Why Men Don't Listen and Women Can't Read Maps
Have you ever wished your partner came with an instruction booklet? This international bestseller is the answer to all the things you've ever wondered about the opposite sex. For their controversial new book on the differences between the way men and women think and communicate, Barbara and Allan Pease spent three years traveling around the world, collecting the dramatic findings of new research on the brain, investigating evolutionary biology, analyzing psychologists, studying social changes, and annoying the locals. The result is a sometimes shocking, always illuminating, and frequently hilarious look at where the battle line is drawn between the sexes, why it was drawn, and how to cross it. Read this book and understand--at last!--why men never listen, why women can't read maps, and why learning each other's secrets means you'll never have to say sorry again. -
Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus
Once upon a time Martians and Venusians met, fell in love, and had happy relationships together because they respected and accepted their differences. Then they came to Earth and amnesia set in: they forgot they were from different planets. Based on years of successful counseling of couples and individuals, Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus has helped millions of couples transform their relationships. Now viewed as a modern classic, this phenomenal book has helped men and women realize how different they really are and how to communicate their needs in such a way that conflict doesn't arise and intimacy is given every chance to grow. Normal 0 false false false EN-US ZH-CN X-NONE 注:两种封面,随机发货。 点击链接进入中文版: 男人来自火星女人来自金星 -
看完本書,你的世界將從此改觀! 全球瘋狂熱賣300萬冊!想要管好男人?妳要先知道男人單向來回的思考方式! 想抱得美人歸?你得先了解女人十六條音軌的說話特色! 一本男人女人都要看,8到88歲都要讀的兩性聖經!女人的秘密評分法【馬桶篇】!男人的一週就是這麼被毀的! 上完廁所忘了放下馬桶座蓋:-3 半夜上完廁所忘了放下馬桶座蓋:-10 尿在馬桶座蓋上:-5 沒衛生紙時會主動拿新的進去:0 尿尿沒尿在馬桶裡:-7 馬桶不通,未加以理會:-20 上完廁所忘了通風:-1 走出廁所,沒拉上褲子:-2 馬桶座蓋被水弄濕:-5 用別人的毛巾擦手:-6男人完全不知道,女人會根據伴侶的整體表現來打分數。而這個評分方法顯然常常令男人被女人叮得滿頭包,卻又不知道自己犯了什麼錯! •為什麼男人不願許下承諾? •為什麼男人老愛教人怎麼做? •為什麼男人拿著搖控器會不停轉台? •為什麼男人不會停下來問路? •為什麼男人不喜歡逛街購物?•為什麼女人那麼愛哭? •為什麼女人那麼愛碎碎唸? •為什麼女人喜歡男人小而翹的臀部? •為什麼女人總是會替男人打秘密分數? •為什麼女人講話好像都沒有重點? •為什麼女人想要知道每件事的八卦細節?男人女人就是這麼不一樣!本書完整解答所有男人女人長久以來心中的疑惑,幫你窺見男人女人的終極秘密,精闢透徹、一針見血的分析將讓你大大受用,並且拍案叫絕、捧腹大笑! -
暢銷書《活在當下》作者兼知名人類關係專家芭芭拉.安吉麗思博士,寫成這本無論男人或女人都引頸期盼的書。本書承襲了作者一貫坦率、犀利與實際的個人風格,為兩性解釋女人的本質,化解男女戰爭的一切導火線。 女性讀者藉書中的真知灼見更瞭解自己之餘,更適合與心愛的男人一同分享。幫助男人明白女人對愛、溝通、性與親密感的想法,讓男人知道如何珍愛與瞭解他們生命中的女人。 如果你是男人,本書能讓你學會如何成為女人的白馬王子。 如果你是女人,本書能讓你瞭解自己。將書送給心愛的男人,便能獲得夢寐以求的親密關係。 -
這是一本教導女性如何在男女關係中堅持立場的指南。 為什麼男人會覺得壞女人難以抗拒? 當今的壞女人擁有不可思議的力量。她無法容忍無禮。她不會倒追男性。 她擁有柔弱的外表,鋼鐵的內心。 今天的壞女人成了男人的夢中情人!雪莉‧亞戈芙這本新鮮有趣的"壞女人有人愛"提供實際的建議保証可以協助那些覺得自己"太好"的女性朋友變得難以捉摸,充滿活力,沈著自信。壞女人不只得到了自己想要的男人,她也很清楚如何在男女關係中把持自己,讓他百思不解,每每令他目眩神迷--而不費吹灰之力就能得到他的尊重。