的研究风格,“忠实地”撰写了这部《海德格尔<哲学献文>导论》。《哲学献文》以艰深和晦涩著称,有鉴于此,对于一部导论而言,“忠实的”介绍也许恰恰是它的优点。不过,它并不是一本一目了然的著作。希望接近《献文》的革命性思想的读者,需要熟悉和理解与这种思想相对应的,专属于它的,与传统哲学迥然有别的术语和行文风格。艰深的思想闪烁在晦涩的表达和玄机重重的暗示之中,需要耐心的推敲。虽然本书对《献文》做了“全面的”介绍,但是无论在问题的深度上还是广度上,一本导读都无法取代对《献文》本身的阅读,正如作者所说,它只是一根帮助大家进入《献文》的拐杖。 -