3D Game Engine Design, Second Edition
A major revision of the international bestseller on game programming! Graphics hardware has evolved enormously in the last decade. Hardware can now be directly controlled through techniques such as shader programming, which requires an entirely new thought process of a programmer. 3D Game Engine Design, Second Edition shows step-by-step how to make a shader-based graphics engine and how to tame the new technology. Much new material has been added, including more than twice the coverage of the essential techniques of scene graph management, as well as new methods for managing memory usage in the new generation of game consoles and portable game players. There are expanded discussions of collision detection, collision avoidance, and physics - all challenging subjects for developers. -
本书主要研究隐藏在3D几何世界背后的数学问题。3D数学是一门与计算几何相关的学科,计算几何则是研究怎样用数值方法解决几何问题的学科。3D数学和计算几何广泛应用在那些使用计算机来模拟3D世界的领域,如图形学、游戏、仿真、机器人技术、虚拟现实和动画等。 本书涵盖了理论知识和C++实现代码。理论部分解释3D中数学和几何之间的关系,列出的技巧与公式可以当做参考手册以方便查找。实现部分演示了怎样用代码来实现这些理论概念。编程示例语言使用的是C++,实际上,本书的理论知识能通过任何编程语言实现。 -
《WINDOWS游戏编程大师技巧》(第2版)介绍了在Windows环境下进行游戏编程所需用到的各方面知识,作者是著名的游戏开发大师Andrè LaMothe,他的每一本作品基本上都被视为游戏编程书籍的镇山之作。本书第一版的中文版自面市以来获得了广泛好评,持续热销,多次重印。此次修订在多方面更新了第一版中的内容,并且清除了拼写和技术错误,使用DirectX的最新版本来配合编译本书所带的程序代码,加入了大量新内容,例如关于16 位RGB 高彩模式的更多细节及众多新增的解释,还有一个新章节专门讨论文本解析(text parsing)。总之,这是《Windows游戏编程大师技巧》的一个更加清楚、更加完全的版本。 -
Game Engine Architecture
This book covers both the theory and practice of game engine software development, bringing together complete coverage of a wide range of topics. The concepts and techniques described are the actual ones used by real game studios like Electronic Arts and Naughty Dog. The examples are often grounded in specific technologies, but the discussion extends way beyond any particular engine or API. The references and citations make it a great jumping off point for those who wish to dig deeper into any particular aspect of the game development process. Intended as the text for a college level series in game programming, this book can also be used by amateur software engineers, hobbyists, self-taught game programmers, and existing members of the game industry. Junior game engineers can use it to solidify their understanding of game technology and engine architecture. Even senior engineers who specialize in one particular field of game development can benefit from the bigger picture presented in these pages. -
《游戏编程精粹5》是著名技术丛书“游戏编程精粹”系列书的第5卷,由全球60多位优秀游戏开发精英撰写的文章汇集而成。书中每篇文章都针对游戏编辑中的某一特定问题给出解决方案,并提供实用算法和源代码。全书由7章组成,包括通用编程、数学、人工智能、物理、图形图像、音频以及网络和多人游戏,覆盖了当前游戏开发中的所有关键技术领域。《游戏编程精粹5》附光盘一张,提供书中所有的源程序和演示程序。 -
《3D 游戏编程大师技巧》是游戏编程畅销书作者André LaMothe的扛鼎之作,从游戏编程和软件引擎的角度深入探讨了3D图形学的各个重要主题。全书共分5部分,包括16章的内容。第1~3章简要地介绍了Windows和DirectX编程,创建了一个Windows应用程序模板,让读者能够将精力放在游戏逻辑和图形实现中,而不用考虑Windows和DirectX方面的琐事;第4~5章简要地介绍了一些数学知识并实现了一个数学库,供以后编写演示程序时使用;第6章概述了3D图形学,让读者对《3D 游戏编程大师技巧(附光盘)》将介绍的内容有大致的了解;第7~11章分别介绍了光照、明暗处理、仿射纹理映射、3D裁剪和深度缓存等内容;第12~14章讨论了高级3D渲染技术,包括透视修正纹理映射、Alpha混合、1/z缓存、纹理滤波、空间划分和可见性算法、阴影、光照映射等;第15~16章讨论了动画、运动碰撞检测和优化技术。 《3D 游戏编程大师技巧》适合于有一定编程经验并想从事游戏编程工作或对3D图形学感兴趣的人员阅读。