《Perl语言入门(第5版)》也就是大家所称道的“小骆驼书”,是Perl程序设计人员最为仰赖的启蒙读物之一。自1993年以来,这本《Perl语言入门(第5版)》就成为热卖的Perl语言教学材料,而此次新版又涵盖了Perl 5.10的最新变化。《Perl语言入门(第5版)》的诸位作者自1991年起就开始在Stonehenge Consulting从事Perl教学工作,多年的课堂教学实践和积累下来的点滴经验,形成了《Perl语言入门(第5版)》特有的教学节奏,以及务实的知识点取舍。随文而至的习题,可以让你及时巩固各种概念,强化理解和吸收。《Perl语言入门(第5版)》容涵盖: ·Perl的变量类型 ·子程序 ·文件的操作 ·正则表达式 ·字符串的操作 ·列表与排序 ·进程的管理 ·智能匹配 ·第三方模块的使用 有些人只是想要完成任务,Perl语言为此而生。Perl的最初目标只是为了协助Unix系统管理员完成日常繁琐的文本数据处理工作。时至今日,Perl已发展成为一套功能齐备的程序语言,几乎可以在任何操作系统上完成各种任务——从简单的命令行工具到Web应用开发,及至生物信息学、金融数据分析等等不一而足。其他书籍可能会着重于教会你使用Perl语言来编程,可《Perl语言入门(第5版)》不同,我们是想要你成为一名真正的Perl程序员。 -
Learning Python
Amazon.com Review The authors of Learning Python show you enough essentials of the Python scripting language to enable you to begin solving problems right away, then reveal more powerful aspects of the language one at a time. This approach is sure to appeal to programmers and system administrators who have urgent problems and a preference for learning by semi-guided experimentation. First off, Learning Python shows the relationships among Python scripts and their interpreter (in a mostly platform-neutral way). Then, the authors address the mechanics of the language itself, providing illustrations of how Python conceives of numbers, strings, and other objects as well as the operators you use to work with them. Dictionaries, lists, tuples, and other data structures specific to Python receive plenty of attention including complete examples. Authors Mark Lutz and David Ascher build on that fundamental information in their discussions of functions and modules, which evolve into coverage of namespaces, classes, and the object-oriented aspects of Python programming. There's also information on creating graphical user interfaces (GUIs) for Python applications with Tkinter. In addition to its careful expository prose, Learning Python includes exercises that both test your Python skills and help reveal more elusive truths about the language. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. Review As a book for programmers who want to learn Python, it does a very good job. The coverage is informative and well order; making it easy to find what you're looking for. Overall, if you do some work with Python, you will benefit from owning this book. " - Sam Smith, news@UK, March "This book is a good example of Python culture, in the clarity of its text as much as in the quality of its code. Anyhone working their way through it will have a solid foundation upon which to explore Python's potential. Highly recommended." - Ivan Uemilianin, CVu, October 2004 --This text refers to the Paperback edition. -
Head First Ajax(中文版)
Head First Ajax(中文版),ISBN:9787508387918,作者:(美)赖尔 等著,苏金国 等译 -
The Art of SEO
A well-designed, easy-to-navigate website is useless if no one can find it. If your company is going to succeed in the web economy, optimizing your site for search engine visibility is essential. In this book, four of the most noted experts in the field of search engine optimization (SEO) provide you with proven guidelines and cutting-edge techniques for planning and executing a comprehensive SEO strategy. The authors clearly explain SEO fundamentals, while correcting many common misconceptions. If you are new to SEO, you'll get a complete and thorough SEO education, as well as an array of effective tactics, from basic to advanced. Seasoned practitioners will find this book useful as a complete reference to SEO best practices. * Explore the underlying theory behind SEO and how search engines work * Learn the steps you need to prepare for, execute, and evaluate SEO initiatives * Examine a number of advanced strategies and tactics * Understand the intricacies involved in managing complex SEO projects * Learn what's necessary to build a competent SEO team with defined roles * Glimpse the future of search and what lies ahead for the SEO industry -
Learning the vi and Vim Editors
《学习Vi和vim编辑器(影印版)》内容为:在过去将近30年的时间里,vi已经成为Unix和Linux的标准编辑器,而从1986年开始《学习Vi和vim编辑器(影印版)》也已成为vi的主要指南。但是现在Unix已经不是三十年前的样子,这《学习Vi和vim编辑器(影印版)》也同样不会是。《学习vi和Vim 第七版》已经进行了扩展,包括了Vim这个主要vi克隆的细节。Vim作为目前绝大多数Linux系统的缺省编辑器和Mac OS X的缺省vi版本,也可以应用于很多其他操作系统。这本指南在讲解文本编辑基础知识的同时,也涵盖了高级工具,例如用交互式的宏和脚本来扩展编辑器的功能——所有这些都用易于理解的方式来传授,这种风格已经让《学习Vi和vim编辑器(影印版)》成为经典。如果你使用Unix和Linux的话,vi和Vim是必备知识,因此,《学习Vi和vim编辑器(影印版)》也是必备之书。你将学到以下内容: · 高效使用vi · 深入讲解vi的知识,例如使用缓存 · 使用vi的全局搜索替换功能 · 定制vi以及运行Unix命令.. · 使用Vim的扩展文本对象和强大正则表达式 · 使用多窗口编辑并且编写Vim脚本 · 发挥图形用户界面版的Vim也就是gvim的全部功能 · 使用Vim的增强功能,例如语法高亮和扩展标签 · 将Vim和其他三个vi的克隆nvi、elvis和vile进行比较 -
Programming C# 3.0中文版(第5版)
本书是一本关于C#及如何用C#编写.NET应用程序的经典教程,是《Programming C#》的最新版第5版。著名作者Jesse Liberty为有经验的IT从业人员快速掌握并运用这种新型语言提供了所有需要的信息。本书从C#的关键字和基本概念开始介绍,并告诉你如何结合三个核心的应用程序平台——ASP.NET、.NET Windows窗体和ADO.NET——来应用C#语言创建典型的桌面和网络应用程序,你将会学到如何运用.NET平台的丰富功能来开发应用。本书中的所有文字和例子都已经更新为与Visual Studio 2008 .NET框架3.5及C#3.0相适应。 本书适合采用.NET平台开发应用程序的程序员。