Windows NT File System Internals
Windows NT File System Internals presents the details of the NT I/O Manager, the Cache Manager, and the Memory Manager from the perspective of a software developer writing a file system driver or implementing a kernel-mode filter driver. The book provides numerous code examples included on diskette, as well as the source for a complete, usable filter driver. This book appeals to a wide audience: system programmers implementing kernel-mode code such as file systems, device drivers, network redirectors, or filter drivers; system administrators who simply want to learn more about the systems they manage; software engineers interested in NT internals; and computer science students examining the intricacies of file system technology. Topics covered in the book include: An introduction to NT system components The NT I/O Manager The NT Virtual Memory Manager The NT Cache Manager Structured driver development under Windows NT Writing a file system driverWriting a filter driver -
从貌似天书的汇编代码中,一探Windows底层的核心实现。. 在开发中出现的问题,能从Windows自身找到答案!... 本书从基本的Windows程序与汇编指令出发,深入浅出地讲解了Windows内核的编程、调试、阅读,以及自行探索的方法。读者在使用C/C++ 开发Windows程序的基础上,将熟练掌握汇编和C语言的应用,深入了解Windows底层,并掌握阅读Windows内核的基本方法,以及 Windows内核的基本编程方法。 本书适合使用C/C++在Windows上编程的读者,尤其适合希望加深自己技术功底的Windows应用程序员、计算机专业的有志于软件开发的大中院校学生;专业的Windows内核程序员,亦可从本书得到超越一般内核程序开发的启发。 -
Windows via C/C++
Get the preeminent guide to programming application for Windows with C++. Programming Applications for Microsoft Windows is a classic book (formerly titled Advanced Windows, Third Edition) and is now fully updated for Windows Vista, including the latest information about Windows XP. In-depth and comprehensive, this essential reference covers the Windows operating system and how to program at the API level. Recognized experts provide an inside view of how Windows works and how to use its features in Visual C++ development tasks. Topics covered include processes, thread pooling, virtual memory, DLLs, file I/O, and message crackers. For systems-level programmers, this is a must-have title. Includes code samples in Visual C++. Features coverage of classic topics such as thread pooling, heaps, and advanced DLL techniques Provides expert guidance fully updated for Windows Vista Provides extensive sample code in Visual C++ 2005 点击链接进入中文版: Windows核心编程(第5版) -
为什么Windows的工作方式是这样的?. 为什么“关闭计算机(Shut Down)”选项要放在开始菜单中? 为什么会设计一个“开始(Start)”按钮? 我怎么才能进入到对话框的消息循环中? 为什么GetWindoeText函数会有着奇怪的行为? 为什么注册表文件会被叫作“蜂房”? 如果我们追溯Windows的历史,就会发现在Windows中许多奇怪的事情都有着合乎逻辑的解释。在理解了这些事情之后,你不仅能够获得开发能力的大大提高,同时也能够避免遭受更多的挫折。Remond Chen在Micorsoft的Windows开发团队中工作了十余年,他将为你揭开那些有必要知道的“Windows内幕”。 Chen风趣的写作风格、深入的洞察力以及引人深思的幽默,使他成为了世界上最优秀的技术博客作者之一(博客地址:http: //blogs.msdn.com/oldnewthing/)。在本书中,他不仅给我们带来了许多幕后的故事,宝贵的技术建议,还带来了许多启发性的轶事;这些都将帮助你最大程度地理解Windows。.. 在本书中,你将了解以下的内容: ·我们如何设计像自动售货机那样有效的用户界面。 ·深入理解窗口和对话框的管理机制。 ·为什么性能优化与我们在直觉上的理解很不一样。 ·COM对象和Visual C++编译器的薄弱之处。 ·向后兼容的关键技术细节——Windows的做法以及这样做的原因。 ·大多数开发人员所不知道的Windows程序安全漏洞。 ·如何使你的程序更好地在Windows系统中运行,做一个Windows系统的“良好市民”。 -
《Win32多线程程序设计》全书共分三篇。第一篇包括线程的启动和结束、核心对象、激发和未激发状态的意义、同步机制及其用途;第二篇介绍C runtime函数库和MFC对线程的支持、如何在USER和GDI的限制之下施行对线程等内容;第三篇谈论如何组织一个程序,使它有效支持多线程。