History of Photography in China 1842-1860
The first comprehensive history of the earliest years of photography in China, combining previously unpublished research with over 150 photographs, many of which are attributed and published here for the first time. Terry Bennett describes the way in which the discovery of photography in China was framed against the tumultuous backdrop of the Opium Wars, the Taiping Rebellion and the opening of numerous treaty ports to foreign trade. From 1842, when the use of a camera was first recorded in China, foreign and Chinese photographers captured the people, places and events of this unsettled period. They were professional portraitists, soldiers and pioneering amateurs, among them: Jules Itier; Pierre Rossier; Lo Yuanyou (the earliest-recorded Chinese commercial photographer); Felix Beato; and Milton Miller. The author, an acclaimed international authority on historical photographs from China, Japan and Korea, sheds new light on the unique historical value of these photographs. The images are drawn from institutional and private collections from all over the world. The text includes extensive documentary notes, valuable listings of early stereoviews of China and biographies of more than forty photographers working in China up to 1860. It also introduces important new detail on the life of Felix Beato. -
编后记(节选) 编写比较完整的《中国摄影史》,在我国是开创性的工作,困难很多。首先是对史料的收集整理,虽然我国地域辽阔、人口众多、文化悠久,但至今还没有一个专门或兼搞收集、保存、研究摄影史料的机构;更由于历经劫难,各种史料的原件几乎丧失殆尽。编写组的同志虽经几年的努力,但仍深感所占有的史料欠完整、不充实,无论从地域或时序来说,都还有不少的空白。其次是编写组的成员大都是业余从事此项工作的,受时间和水平的限制,对某些已知的史实和现象,也未能作更深一层的分析和研究。再次是本书是集体编写,虽几经集中讨论,但从编写体例、材料使用甚至在个别史实的评述上,也还难免存有一些差异。 -
"这是一部深入研究1844年中国遭遇摄影术以来,西方重要摄影家在中国的拍摄活动的摄影史著作。全书呈现出自1844年至上世纪80年代初,14位西方摄影家在中国摄取的近140张历史影像,并用深入浅出的文字加以阐述,非常独特地展现出百年中国大历史下的许多重要细节,细细读来,全 书稿图文并茂,血肉丰满。 全篇以1844年起,来华谈判的法国拉萼尼使团成员于勒•伊迪埃拍摄了澳门、广州的市井风物、官员富商、参加谈判的中法代表以及《中法黄埔条约》的签字仪式,这是西方人在中国拍摄的第一批照片,现在还有37张银版存于法国。此后,西方来华的旅行家、传教士、商人、外交官、冒险家、军人、记者各色人等穿行于中国大地,成千上万人留下了关于中国的照片,其中哪些人、哪些照片是最重要的?为何重要?那些著名照片是怎么拍出来的?那些最重要的西方摄影家因何原因来到中国?住在什么地方,爱吃哪家小馆?拍摄了中国的哪些方面,对中国有何评价,又是怀着一种什么样的动机按下快门? 全书仔细考察了170年来西方摄影家在中国的拍摄活动,不仅回答了上述问题,更在两方面拓展了视野。第一,综合运用东方学、历史学等多种学术工具,拓展了摄影史研究的学术视野,首次勾勒出西方人拍摄的中国照片中潜伏的“东方学影像链条”以及这一链条的演变。在东方学视野中,西方人关于东方的照片,也如同其关于东方的游记一样,肩负着提供“东方活生生的怪异性”的使命,在制造西方人“想象的中国”的过程中,起到了文字所不能起到的“印证”作用。在早期西方摄影师的中国照片中,这种“印证”作用尤其明显;卡帕和卡蒂埃-布勒松等的照片代表了这一传统开始转变,而马克•吕布则站到了转折点上。第二,拓展了照片的社会——历史视野。通过考察西方摄影家所处时代的社会历史文化,揭示其影像背后隐藏的社会历史内涵:同一幅照片,英国人的解读与中国人的解读是不同的,中国读者面对西方摄影师拍摄的中国照片经常停留于画面本身,照片背后的内涵常被忽略或没有意识到。 " -
A New History of Photography
Amazon.com Review One can only imagine the amazement felt by L.J.M. Daguerre, when, in the summer of 1839, he gazed upon the first photograph ever made. An image of the view from his Paris apartment of the bustling Boulevard du Temple, it was remarkably detailed yet mysteriously vacant, save for a single man in the distance who appeared to be having his boots polished; the rest of the passersby evaded capture due to the necessarily long exposure. And thus began the world-shaking practice of photography. A New History of Photography was created after the French Ministry of Culture observed that there were no books produced in France that addressed the history of the art form. Rather than present the standard chronological survey, this book's creators chose to produce a volume that would encompass photography's historical evolution as well as its role in society. Editor Michel Frizot writes a substantial portion of the text, along with 29 additional authors who offer a plethora of analytical information and a wide variety of points of view. Periods, social practice, contextual analysis, historical questions, influential innovations, and aesthetic turning points are explored around themes ranging from chemistry to the snapshot, ethnography to color printing, evidence to advertising, and much, much more. This ambitious book includes many images not familiar to an American audience, offering a fascinating visual smorgasbord that demonstrates the breadth of applications and interpretations that photography has seen from its very inception. Put simply, it is a book about why people take photographs and what photographs can do. At a whopping 776 pages, this weighty volume has something for everyone. --A.C. Smith From School Library Journal YA-This book is well worth its weight in gold-and it is very heavy. It covers the beginnings of the art form through 160 years to the present. While the 41 essays by 29 contributors have a European slant, American photographic movements are not slighted. There is much discussion of photography as art vs. photography as history and the commentary comes down firmly on both sides. War photos as well as images by Alfred Stieglitz and Edward Steichen appear, and there is even a section on "Photographs as Memories." Walker Evans and Lewis Carroll are included as well as entire portfolios of important contributions, e.g., W. Eugene Smith's Pittsburgh. The writings are certainly useful and interesting, but the real impact of the book is the sheer abundance and diversity of its over 1000 black-and-white and full-color photographs. An extensive bibliography, notes, and index make this a useful tool for students of history as well as those studying art and photography, but the marvelous reproductions make it a browser's dream. Susan H. Woodcock, Kings Park Library, Burke, VA Copyright 1999 Reed Business Information, Inc. -
《世界摄影史》(修订版)系“北京电影学院摄影专业系列教材”之一,由国内知名摄影理论家顾铮所著。该书系统介绍了摄影术发明以来一百多年的发展历程,用丰富的资料和经典作品形象描述了史上各摄影流派的发端及特点,并对两百多位著名摄影家及其作品作了精辟分析,是摄影专业学生了解世界摄影史的很好读本。 -