《证析:大数据与基于证据的决策》的主题是Analytics,作者将一个英文新词Analytics译为“证析”借以指代在这个时代背景下对证据尤其是量化证据进行分析以影响决策的具体实践。《证析:大数据与基于证据的决策》更多关注数据对商业与社会领域决策的影响。《证析:大数据与基于证据的决策》在前言部分之外,分为上下两编。上编对证析所处的时代背景、证析对传统决策方式的挑战、证析在企业中的应用案例进行介绍,并着重介绍了实验在指导社会实践中的思想和实例。下编主要从证析对企业的价值、为了发挥证析的价值而在企业组织架构、考核体系、决策流程、组织文化等方面应有的考虑。除了介绍最新的管理思想与企业实践之外,因为证析的着眼点是数字与决策,所以贯穿全书也不可避免会涉及对科学研究方法的探讨。 -
《哈林顿博弈论》是美国最普及的博弈论教材,被美国多所知名高校长期采用,如斯坦福大学、宾夕法尼亚大学、佛罗里达州立大学、弗吉尼亚大学等。 《哈林顿博弈论》不仅适用于经济学、商学、政治学、国际关系学等博弈理论应用训练的传统学科,还面向大多数普通高校学生。教材用最小化的数学知识介绍博弈论的理论,使对数学领悟力不足的学生也能读懂。 《哈林顿博弈论》中还提供了各种各样的案例,包括历史、犯罪、体育和日常生活中的案例,并提供了丰富的背景介绍,内容丰富有趣,可读性强。 -
A Concise Introduction to Logic
Unsurpassed for its clarity and comprehensiveness, A CONCISE INTRODUCTION TO LOGIC has established itself as the standard for introductory logic texts. In this Tenth Edition, Hurley continues to build upon the tradition of lucid, focused, and accessible presentations of logic's basic topics - both formal and informal. This edition also augments the book's successful technology integration with an updated and enhanced version of CengageNOW, which now includes Learning Logic tutorials, video clips, and the complete text in eBook format. In response to market feedback and the success of Wadsworth's Logical Choice custom program, this text has been reformatted to provide additional flexibility to customize your course material content. Wadsworth is a part of Cengage Learning. Finally, innovative new tools including a PowerLecture presentation tool and a Community Website are designed to help you manage, create, and teach your course more efficiently and effectively. -
Thing Explainer
Have you ever tried to read up on some incredible part of the world, only to find yourself faced with incomprehensible terminology and jargon? It’s nice to know what the parts of a thing are called, but it’s even more interesting to know what they do. What if you had something that could clearly explain it all using simple words? Thing Explainer, by Randall Munroe, does just that. Using line drawings and only the thousand (or, rather, “ten hundred”) most common words, he provides simple explanations for some of the world’s most interesting things: our food-heating radio boxes (microwaves), our very tall roads (bridges), and our computer buildings (datacenters). He also explains the other worlds around our sun (the solar system), the big flat rocks we live on (tectonic plates), and even the stuff inside us (cells). Where do these things come from? How do they work? What do they look like if you open them up? What would life be like without them? And what would happen if we heated them up, cooled them down, pointed them in a different direction, or pressed this button? In Thing Explainer, Munroe gives us the answers to these questions and so many more. Funny, interesting, and always understandable, this book is for anyone—age 5 to 105—who has ever wondered how things work, and why. -
《计算的本质:深入剖析程序和计算机》借助Ruby全面介绍计算理论和编程语言的设计。作者注重实用性,不仅尽量抛开复杂难懂的数学符号,而且特别选用简单快捷的编程语言Ruby,在读者熟知的背景知识下,以明晰的可工作代码阐明形式语义、自动机理论,以及通过lambda演算进行函数式编程等计算机科学知识,并为让其自行探索做足准备。 本书适合计算机科学系学生,以及熟知现代编程语言,想要系统地学习计算机科学知识的程序员、软件工程师阅读参考。 -
互联网时代,如何拥有创新思维?畅销书《无价》作者威廉•庞德斯通遍寻世界一流企业考察和任用人才的“秘籍”,将其转化为《如何移动富士山?》中的一道道“思维测试题”,为你僵化的思维注入最新鲜的创新基因; 仅仅靠智商就可以摆平一切了吗?比尔•盖茨精挑细选的精英不仅仅聪慧敏捷更具有创新思维,他们思考问题的角度必定与你有所不同才能驰骋于互联网时代。“如何移动富士山?”代表一种创新思维; 互联网时代,优秀企业不断勇攀高峰的奥秘在于企业的创新基因。对于任何渴望培养创新思维的人来说,这都是一本不可不读的佳作。“如何移动富士山?”印证了无数顶尖企业不断创新的秘密。