Between Silence and Light
In the development of contemporary architecture, no one has had a greater influence than Louis I. Kahn, whose many buildings include the Salk Institute, the Yale Study Center, and the Exeter Library. He is remembered, however, not only as a master builder, but also as one of the most important and creative thinkers of the twentieth century. For Kahn, the study of architecture was the study of human beings, their highest aspirations and most profound truths. He searched for forms and materials to express the subtlety and grandeur of life. In his buildings we see the realization of his vision: luminous surfaces that evoke a fundamental awe, silent courtyards that speak of the expansiveness and the sanctity of the spirit, monumental columns and graceful arches that embody dignity and strength. Updated with a new preface, this classic work is a major statement on human creativity, showing us Louis Kahn as architect, visionary, and poet. -
Louis Kahn
This unique anthology draws from Louis Kahn's speeches, essays, and interviews, some never previously published, to capture the evolution and central tenets of the influential American architect's thinking from his early work of the 1940s to his death in 1974. Professor Twombly's introduction and headnotes offer incisive commentary on the texts. -
【内容简介】本书通过专门绘制的图纸和未发表过的照片,对路易斯?I?康的建筑进行了全面而富有创造性的研究,揭示了康的建筑中的基本特点,并且对他的主要作品进行了描述。 克劳斯-彼得?加斯特对路易斯?康的建筑的几何分析,可以使我们更深入地了解他的创作过程。几何上的抽象形式和比例超越了时空的限制,而且几何学可以描述各种尺度的空间关系……它可以使我们摆脱表面上的“风格”的应用而深入到空间创造的本源。 路易斯?康从他早期所受的巴黎美术学院的教育和他的极其简洁的国际式廉价住宅中破茧而出,摆脱了两种极端的、彼此对立的风格,最终实现了深刻的真理,在本质上把三维几何综合成一个整体。 克劳斯-彼得?加斯特这本具有纪念意义的书使康的作品中的几何学基础超越了简单的观察而进入一个严格分析的领域……应该让所有康的学生都来读读这本书。 【目录】前言。绪论。阿哈瓦斯以色列集会中心。奥瑟住宅。威斯住宅。耶鲁大学美术馆。艾尔弗雷德·牛顿·理查德医学研究所/戴维·戈达德实验室。玛格丽特·艾修里克住宅。第一惟一神教堂。萨尔克生物研究所。费舍住宅。菲利普·埃克塞特大学图书馆。金贝尔艺术博物馆。孟加拉国首都。印度管理学院。印度管理学院。康的设计原则。“铁序是”。几何法则。参考文献。 -
Louis I Kahn
Born in Estonia in 1901, Louis Isidore Kahn was to become one of the United States' most important architects of the post-war period, alongside the Modern masters Mies van der Rohe, Walter Gropius and Le Corbusier. Although renowned for a number of seminal modern works, he came to question many of the precepts of the Modern Movement. In particular, he questioned the ability of the International Style of Modernism to house the social spaces required by the latter half of the 20th century. In 1947, Kahn was appointed Professor at Yale University. He was to continue teaching throughout his architectural career, influencing a younger generation of architects along the way. His teaching enabled him to further develop his own concepts and to inform his ever-evolving definition of design. Kahn was drawn to investigate monumentality in architecture, creating buildings out of heavy, solid materials and forms and incorporating vivid plays of light, in complete contrast to the lightweight glass and steel structures being created elsewhere by his peers. This monumentality was also imbued with his concern for the ritual of human experience. His career, although extending to just over 20 years, was a rich and varied one, where he continually readdressed the issues of light, mass, structure and materials. Following a predominantly chronological order, this monograph identifies major themes and examines key works according to these themes. A comprehensive list of projects by Kahn spanning his lifetime and drawn from the Louis I. Kahn Collection at the University of Pennsylvania Archives is also included, listing over 231 projects, at least 30 of which were previously unattributed. -
奥利弗·卡恩不为挫折所动摇,坚定地朝着既定的目标,以坚韧不拔顽强意志力,毫不动摇的决心和毅力奋力地向上拼搏,最终赢得了成功。作为一个运动员,奥利弗·卡恩实现了所有的目标,成为德国一号,世界顶尖运动员。但是作为一个常人呢? 在书中,奥利弗·卡恩第一次详尽地讲述了,什么叫做走进胜利的天堂和跌进失败的深渊。他在关于思想和情感的直白中,向读者坦露出了一个爱思考的、自信的、同时又争强好胜的自我。 奥利弗·卡恩的讲述,没有局限在狭小的足球场上,而是将球场与他及他的生活联系在一起。在书中,他反复地论述了,渴望成为德国一号,当上了德国一号以及保持住德国一号的意义所在,还谈到了令他难以忘怀的经验和从事体育事业的过程中获得的真知灼见。 一个不寻常的人写的一本不寻常的书——激情四溢的文字,鞭辟入里的分析!