《尼采与哲学》这部著作系统地分析了尼采的哲学思想,清晰地再现了尼采哲学形成的线条、尼采哲学的基本问题等,是研究尼采哲学思想的一部重要参考书目。全书分为“悲剧”、“能动与反动”、“反叛”、“从怨恨到内疚”、“超人:反辩证法”五部分。 -
时至今日,德勒兹与福柯已成为20世纪西方思想史上的两则传奇。不读德勒兹的《德勒兹论福柯》,便不能说了解福柯。因为在德勒兹之后,福柯已不是原来的福柯,就如弗洛伊德在拉康之后,不再是原来的弗洛伊德一样。德勒兹与福柯这两颗法国思想界的熠熠红星在本书中一起迸放光芒,使福柯成为理解德勒兹的一扇重要窗口,使德勒兹成为透视福柯的不二法门。由福柯到德勒兹,再由德勒兹到福柯,两股思想之流不断地牵引、碰撞、发光与褶皱,本书所呈现的正是这般奇诡景致。 -
A major work in the development of critical theory in the late twentieth century, Anti-Oedipus is an essential text for feminists, literary theorists, social scientists, philosophers, and others interested in the problems of contemporary Western culture. In his preface, Michel Foucault calls Anti-Oedipus an introduction to non-fascist life, referring not just to political fascism but to the fascism within us--- the desire to be led. To address that problem, Deleuze and Guattari propose a political analysis of desire as it is expressed or repressed in Western culture. They find the seeds of society's sickness in contemporary psychoanalysis, especially in the powerful figure of Oedipus. -
In this analysis of one major philosopher by another, Gilles Deleuze identifies three pivotal concepts - duration, memory, and élan vital - that are found throughout Bergson's writings and shows the relevance of Bergson's work to contemporary philosophical debates. He interprets and integrates these themes into a single philosophical program, arguing that Bergson's philosophical intentions are methodological. They are more than a polemic against the limitations of science and common sense, particularly in Bergson's elaboration of the explanatory powers of the notion of duration - thinking in terms of time rather than space. -
本书是后现代性是六十年代以来由福柯和德里达等人推动的思想潮流。它对西方的形而上学、本质主义、总体性持一种激进的批判态度,同时也动摇了主体、理性、真理、语言、历史等概念的稳固的现代性内涵。最终,后现代性表现为一种祛伪式的哲学形式和知识形式。本书收录的是后现代理论中堪称经典的文献,正是这些理论家及其著述,刻写了后现代进程中无法抹擦的痕迹。 -
斯宾诺莎的实践哲学,ISBN:9787100039352,作者:(法)吉尔·德勒兹(Gilles Deleuze)著;冯炳昆译