《思考的力量》将帮你提高思考的质量,从而助你实现你的目标和雄心壮志,令你做出更明智的决定,同时理解到他人是如何努力企图影响你的思想的。本书也将助你把握你的职业生涯和人生,例如如何与人相处,乃至把握自己的各种情绪。现在,是到了该发现自己对人生的思考的能力及其角色的时候了。你有能力实现更有意义的职业目标,成为一个更加出色的解惑者,更明智地运用自己的能力,逐渐不被他人所左右,并获得更加充实、幸福和安全的生活。选择就摆在你面前。 -
Hacker's Delight
A collection useful programming advice the author has collected over the years; small algorithms that make the programmer's task easier. * At long last, proven short-cuts to mastering difficult aspects of computer programming * Learn to program at a more advanced level than is generally taught in schools and training courses, and much more advanced than can be learned through individual study/experience. * An instant cult classic for programmers! Computer programmers are often referred to as hackers -- solitary problem solvers engrossed in a world of code as they seek elegant solutions to building better software. While many view these unique individuals as "madmen," the truth is that much of the computer programmer's job involves a healthy mix of arithmetic and logic. In Hacker's Delight, veteran programmer Hank Warren shares the collected wisdom -- namely tips and tricks -- from his considerable experience in the world of application development. The resulting work is an irresistible collection that will help even the most seasoned programmers better their craft. Henry S. Warren Jr. has had a 40-year career with IBM, spanning the computer field from the IBM 704 to PowerPC. He has worked on various military command and control systems, and on the SETL project under Jack Schwartz at NYU. Since 1973 he has been in IBM's Research Division at Yorktown Heights, New York. Here he has done compiler and computer architecture work on the 801 computer and its several variants through PowerPC. Presently he is working on the Blue Gene petaflop computer project. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the Courant Institute at New York University in 1980. -
The Psychology of Invention in the Mathematical Field
Who Moved My Cheese? is a simple parable that reveals profound truths about change. It is an amusing and enlightening story of four characters who live in a "Maze" and look for "Cheese" to nourish them and make them happy. Two are mice named Sniff and Scurry. And two are "little people" -- beings the size of mice who look and act a lot like people. Their names are Hem and Haw. "Cheese" is a metaphor for what you want to have in life -- whether it is a good job, a loving relationship, money, a possession, health, or spiritual peace of mind. And "The Maze" is where you look for what you want -- the organization you work in, or the family or community you live in. In the story, the characters are faced with unexpected change. Eventually, one of them deals with it successfully, and writes what he has learned from his experience on the maze walls. When you come to see "The Handwriting on the Wall," you can discover for yourself how to deal with change, so that you can enjoy less stress and more success (however you define it) in your work and in your life. Written for all ages, the story takes less than an hour to listen to, but its unique insights can last for a lifetime. -
《公正:该如何做是好?》内容简介:如果为了减轻病人的痛苦而向他提供致命性的药物,你认为这是对生命的亵渎吗?如果一个人的死能换来多数人的生,你会牺牲那个人面让自己和同伴们活下去吗?如果改进汽车的致命缺陷能挽救很多人的生命,你会愿意为此付出高额的改装费用吗?如果-项合同与传统道德桕冲突,法院判决合同无效,你会认为法院的判决是公正的吗?在这个日益物质化的年代,我们的行为选择总在人性和物质性之间摇摆不定。当我们遇到生死抉择的时候。我们常常因为尊重人的基本权利而违背利益最大化的理性原则;因此我们才会认为,19世纪遇险的英国船员为了存活下去杀死并吃掉一个病弱的奴仆,是有悖人道的。但是,当我们口口声声说个人的生命权利至上时,为什么像福特汽车这样的企业却会给生命贴上价格标签?如果我们尊重个体的权利。但为什么大多数人又会反对同性婚姻? 我们的社会、我们的思潮、我们的正义观。正陷入尴尬的两难选择当中。我们甚至怀疑法律是否公正,因为法律无法回避个人的道德判断,无法做到中立。这多少让习惯了传统道德观念和固定思维的我们感到不安,但这种不安,却能让我们的理性精神保持清醒的状态。 我们清醒的理性和人类的良知,会促发我们去寻找有关“公正”的“出路”。这条道路既能体现我们社会规范的人性,又能体现客观性。而这正是“世界最受欢迎的老师之一”的迈克尔·桑德尔教授寻找的有关公正的第三条进路:培养我们每个人的德性,作出我们应该作的、公正的选择。 《公正:该如何做是好?》中文最新超值版火热上市,点击进入 海报: 点击链接进入中文版: 公正:该如何做是好? -
《何怀宏品读 》由由两部分组成:《沉思录》译文+译者何怀宏研读笔记。译文即“总理天天读的书”的文字,其中何怀宏还做了部分修订,是当下《沉思录》译本的最新版本;研读笔记集何怀宏20年感悟、思考与心得,两者相辅相成,相得益彰,是中国目前唯一一部深入解读《沉思录》的作品。