Difference and Repetition
This brilliant exposition of the critique of identity is a classic in contemporary philosophy and one of Deleuze's most important works. Of fundamental importance to literary critics and philosophers,Difference and Repetition develops two central concepts--pure difference and complex repetition--a;and shows how the two concepts are related. While difference implies divergence and decentering, repetition is associated with displacement and disguising. Central in initiating the shift in French thought away from Hegel and Marx toward Nietzsche and Freud, Difference and Repetition moves deftly to establish a fundamental critique of Western metaphysics. -
An "introduction to the nonfascist life" (Michel Foucault, from the Preface) When it first appeared in France, Anti-Oedipus was hailed as a masterpiece by some and "a work of heretical madness" by others. In it, Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari set forth the following theory: Western society's innate herd instinct has allowed the government, the media, and even the principles of economics to take advantage of each person's unwillingness to be cut off from the group. What's more, those who suffer from mental disorders may not be insane, but could be individuals in the purest sense, because they are by nature isolated from society. More than twenty-five years after its original publication, Anti-Oedipus still stands as a controversial contribution to a much-needed dialogue on the nature of free thinking. -
本书由《尼采的生涯》、《尼采的哲学》、《尼采文摘》三个部分构成,还附有《尼采作品中的主要人物》和《尼采著作年表》。尼采著作即简单又复杂,说其简单是因为他的纲领可以简约为对“既成价值”的批判;然而他批判的对象繁多,表现手法、特别是他赋予了独特意义的概念和人物的丰富又令初读他的著作的人感到困惑。 本书前言 特色及评论 文章节选 尼采的生 -
译者以吉尔·德勒兹的动力论为核心,以法国学派的研究作为他的参照点,准备全面性地整理这一思路的发展线索。其间与洪汉鼎教授有许多的互动,洪教授是研究斯宾诺莎的专家,他曾多次提及德勒兹的《斯宾诺莎与表现问题》一书,并认为这是奠定斯宾诺莎动力论研究基础的重要著作,有必要对其做深入的研读与整理,而他过去曾从事过哲学书籍的翻译,他建议我可以在写博士论文的同时,或者把这本书一起翻译出来,以作为学术上的另一收获。后来经过其引介,认识了商务印书馆的关群德博士,在关先生的大力支持下,敲定了这本书的翻译计划,中间因本人博士论文的撰写与答辩,延宕了一点时间,但大体上进展顺利,并于2011年底完成整本书的翻译。 -
本书是法国哲学家吉尔·德勒兹和费利克斯·瓜塔里的代表性文选。德勒兹是法国当代最重要的哲学家之一,法国60年代复兴尼采的关键人物,在对尼采的创造性重读中,将其运用到资本大义的批判中来,由此而同瓜塔里合作写成的《反俄狄浦斯》和《千座高原》获得了世界性声誉。德勒兹在哲学、政治学、精神分析学、电影、文学等方面的研究都具有无与伦比的创造性和开拓性,是名副其实的实验哲学家,尼采式的未来哲学家,博识多学的概念大师。在他这里,哲学脱离了原有的范式神话,成了思想无拘无束的游牧高地。 -