Emotional Intelligence 2.0
FOREWORD BY PATRICK LENCIONI, BESTSELLING AUTHOR OF THE FIVE DYSFUNCTIONS OF A TEAM. Emotional Intelligence 2.0 is a book with a single purpose—increasing your EQ. Here’s what people are saying about it: “ Emotional Intelligence 2.0 succinctly explains how to deal with emotions creatively and employ our intelligence in a beneficial way.” —THE DALAI LAMA “A fast read with compelling anecdotes and good context in which to understand and improve.” —NEWSWEEK “Gives abundant, practical findings and insights with emphasis on how to develop EQ.” —STEPHEN R. COVEY “This book can drastically change the way you think about success…read it twice.” —PATRICK LENCIONI In today's fast-paced world of competitive workplaces and turbulent economic conditions, each of us is searching for effective tools that can help us to manage, adapt, and strike out ahead of the pack. By now, emotional intelligence (EQ) needs little introduction—it’s no secret that EQ is critical to your success. But knowing what EQ is and knowing how to use it to improve your life are two very different things. Emotional Intelligence 2.0 delivers a step-by-step program for increasing your EQ via four, core EQ skills that enable you to achieve your fullest potential: 1) Self-Awareness 2) Self-Management 3) Social Awareness 4) Relationship Management -
科技只会继续变复杂,采用简单策略来突出自己的产品能够产生经济效益。 按钮太多的遥控器,功能繁复的电子用品,必须读过数十页使用手册才会安装的软件……复杂的科技,让人不满。因此,市场的风向逐渐转变,简单的力量已势不可当,设计简洁的iPhone、操作简易的Google更是简单能卖钱的最佳范例。 作者以科技专家的务实与艺术家的先知、创意,在本书提出十项法则,可帮助我们在商业、设计、科技和生活上,求取简单与复杂的平衡,以少胜多。 -
The 4-Hour Chef
WHAT IF YOU COULD BECOME WORLD-CLASS IN ANYTHING IN 6 MONTHS OR LESS? The 4-Hour Chef isn’t just a cookbook. It’s a choose-your-own-adventure guide to the world of rapid learning. #1 New York Times bestselling author (and lifelong non-cook) Tim Ferriss takes you from Manhattan to Okinawa, and from Silicon Valley to Calcutta, unearthing the secrets of the world’s fastest learners and greatest chefs. Ferriss uses cooking to explain “meta-learning,” a step-by-step process that can be used to master anything, whether searing steak or shooting 3-pointers in basketball. That is the real “recipe” of The 4-Hour Chef. You'll train inside the kitchen for everything outside the kitchen. Featuring tips and tricks from chess prodigies, world-renowned chefs, pro athletes, master sommeliers, super models, and everyone in between, this “cookbook for people who don’t buy cookbooks” is a guide to mastering cooking and life. The 4-Hour Chef is a five-stop journey through the art and science of learning: 1. META-LEARNING. Before you learn to cook, you must learn to learn. META charts the path to doubling your learning potential. 2. THE DOMESTIC. DOM is where you learn the building blocks of cooking. These are the ABCs (techniques) that can take you from Dr, Seuss to Shakespeare. 3. THE WILD. Becoming a master student requires self-sufficiency in all things. WILD teaches you to hunt, forage, and survive. 4. THE SCIENTIST. SCI is the mad scientist and modernist painter wrapped into one. This is where you rediscover whimsy and wonder. 5. THE PROFESSIONAL. Swaraj, a term usually associated with Mahatma Gandhi, can be translated as “self-rule.” In PRO, we’ll look at how the best in the world become the best in the world, and how you can chart your own path far beyond this book. -
《五天学会绘画:2分钟奇迹》是一本教你运用“2分钟奇迹”的方法学会绘画技巧的书,是《五天学会绘画》的实操本,目的是给大家提供实用有效的指导性练习以提高五项基本的绘画技能 。书里包含很多锻炼各种绘画技能的新颖的主题、指导范例。为了方便大家绘画,随书附赠一个超大显像板,它能帮助你作画,让你的画看上去更具立体感。如果你完成了书里的练习,你的绘画技能将会有突飞猛进的进步,在这个过程中开发自己大脑的创造性潜力,从而在日常生活、学习、工作中获得一种新鲜的、富有创造力的解决问题的方式。 -
《每周工作4小时》由湖南文艺出版社出版。某一天,当你自己、你的家人、朋友和同事从繁忙的工作中解放出来,你一定会回想起买下此书的这个时刻。 (Tim,昵称:蒂姆),Tim用了5年时间研究新贵(NewRich,缩写:NR)的奥秘,NR是全球化3.0时代的亚文化群落,他们抛弃了以等待退休为目标的“延期生活计划”,掌握了新的货币:时间和移动,不断地实行“迷你(mini)退休”,在当下创造出新的工作方式和生活方式。 那么,谁是“新贵”(NR)呢? 这样的员工:他经过重新安排工作日程并通过远程工作协议,在10%的工作时间内达到90%的工作成效这样的老板:他一懂得放弃让他获利最少的 客户和项目,外包整个业务运营这样的学生:他愿意选择冒险。 Whatdoyoudo?对来说,这有些难以回答。 如果你问这位颇具争议、分身有术的人物,他会说: “我在欧洲参加摩托车赛。” “我在安第斯山滑雪。” “我在巴拿马潜水。” “我在布宜诺斯艾利斯跳探戈。” 2007年4月24日,《每周工作4小时》在纽约正式出版。迄今已在全球29个国家和地区售出版权。 世界上最富有、最成功的人和所有人一样,每天都拥有同样的24小时,每阁都拥有同样的7天。他们之所以杰出,是因为他们一更聪明地工作,而不是更辛苦地工作! -
“取悦症”是一种强迫的甚至成瘾的行为模式——对他人的认可上瘾。取悦者会努力想让除了自己以外的每个人都满意,甚至牺牲自己的健康和快乐来取悦别人。但与人为善的结果可能会让别人利用你。 为了始终保持好人形象,你尽力不表现出愤怒和不悦,不管这样的情感表露多么正当,而且,你会避免批评别人,以免被别人批评。心理学家把这叫作“冲突避免”,你会把对抗和愤怒看作危险的情感体验。 取悦症的三种类型: 认知型“好人” 驱使你取悦于人的动力是这种思维定式:你需要并且争取让每一个人都喜欢你。而你衡量自尊和定义自我的依据,就是你为他们做了多少。如果你是一个认知型“好人”,那么你就会陷入沉重的自我亏待心态中。 习惯型“好人” 如果你是一个习惯型“好人”,那么你就会被迫牺牲自己的需求而照顾他人的需求。你会为他人做得太多,几乎从来不说“不”,很少给他人派活儿,并且会变得无力招架、疲于应付。 情感逃避型“好人” 对这一类型来说,取悦症主要是因逃避令人害怕和不安的情感而导致的。 想知道自己是不是有“好人情结”?属于哪种取悦症类型?请翻到本书第2页,直接开始测试 “我已经为别人做了一切,但是没有人给我回报。” “我对每个人都那么好,可他们把那看成是理所当然的。” 你是众人眼里的大好人吗? 你的“好人情结”有多严重?“好人指数”有多高? 是否无论你现在有多忙,只要有人提出请求、邀请,不管这会给自己带来多少麻烦、不快和高昂代价,仍会毫无原则地照单全收? 太多超出自己能力范围的任务令你应接不暇,感到分身乏术? 所有这些令别人满意的付出,却并未让你自己真正感到幸福快乐? 如果答案是“Yes”,你该读一读这本书。