Sailor Moon #10 (Sailor Moon)
Sailor Moon, the fantasy adventure of a young girl who discovers that she is the defender of Love and Justice, is an international phenomenon that keeps getting bigger. Four of the Scouts have been captured!! How can Sailor Moon rescue them and their souls from Mistress 9? Help comes from an unexpected source as Hotaru fights with Mistress 9 for control of her body. But will she protect Rini and her Silver Imperium Crystal?!. -
编辑推荐:本画册是风靡日本及大陆的动画片《美少女战士》的原创画集,作者武内直子以其独特想象及高超的绘画技法向读者展示了美少女战士的迷人形象,书后还附有作者构思创作的经过,是一本美少女迷们不可多得的收藏珍品。 -
Sailor Moon, Vol. 2 (Sailor Moon)