Conceptual Mathematics
In the last 60 years, the use of the notion of category has led to a remarkable unification and simplification of mathematics. Conceptual Mathematics, Second Edition, introduces the concept of ’category’ for the learning, development, and use of mathematics, to both beginning students and general readers, and to practicing mathematical scientists. The treatment does not presuppose knowledge of specific fields, but rather develops, from basic definitions, such elementary categories as discrete dynamical systems and directed graphs; the fundamental ideas are then illuminated by examples in these categories. -
《范畴论》作者在书中使用的是现代范畴论通用的概念和术语,但是在对一些基本概念和理论的处理过程中,作者尝试使用比较简洁直接的方法,避免烦琐的论述。《范畴论》的前3章是范畴论的基础内容,适合高年级本科生和研究生的教学以及科研人员对范畴论基础知识的需要,第4章可供从事代数拓扑学尤其是同调代数研究的研究生和科研人员学习和参考,第5章既可以为从事代数几何的科研人员参考,同时也可为希望进一步学习Topos理论的读者提供层论方面的预备知识。 -
《态射与范畴:比较与转换》这本书主要阐述了有关生物和智力之形式的一般理论, 并指出这种理论是建立在态射和范畴这两种互相协调的数学工具的基础之上的。态射是建立在两个集合之间关系系统之上的一种结构, 这两个集合就像数学的群集一样, 都有一个或是几个共同的补偿规则。范畴是拓扑代数的一部分。它们由两个类组成: 一类是对象, 另一类是态射。皮亚杰通过态射和范畴解决了长期以来一直困扰着他的一个问题:视为生物适应之两个阶段的生命和智力之间的延续性问题和日常知识和科学知识之间的延续性问题。 -
Category Theory
This text and reference book on Category Theory, a branch of abstract algebra, is aimed not only at students of Mathematics, but also researchers and students of Computer Science, Logic, Linguistics, Cognitive Science, Philosophy, and any of the other fields that now make use of it. Containing clear definitions of the essential concepts, illuminated with numerous accessible examples, and providing full proofs of all important propositions and theorems, this book aims to make the basic ideas, theorems, and methods of Category Theory understandable to this broad readership. Although it assumes few mathematical pre-requisites, the standard of mathematical rigour is not compromised. The material covered includes the standard core of categories; functors; natural transformations; equivalence; limits and colimits; functor categories; representables; Yoneda's lemma; adjoints; monads. An extra topic of cartesian closed categories and the lambda-calculus is also provided; a must for computer scientists, logicians and linguists! -
Love and Math
In "Love and Math," Berkeley professor Edward Frenkel shows that mathematics, far from occupying a specialist niche, goes to the heart of all matter and unites us across cultures, continents, and centuries. In this heartfelt and passionate book, Frenkel reveals a side of mathematics we've never seen, suffused with all the beauty and wonder of a work of art, appealing not only to the cerebral, but to the human and the spiritual. "Love and Math" tells two intertwined stories: of amazing mathematics and of the journey of one young man learning and living it. Growing up in Russia, Frenkel was denied entrance to university to study mathematics because of discriminatory policies. Yet with the help of his mentors he circumvented the system to become one of the twenty-first century's leading mathematicians. He now works on one of the biggest ideas to come out of mathematics in the last 50 years: the Langlands Program, considered by many to be a Grand Unified Theory of Mathematics. While most people are not blocked from studying mathematics, many see it as being impenetrable, or worse, irrelevant to their lives. At its core, "Love and Math" is a story about gaining entry to the previously inaccessible, which can enrich our lives and empower us to understand better the world and our place in it. It is an invitation to discover the wonders of the hidden universe of mathematics.