《当代心灵哲学导论》既是一本学生的教科书,又是一部严肃的哲学著作。它结构合理、见识广博、资料新颖、题材广泛,写作方式清晰易懂。通过大量的事例,将观点阐释得很清楚,几乎适用于所有关于心灵哲学的本科课程。这《当代心灵哲学导论》是为二年级以上的学生写的,它对当代心灵哲学的种种观点做了一番很精彩的批判性的介绍……它不仅能够在课堂上,而且能够在专业刊物上引起有益的争论。 -
The Number Sense
The Number Sense is an enlightening exploration of the mathematical mind. Describing experiments that show that human infants have a rudimentary number sense, Stanislas Dehaene suggests that this sense is as basic as our perception of color, and that it is wired into the brain. Dehaene shows that it was the invention of symbolic systems of numerals that started us on the climb to higher mathematics. A fascinating look at the crossroads where numbers and neurons intersect, The Number Sense offers an intriguing tour of how the structure of the brain shapes our mathematical abilities, and how our mathematics opens up a window on the human mind. -
Consciousness, 'the last great mystery for science', has now become a hot topic. How can a physical brain create our experience of the world? What creates our identity? Do we really have free will? Could consciousness itself be an illusion? Exciting new developments in brain science are opening up debates on these issues, and the field has now expanded to include biologists, neuroscientists, psychologists, and philosophers. This controversial book clarifies the potentially confusing arguments, and the major theories using illustrations, lively cartoons, and experiments. Topics include vision and attention, theories of self and will, experiments on action and awareness, altered states of consciousness, and the effects of brain damage and drugs. -
全面更新的《神经科学研究与进展·认知、脑与意识:认知神经科学导论(全彩色版)(原著第2版)(导读版)》由认知神经科学领域的权威学者Bernard J.Baars和Nicole M.Gage担纲主编,以独特的方式介绍了该领域的知识与进展。基础教育领域的诸多专业要求学生对认知神经科学具备基本的理解。然而,目前的教科书大多为生物学专业的学生准备,较少考虑心理学和其他相关专业的读者。本书以独特的主题式写作手法阐述了认知神经科学的基本概念,章节设置循序渐进,使读者无需神经科学或生物学背景也可以轻松理解。作者以简单漂亮的绘图作品构建大脑,令人印象深刻。每章附有思考题和绘图练习,帮助加深理解。 -
How the Mind Works