CJKV Information Processing
CJKV Information Processing, the unsurpassed source of information on processing text in Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Vietnamese, has been thoroughly updated to provide web and application developers with the latest techniques and tools for disseminating information directly to audiences in East Asia. This second edition reflects the considerable impact that Unicode, XML, OpenType, and other modern technologies have had on East Asian text processing in recent years. Full Description First published a decade ago, CJKV Information Processing quickly became the unsurpassed source of information on processing text in Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Vietnamese. It has now been thoroughly updated to provide web and application developers with the latest techniques and tools for disseminating information directly to audiences in East Asia. This second edition reflects the considerable impact that Unicode, XML, OpenType, and newer operating systems such as Windows XP, Vista, Mac OS X, and Linux have had on East Asian text processing in recent years. Written by its original author, Ken Lunde, a Senior Computer Scientist in CJKV Type Development at Adobe Systems, this book will help you: Learn about CJKV writing systems and scripts, and their transliteration methods Explore trends and developments in character sets and encodings, particularly Unicode Examine the world of typography, specifically how CJKV text is laid out on a page Learn information-processing techniques, such as code conversion algorithms and how to apply them using different programming languages Process CJKV text using different platforms, text editors, and word processors Become more informed about CJKV dictionaries, dictionary software, and machine translation software and services Manage CJKV content and presentation when publishing in print or for the Web Internationalizing and localizing applications is paramount in today's global market -- especially for audiences in East Asia, the fastest-growing segment of the computing world. CJKV Information Processing will help you understand how to develop web and other applications effectively in a field that many find difficult to master. -
The Art of Readable Code
As programmers, we've all seen source code that's so ugly and buggy it makes our brain ache. And let's be honest, we've all written code like that. With this book, you'll learn to write code that's easy to read and understand. You'll have more fun and your coworkers will love you. The Art of Coding focuses on the nuts and bolts of programming, with simple and practical techniques you can use every time you sit down to write code. You'll find tips throughout the book, with easy-to-digest code examples, helpful illustrations, and cartoons for fun. * Learn to pick variable names that are "dense with information" * Organize your loops and conditionals so they're easy to understand * Make your comments short and sweet * Recognize when your code is doing too many things at once * Write tests that are concise, but thorough * Master the art of breaking hard problems into many smaller ones -
超越 Java
Java的存在时间已经超过10年了,在这段时间里它的成就非凡,彻底改变了我们写软件的方法和想法。但是Java已显老态,该是时候让我们想想未来接班人是谁了。 在《超越Java》一书中,Bruce Tate公正而诚实地分析Java的成就,以及为何Java是如此强大的工具。他告诉我们Java如何带领计算机编程领域向前迈进,同时也讲述在哪些方面Java会阻碍我们,在哪些方面Java对我们要做的事而言并不够灵活,在哪些地方因为政治力量而使用Java只会导致复杂度的提升。 作者研究了其他的语言和框架,提出了一些很难的问题:这些语言擅长什么?不擅长什么?其中有没有Java的接班人?它们能够像Java一样主导软件领域吗?未来的工具应该是什么样子?会像J2EE或者Ruby on Rails?说不定更激进,就像Continuation server?Bruce Tate除了与我们分享他自己的观察结果,也访问并概括了许多开放源代码Java和Ruby社区的领导人的看法。 不管你是否同意Tate的结论,你都会发现这本书相当激励人心。不管你继续使用Java还是改用其他技术,这本书都可以帮助你思考写程序的方式、怎样提高生产力、什么东西会阻挠你。这本书可以帮助你开妈认清Java以外的世界,接班人就要出现了。 作者简介:Bruce A.Tate是一位泛舟者、越野车骑士、父亲、作家及Java程序员,住在德克萨斯州的奥斯汀。他写了5本书,包括获得Jolt奖的《轻快的Java》(O'Reilly出版)以及热卖的《Bitter Java》(Manning出版)。他有17年的工作经验,包括在IBM工作、两次失败的创业以及开办了自己的叫做J2Life,LLC的独立顾问公司。 -
R Cookbook
With more than 200 practical recipes, this book helps you perform data analysis with R quickly and efficiently. The R language provides everything you need to do statistical work, but its structure can be difficult to master. This collection of concise, task-oriented recipes makes you productive with R immediately, with solutions ranging from basic tasks to input and output, general statistics, graphics, and linear regression. Each recipe addresses a specific problem, with a discussion that explains the solution and offers insight into how it works. If you're a beginner, R Cookbook will help get you started. If you're an experienced data programmer, it will jog your memory and expand your horizons. You'll get the job done faster and learn more about R in the process. * Create vectors, handle variables, and perform other basic functions * Input and output data * Tackle data structures such as matrices, lists, factors, and data frames * Work with probability, probability distributions, and random variables * Calculate statistics and confidence intervals, and perform statistical tests * Create a variety of graphic displays * Build statistical models with linear regressions and analysis of variance (ANOVA) * Explore advanced statistical techniques, such as finding clusters in your data "Wonderfully readable, R Cookbook serves not only as a solutions manual of sorts, but as a truly enjoyable way to explore the R language-one practical example at a time." -Jeffrey Ryan, software consultant and R package author -
《深入浅出数据分析》以类似“章回小说”的活泼形式,生动地向读者展现优秀的数据分析人员应知应会的技术:数据分析基本步骤、实验方法、最优化方法、假设检验方法、贝叶斯统计方法、主观概率法、启发法、直方图法、回归法、误差处理、相关数据库、数据整理技巧;正文以后,意犹未尽地以三篇附录介绍数据分析十大要务、R工具及ToolPak工具,在充分展现目标知识以外,为读者搭建了走向深入研究的桥梁。 本书构思跌宕起伏,行文妙趣横生,无论是职场老手,还是业界新人,无论是字斟句酌,还是信手翻阅,相信都能跟着文字在职场中走上几回,去体味数据分析领域的乐趣与挑战。 -