《网络江湖三十六计》内容简介:貌合神离:卖个破绽给对手,让他尝到甜头,自认为可安枕无忧,往往就松懈大意。于是,自己蓄力并反击的机会就来了。诱敌就是“貌合”,暗地发力就是“神离”。 -
阿兰·皮斯是世界最著名的身体语言研究专家。他的巨著《身体语言》一书广受好评,被译成33种文字,销量突破400万册。他的系列电视节目创下高收视率,拥有上亿观众。他创作了五本畅销书,包括与芭芭拉·皮斯合著的《为什么男人不会倾听、女人不会看地图》。在《问题就是答案》一书中,阿兰·皮斯第一次详尽论述了最神奇的网络营销技巧。其讲述与策略简单易懂,行之有效。从中学到的方法将帮助你拓展超越你的最疯狂梦想的网络营销事业。本书将告诉你终生获得高额收入的秘诀。即使你不是网络营销人员,本书也会永远改变你看待谈判和劝说的方式。 -
The Art of SEO
A well-designed, easy-to-navigate website is useless if no one can find it. If your company is going to succeed in the web economy, optimizing your site for search engine visibility is essential. In this book, four of the most noted experts in the field of search engine optimization (SEO) provide you with proven guidelines and cutting-edge techniques for planning and executing a comprehensive SEO strategy. The authors clearly explain SEO fundamentals, while correcting many common misconceptions. If you are new to SEO, you'll get a complete and thorough SEO education, as well as an array of effective tactics, from basic to advanced. Seasoned practitioners will find this book useful as a complete reference to SEO best practices. * Explore the underlying theory behind SEO and how search engines work * Learn the steps you need to prepare for, execute, and evaluate SEO initiatives * Examine a number of advanced strategies and tactics * Understand the intricacies involved in managing complex SEO projects * Learn what's necessary to build a competent SEO team with defined roles * Glimpse the future of search and what lies ahead for the SEO industry -
随着我们迈入21世纪,对于商业而言最重要的问题是:我们将如何应对互联网?阿尔·里斯和劳拉·里斯是全美国最有资格回答这个问题的人物。看过本书后,你将知道: ·互联网不能身兼二职 ·互动性是网站最重要的要素 ·互联网品牌使用通用名就是自寻死路 ·做品类中的第二位品牌将没有出路 ·第一个进入顾客的心智并且集中焦点 ·最严重的错误莫过于相信自己无所不能 两位作者具有个性鲜明的反主流文化的视角以及独到的营销常识,并用他们的专业所长解决了打造互联网品牌这个当今营销界最具挑战性的问题。每一个希望打造全球大品牌的人都不应该错过他们的高见。 -
2015年是淘宝发生剧烈变化的一年,淘宝的领导层换帅了,淘宝规则又调整了,天猫变邀请制了,淘宝的很多规则都在变化。在这次改变中,成就了能懂得淘宝规则改变目的、平台理念的,并做出及时应对的商家;淘汰了那批不了解规则、不注重学习的商家。对读者来说,要想成为成功的商家,必须要学会理解平台的理念和商务的本质。《电商数据化运营(全彩)》汇集淘宝市场容量分析、年龄和买家等级分析、宝贝价格定位、上下架时间定位、淘宝搜索、无线淘宝搜索、数据优化标题等,对每章都做了非常详尽的介绍,并列举了大量的案例进行说明,可以使读者对淘宝的大数据有快速深入的认识,同时读者通过案例实操可以轻松掌握这些内容,并可快速在店铺中使用数据方法,是淘宝店铺必备的参考用书。 -
Crossing the Chasm
在线阅读本书 《Crossing the Chasm: Marketing and Selling Disrupti》:Moore provides an invaluable service to high-tech entrepreneurs and investors: he has identified the weak link in the marketing chain which makes the success of such ventures so unpredictable, and he outlines proven, specific techniques to address this challenge. At a time when the high-tech community in the U.S. cedes much of its once-held manufacturing advantage to the Far East and elsewhere, it is critical that these U.S.enterprises must retain superior marketing as a competitive advantage. Crossing the Chasm provides critical information for achieving this end.