Man's Search for Meaning
Psychiatrist Viktor Frankl's memoir has riveted generations of readers with its descriptions of life in Nazi death camps and its lessons for spiritual survival. Between 1942 and 1945 Frankl labored in four different camps, including Auschwitz, while his parents, brother, and pregnant wife perished. Based on his own experience and the experiences of others he treated later in his practice, Frankl argues that we cannot avoid suffering but we can choose how to cope with it, find meaning in it, and move forward with renewed purpose. Frankl's theory-known as logotherapy, from the Greek word logos ("meaning")-holds that our primary drive in life is not pleasure, as Freud maintained, but the discovery and pursuit of what we personally find meaningful. At the time of Frankl's death in 1997, Man's Search for Meaning had sold more than 10 million copies in twenty-four languages. A 1991 reader survey for the Library of Congress that asked readers to name a "book that made a difference in your life" found Man's Search for Meaning among the ten most influential books in America. Beacon Press, the original English-language publisher of Man's Search for Meaning, is issuing this new paperback edition with a new Foreword, biographical Afterword, jacket, price, and classroom materials to reach new generations of readers. -
《我最想要的处世说明书:外企高管给毕业生的38个忠告》内容简介:处世的困惑在初入社会时出现,又不止于职场初期。生存的秘密,工作的秘密,爱的秘密,心态的秘密,成功的秘密,这些是走上社会必须面对的所有事实。有一偏废,则满盘皆输。工作不是成就自己,而是取悦老板,知道老板要什么,然后按需供给。拥有双倍薪水也未必活得更好。财富,是自由的前提。从拾荒者到建立自己的公司只需4步。只要决定去做,绊脚石也可以成为起飞的跳板。每天早上醒来,你荷包里的最大资产是24个小时。“YES”先生永无出头之日每个人的一生中都有许多的“第一次”,你不必装作什么都懂。婚姻是一辈子最输不起的交易。年岁只能使皮肤起皱纹,而抛弃热情则使心灵起皱纹。自信是一道算术题,找对方法,就能求出结果。 -
30歲前與自己面對面, 30歲後就能為自己做對的決定! 站在30歲前後路途上的你,請先做以下測驗檢測自己: □ 你是否愛耍酷,避免和他人建立親密關係? 1. 外表裝作毫不在乎,但內心卻期待受到他人喜愛。 2. 喜歡用冷靜、沉著、優雅的微笑來武裝自己。 3. 今朝有酒今朝醉,及時行樂才是人生目標。 【以上3個選項只要有1項你回答yes,請翻開本書第1章:我的人生到底出了什麼問題?】 □ 你是否不懂得如何去愛人? 1. 有時會感到心情低落或容易受刺激,且持續感到不安。 2. 猜忌他人,或認為其他人在猜忌自己。 3. 瘋狂地努力,以避免在現實生活或想像中被拋棄。 【以上3個選項只要有1項你回答yes,請翻開本書第2章:20.30歲,從防衛機制開始檢視】 □ 你是否一踏進公司就感到憂鬱? 1. 總是不放心把工作交給別人,凡事都要親自處理。 2. 心裡常常想著「這個工作不適合我,一定還有其他更好的地方」。 3. 碰到每件事,都會把其他人當成競爭對手。 【以上3個選項只要有1項你回答yes,請翻開本書第3章:我真正想要的是什麼?工作與人際關係】…… 請在30歲前克服問題,請在30歲前了解自己! 最受韓國人信賴的心理醫師金惠男,以她多年來豐富的臨床經驗, 提出30歲前後的青年人必須了解並解決的幾個問題: 一個幸福的成年人應該具備的基本能力是什麼? 工作徘徊在十字路口時,該如何做出正確選擇? 要如何愛得更熱烈,更誠摯?要如何面對變化無常的婚姻生活? 唯有真正了解自己,你才會有能力扭轉生命中的瓶頸,迎向未來更豐富的人生。 -
《青年的四個大夢》以外國學者李文遜的架構,所採的實例、所談的問題,則無一不是臺灣此時此地的眾人問題。這本書在國內「大眾心理學」的創作上,既是開路先鋒,並已證實其歷久彌新的經典風範。 -
The Road Less Traveled and Beyond
在线阅读本书 The Road Less Traveled and Beyond is the culmination of a lifetime of Dr. M. Scott Peck's counseling, lecturing, and writing, and the conclusion of the "Road" trilogy. In it, we are led to a deeper awareness of how to live rich, fulfilling lives in a world fraught with stress and anxiety. With the rare combination of profound psychological insight and deep spirituality that has already spoken to millions of readers, Dr. Peck talks about decision making and the choices we make every day in business and at home, and the ethical choices that may affect the very survival of humankind. We learn the difference between good and evil, to overcome narcissism, to love and be loved, to live with paradox, to accept the consequences of our actions all through life, and to come to terms with dying and death. Dr. Peck is a guide on the adventure that is life, learning, and spiritual growthlife's greatest adventure. Building in depth and power from the very first chapter to its lyrical and poetic conclusion, The Road Less Traveled and Beyond is an adventure in itself. -
每个人呱呱坠地的那一刻都是带着人类与生俱来的、最伟大的智慧,真实明辨无畏。然而随着慢慢长大,种种“教化”让我们忘却了那些智慧,而学会了用所学的“知识”来否定自己所看到的事实。外界的规则、他人的标准取代了我们的本能,成为测度自己的新标尺。远离了真正的自己,我们的心越来越累——为外界的条条框框所累,为他人的言行举止所累,为大脑与内心的冲突所累,为理想与现实的差距所累。 心灵大师堂•米格尔•路易兹提出的经典的人生“五项约定”,打破了这些条条框框,帮助我们重获个人自由和真正的快乐。不随意评论、不将事情个人化、不妄加揣测、凡事尽力而为、怀疑一切但学会倾听——这五项约定就像一则简单而有效的心灵密码,将打开你心灵的枷锁,让你重新做回真正的自己,那个最简单也是最强大的自己!若能用这五项约定创造新生活,你的生活必将出现惊人的转变。