《女性的选择》内容简介:事业的选择、恋爱的选择、婚姻的选择、为孩子考虑的选择、为父母考虑的选择、40岁以后人生的选择……今天的女性拥有选择的自由,也拥有选择的力量。作为女性、作为企业家、作为创业者的今野由梨女士,在她73岁高龄之时写下了这本分享她人生经历与生命感悟之书,望各位年轻的女性珍视人生的每一次选择,用一个又一个的选择,塑造更好的自己。 -
The author of the international bestseller The Art of the Start offers a new perspective on the art of influence. Guy Kawasaki's acclaimed books have established him as the entrepreneur's entrepreneur, and in The Art of the Start he wrote the essential contemporary guide for starting any new enterprise. Now Kawasaki turns to the mystery of influence and offers a compelling new take on this key force that drives any successful business or personal interaction. Enchantment's fundamental message is that in any transaction the goal is not to get your own way, but to bring about a voluntary, enduring, and delightful change of heart in other people, by working with and through them and enlisting their own goals and desires. It's enchantment that enables us to maneuver through difficult decisions, break people's entrenched habits, defy the wisdom of crowds, and get colleagues to work for long-term goals. Kawasaki's advice includes: • How to Achieve Rapport, Credibility, and Trust • How to Help People Enchant Themselves • How to Overcome Resistance • How to Enchant Your Employees...and Your Boss • How to Resist Enchantment Anchored by his road-tested wisdom and inimitable wit, Enchantment is another classic from one of the most respected voices in business today. ---------- Enchantment: The Art of Changing Hearts, Minds, and Actions is Guy Kawasaki’s tenth book. In it, he explains how to influence what people will do while maintaining the highest standards of ethics. The book explains when and why enchantment is necessary and then the pillars of enchantment: likeability, trustworthiness, and a great cause. The next topics are launching, overcoming resistance, making enchantment endure, and using technology. There are even special chapters dedicated to enchanting your employees and your boss. Finally, because there are times you may want to resist enchantment, there's even a chapter about how to do this too. If you want to change the world — or even part of the world, this book is for you. -
美學CEO: 用設計思考,用美學管理
從美力到獲利,讓創意變生意,用設計改變企業和社會 設計3.0的時代,未來美學經濟著重的設計新思維: 不只美工技法,還有人本考量;不只品味玩物,還有社會責任。 後美學經濟時代,下一輪美學盛世在等待的風格經理人: 創意人擁有企業管理頭腦,管理人能像設計師般思考。 啟動美學革命,人人都要具備的美感力量和文創產業知識。 半個世紀前,IBM前董事長華生(Thomas J. Watson)有句名言「好設計就是好生意(Good design is good business.)」,一語道盡了美國製造業對設計的認知。 80年代,行銷教父科特勒(Philip Kotler)卻說:「設計,是強而有力卻被遺忘的策略工具。」感慨世人狹隘的美學視野,小看了設計的影響力。 如今,策略思考者馬丁(Roger Martin)說:「要鼓勵設計思維在組織裡扎根,就是讓執行長擔任設計長(CEO is CDO.)。」趨勢專家品克(Daniel Pink)也說:「藝術碩士是新的企管碩士(The MFA is the New MBA.)。」 21世紀,當美學遇到經濟,當設計碰上管理,又會擦出什麼火花? 本書源起於為美國杜克商學院規畫的一堂設計思考行銷課程。作者結合台大城鄉所的設計和美國商學名校的管理養成,用左右腦一起思考,揉合美感知識與管理方法,讓《財星》百大企業的準經理人可像設計師般思考,讓創意人也能有經營管理觀念,希望人人都可以是美學CEO。 本書試著革新設計觀念,提供務實管理方法,除了呈現麥可‧波特、科特勒(Philip Kotler)、德萊弗斯(Henry Dreyfuss)、洛伊(Raymond Loewy)等大師觀點,也透過Apple、Alessi、ASUS、IDEO、IKEA、P&G、Swatch、ZARA、7-11等經典個案,從MoMA的設計經典到哈佛的管理思考,精采詮釋美力背後的管理意義及帶來的深切改變! -
Start with Why
Why do you do what you do? Why are some people and organizations more innovative, more influential, and moer profitable than others? Why do some command greater loyalty from customers and employees alike? Even among the successful, why are so few able to repeat their success over and over? People like Martin Luther King Jr., Steve Jobs, and the Wright Brothers might have little in common, but they all started with why . It was their natural ability to start with why that enabled them to inspire those around them and to achieve remarkable things. In studying the leaders who've had the greatest influence in the world, Simon Sinek discovered that they all think, act, and communicate in the exact same way -- and it's the complete opposite of what everyone else does. Sinek calls this powerful idea The Golden Circle, and it provides a framework upon which organizations can be built, movements can be lead, and people can be inspired. And it all starts with WHY. Any organization can explain what it does; some can explain how they do it; but very few can clearly articulate why . WHY is not money or profit-- those are always results. WHY does your organization exist? WHY does it do the things it does? WHY do customers really buy from one company or another? WHY are people loyal to some leaders, but not others? Starting with WHY works in big business and small business, in the nonprofit world and in politics. Those who start with WHY never manipulate, they inspire. And the people who follow them don't do so because they have to; they follow because they want to. Drawing on a wide range of real-life stories, Sinek weaves together a clear vision of what it truly takes to lead and inspire. This book is for anyone who wants to inspire others or who wants to find someone to inspire them. -
你可能认为找自己最好的朋友或亲属做生意伙伴是理所当然,你可能认为你提供给顾客价格、质量、服务完美组合的商品是商业成功的不二法门,你可能认为“顾客永远是对的”的信条天经地义,你可能对“要做就做业界第一”的理念深信不疑,你可能正在为你疯长的企业规模而欣喜若狂,你可能认为一个成功的老板应该是一个深受员工爱戴和欢迎的人——如果你真是这样想的,那么本书的作者杰伊·戈尔兹告诉你,你要小心了,破产和一败涂地正在不远处微笑着向你招手。 杰伊远算不上商界大亨。大学会计专业毕业后,他并没有像他的大多数同伴那样,选择会计工作和进研究生院深造,而是选择自己创业。在15年里,杰伊犯遍了本书中所提到的每一个错误。他用“痛彻心肺的折磨”来形容那段感受。最终,他把营业额从1978年的7万美元提高到1997年的1000万美元。他的企业也成了行业中的一个奇迹。在本书中,杰伊坦诚地解开外衣,历数身上伤疤的来历,并在自己曾经摔倒的陷阱前放置了133个警示牌,希望你能成功地避开它们,让创业之路更通达,更顺畅。 杰伊·戈尔兹1978年毕业于北伊利诺伊大学,获会计学学士学位。 1978年夏,杰伊在芝加哥北边的老工业区成立了“艺术家画框服务社”,经过二十多年的努力,将它打造为如今拥有120名员工,美国最大的零售和订制画框的连锁店。杰伊因他的企业家精神获得了无数的奖项,包括被列入企业家名人堂的殊荣。他常常在美国各地作关于企业家精神和如何经营公司的公众演讲。1997年,他开设了“老板学校”。 -