Woman and Chinese Modernity
Writing Diaspora
"Writing Diaspora" questions aspects of cultural politics, including the legacies of European imperialism and colonialism, the media, pedagogy, literature, literacy, sexuality, intellectual labour, the uses and abuses of theory, and popularized notions about 'others'. Essentialist notions of culture and history; conservative notions of territorial and linguistic propriety, and the 'otherness' ensuing from them; unattested claims of oppression and victimization; sexist and racist reaffirmations of sexual and racial diversities that are made in the name of moralist rectitude - all these forces create new 'solidarities' whose ideological premises remain unquestioned. "Writing Diaspora" sets up an oppositional discursive space in the midst of these new solidarities. Chow juxtaposes a range of cultural contradictions in order to rethink the currently dominant conceptualizations of the solidarities themselves. -
1990年代以来,从事中国文学研究的人,不仅要认知文学作品,还要顾及理论上的种种问题。《妇女与中国现代性》即是用一些之前没有尝试过的方法,理论化地来研读中国现代文学史上大家熟悉的文本与问题。 本书通过可见的形象、文学的历史、叙事的结构和感情的接受这四种批评的途径,牵涉到中国现代性的各个方面:种族观众的构成、通俗文学中的传统的断裂、由叙事引发的一种新的“内部”现实的可疑结构以及性别、感伤主义与阅读之间的关系。 该书也从电影影像、大众文化、主流文学及心理学等多重角度,剖析女性主义理论的洞见与不见,并检讨中国现代化的过程中,女性主体的建立与反挫。作者进一步对“妇女”、“中国”、“现代性”等既定观念的合理性及合法性提出质疑。 它并非对现代中国文学的概括性的研究,也不是面面俱到包罗万象,全书提供讨论的都是以现代中国在文本中的主体性为议题,并把作者本人的阅读方式作为这种主体性的一个例证。 这是一本在海内外影响深远的中国现代文学研究名著,尤其是在如何用西方理论解读中国现代文学文本方面,这本书提供了很好的范例。 周蕾是美国从文化研究的立志进行文化政治批评的一位非常成功的学者。我认为《妇女与中国现代性》是她写得最好的一本书,她用一种书写的行为来达到文化的批判,非常坚定地站在第三世界、站在边缘来对抗主流。 ——哈佛大学荣休教授 李欧梵 《妇女与中国现代性》对现有批评典范的反驳,对女性主义、心理分析、后殖民批判,以及广义左翼思潮的兼容并蓄,在在树立一种不同以往的论述风格,也引起中国研究以外的学者的注意。 ——哈佛大学东亚系Edward C.Henderson 讲座教授 王德威 -
本書收集作者論及香港文化的五篇論文, 如作者在新寫的「代序:不懂中文」中所說的,這幾篇關於香港文化的文章,每篇內容雖然不同,但寫作的意圖都是藉著一些涉及香港的文化現象,去討論一些不止於香港的理論性問題。意旨並非是用論及的例子去代表或概括香港文化,而是希望為香港文化作出較公道的分析,在辨別出香港文化的獨特的價值之餘,同時引導出香港文化的世界性。 -
The Rey Chow Reader
Rey Chow is arguably one of the most prominent intellectuals working in the humanities today. Characteristically confronting both entrenched and emergent issues in the interlocking fields of literature, film and visual studies, sexuality and gender, postcolonialism, ethnicity, and cross-cultural politics, her works produce surprising connections among divergent topics at the same time as they compel us to think through the ethical and political ramifications of our academic, epistemic, and cultural practices. This anthology - the first to collect key moments in Chow's engaging thought - provides readers with an ideal introduction to some of her most forceful theoretical explorations. Organized into two sections, each of which begins with a brief statement designed to establish linkages among various discursive fields through Chow's writings, the anthology also contains an extensive Editor's Introduction, which situates Chow's work in the context of contemporary critical debates. For all those pursuing transnational cultural theory and cultural studies, this book is an essential resource.