Final Cut Pro数码单反高清视频剪辑圣经
《Final Cut Pro数码单反高清视频剪辑圣经》由多位专业摄像师、剪辑师、FinalCut专家合力打造,按完整、规范的工作流程安排内容,从前期拍摄注意事项到素材的导入与视频转码,从素材的组织与优化到项目的输出与管理,将镜头同步、音轨处理、时间线剪辑、音效增强、色彩校正、转场特效等实用技法穿插其中,是一本不可多得的高清视频剪辑圣经。 -
《电影剪辑技巧》对于世界各地电影界的新“学派”,对于影片剪辑方面的新方法作了研究和报道,特别是作者概括地总结了新浪潮派电影和个性电影的艺术表现形式。作者列举了特吕弗、戈达尔、雷乃和安东尼奥尼四位著名导演,并比较详尽地讨论了他们四种不同的电影风格。事实上,这四位导演所采取的不同的艺术表现形式,成为个性电影中的四类典型流派。本书不仅是提供给我们的专业剪辑工作人员使用的学习参考书,同时也可以提供给电影导演和编剧在业务的探讨中作一些有益的参考。通过本书,我们不仅可以了解一些电影专业知识,也可以进一步了解一些现代电影的发展趋向。 -
《电视剪辑艺术:现代传播广播电视传播》主要内容:笔者认为还是以“电视剪辑”一词为恰当。因为除了技术手段上的差别之外,作为一种制作手法,电视剪辑和电影剪辑是一脉相承的。它的基本技巧和技法是大同小异的,它们在技术手段上曾经存在巨大的差异,在数字技术的平台上正在逐渐弥合,呈现出趋同的态势。从发展的角度来看,影视之间所有因为技术而产生的差别都必然只是历史性的、暂时的。 电视为什么需要剪辑? 电视为什么可以剪辑? 电视如何剪辑? 这是《电视剪辑艺术(现代传播广播电视传播)》的三个核心问题。。电视剪辑的重要性并不仅仅因为它是电视创作中一个不可缺少的环节,也不单单表现为它的技巧性,而是关系到电视创作基本观念的确立,是贯穿于电视创作全过程的一门艺术。“剪辑效果只是为整个影片的更广泛的意义服务,而决不是为某个孤立的场面服务的,如果把这场戏的关仅仅归功于剪辑,就容易忽视影片的各个部分在组成一个艺术统一体的过程中所起的作用。”(爱•谢尔曼:《论剪辑的艺术》,见《电影艺术译丛》1979年第4期,第45页) 知其然,知其所以然。《电视剪辑艺术(现代传播广播电视传播)》的目的不仅仅是让大家了解和掌握电视剪辑的一般规律和技法,更重要的还在于培养电视人的一种剪辑意识,在我看来这便是所谓的电视意识。 -
Final Cut Pro 7
Completely revised for Final Cut Pro 7 and featuring new footage from TNT’s hit show Leverage and the international music creation event Playing For Change: Peace Through Music, this best-selling, Apple-certified guide provides a strong foundation in all aspects of video editing. Renowned author Diana Weynand starts with basic video editing techniques and takes you all the way through Final Cut Pro’s powerful advanced features. Each chapter presents a complete lesson in an aspect of video editing and finishing, using professional broadcast footage. After marking and editing clips to create a rough cut, you’ll learn how to trim and refine the cut before moving on to complex tasks such as adding titles, creating transitions and motion effects, applying filters, and working with multi-format and multi-camera footage. The book covers Final Cut Pro’s exciting new features, including iChat Theater support, the redesigned speed tools, and sharing projects on a Blu-ray disc. DVD-ROM includes lesson and media files for over 40 hours of training Focused lessons take you step-by-step through professional, real-world projects Accessible writing style puts an expert instructor at your side Ample illustrations and keyboard shortcuts help you master techniques fast Lesson goals and time estimates help you plan your time Chapter review questions summarize what you’ve learned and prepare you for the Apple Certified Pro Exam -
When The Shooting Stops ... The Cutting Begins
The story of one of the most important and least-understood jobs in moviemaking—film editing—is here told by one of the wizards, Ralph Rosenblum, whose credentials include six Woody Allen films, as well as The Pawnbroker, The Producers , and Goodbye, Columbus . Rosenblum and journalist Robert Karen have written both a history of the profession and a personal account, a highly entertaining, instructive, and revelatory book that will make any reader a more aware movie-viewer. -
Grammar of the Edit
Learn the basic "grammar" of editing films and videos in Grammar of the Edit ! This book shows you in no uncertain terms (independently of software) what you absolutely need to know to edit your video production. Whether you are just learning how to edit or you need a refresher, this book gives you a basic toolkit to understand the basic terms and the common practices of editing to help create a coherent and meaningful story or visual presentation. This book concentrates on where and how an edit is made and teaches you how to answer the simple question: 'What do I need to do in order to make a good edit between two shots?' Grammar of the Edit begins with an explanation of the basic rules of visual construction that will allow you to arrange your footage logically. The book takes you from the basic vocabulary of editing, to knowing when to cut (and why), to transitions, and finally to good working practices. Designed as an easy-to-use reference, each topic is covered succinctly and is accompanied by clear photographs and diagrams that illustrate the key concepts presented in the book. Simple, elegant, and easy to use, Grammar of the Edit is a staple of any filmmaker's library. Don't miss the companion volume, Grammar of the Shot 2e, 9780240521213! * A simple and clear overview of the principles of editing...timeless information that will improve your work * Designed as a quick reference: each topic covered in an illustratedtwo-page spread * Together with its companion volume Grammar of the Shot , these little books are all the beginning filmmaker needs