四个志同道合的伙伴用口袋大小的计算机在拉斯维加大把挣钱。一个无聊的加拿大年轻人居然能顺风顺水地非法访问南部的一家银行。几个毛头小子受到蛊惑,被拉登手下的恐怖分子征召去攻击LockheedMaritn公司! 这些都是真实故事!都是作者Kevin D. Mitnick与黑客面谈后,根据他们的真实经历撰写的。事实上,《反入侵的艺术——黑客入侵背后的真实故事》中多个故事的主人公都对传奇大师Mitnick顶礼膜拜,视其为偶像和英雄,所以也愿意推心置腹,道出埋在心底多年的隐秘故事。 攻击行为其实是可以防范的!Mitnick在每个故事之后做了专业分析。Mitnick是推荐安全措施的不二人选。Mitnick对黑客的才气与顽强精神有 深入的了解,在《反入侵的艺术——黑客入侵背后的真实故事》中,他将一生积累的丰富技能和盘托出,指导你弄清入侵者的手段,帮你筑起固若金汤的安全防线。 如果读者是自己所在单位的安全负责人,《反入侵的艺术——黑客入侵背后的真实故事》中的故事完全可能在你管辖的领域内发生。害怕国家安全官员深夜造访吗?对在真实生活中与黑客斗智斗勇的故事感兴趣吗?请认真阅读本书,并在自己管辖的范围内加以防范吧! -
冯登国(FENG Dengguo,1965.5~), 现为中国科学院软件所研究员、博士生导师,信息安全国家重点实验室主任,国家计算机网络入侵防范中心主任,国家信息化专家咨询委员会委员。目前主要从事信息与网络安全方面的研究与开发工作。 -
密码学的应用范围日益扩大,它不仅用于政府通信和银行系统等传统领域,还用于Web浏览器、电子邮件程序、手机、制造系统、嵌入式软件、智能建筑、汽车甚至人体器官移植等领域。今天的设计人员必须全面系统地了解应用密码学。 《深入浅出密码学——常用加密技术原理与应用》作者帕尔和佩尔茨尔长期执教于计算机科学与工程系,拥有十分丰富的应用密码学教学经验。本书可作为研究生和高年级本科生的教科书,也可供工程师自学之用。 《深入浅出密码学——常用加密技术原理与应用》拥有的诸多特征使得它成为密码学从业者和学生独一无二的资源—本书介绍了绝大多数实际应用中使用的加密算法,并重点突出了它们的实用性。 -
We Are Anonymous
A thrilling, exclusive expose of the hacker collectives Anonymous and LulzSec. WE ARE ANONYMOUS is the first full account of how a loosely assembled group of hackers scattered across the globe formed a new kind of insurgency, seized headlines, and tortured the feds-and the ultimate betrayal that would eventually bring them down. Parmy Olson goes behind the headlines and into the world of Anonymous and LulzSec with unprecedented access, drawing upon hundreds of conversations with the hackers themselves, including exclusive interviews with all six core members of LulzSec. In late 2010, thousands of hacktivists joined a mass digital assault on the websites of VISA, MasterCard, and PayPal to protest their treatment of WikiLeaks. Other targets were wide ranging-the websites of corporations from Sony Entertainment and Fox to the Vatican and the Church of Scientology were hacked, defaced, and embarrassed-and the message was that no one was safe. Thousands of user accounts from pornography websites were released, exposing government employees and military personnel. Although some attacks were perpetrated by masses of users who were rallied on the message boards of 4Chan, many others were masterminded by a small, tight-knit group of hackers who formed a splinter group of Anonymous called LulzSec. The legend of Anonymous and LulzSec grew in the wake of each ambitious hack. But how were they penetrating intricate corporate security systems? Were they anarchists or activists? Teams or lone wolves? A cabal of skilled hackers or a disorganized bunch of kids? WE ARE ANONYMOUS delves deep into the internet's underbelly to tell the incredible full story of the global cyber insurgency movement, and its implications for the future of computer security. -
本书分为4篇17章,系统全面地介绍了Windows平台缓冲区溢出漏洞的分析、检测与防护。第一篇为常用工具和基础知识的介绍;第二篇从攻击者的视角出发,揭秘了攻击者利用漏洞的常用伎俩,了解这些知识对进行计算机应急响应和提高软件产品安全性至关重要;第三篇在第二篇的基础上,从安全专家的角度介绍了漏洞分析和计算机应急响应方面的知识;第四篇则站在软件工程师的角度讲述如何在开发、测试等软件生命周期的各个环节中加入安全因素,以增强软件产品的安全性。 -
Social Engineering
The first book to reveal and dissect the technical aspect of many social engineering maneuvers From elicitation, pretexting, influence and manipulation all aspects of social engineering are picked apart, discussed and explained by using real world examples, personal experience and the science behind them to unraveled the mystery in social engineering. Kevin Mitnick—one of the most famous social engineers in the world—popularized the term “social engineering.” He explained that it is much easier to trick someone into revealing a password for a system than to exert the effort of hacking into the system. Mitnick claims that this social engineering tactic was the single-most effective method in his arsenal. This indispensable book examines a variety of maneuvers that are aimed at deceiving unsuspecting victims, while it also addresses ways to prevent social engineering threats. Examines social engineering, the science of influencing a target to perform a desired task or divulge information Arms you with invaluable information about the many methods of trickery that hackers use in order to gather information with the intent of executing identity theft, fraud, or gaining computer system access Reveals vital steps for preventing social engineering threats Includes a direct URL to a free download of the world’s premiere penetration-testing distribution, BackTrack 4 SE Edition - geared towards Social Engineering Tools Social Engineering: The Art of Human Hacking does its part to prepare you against nefarious hackers—now you can do your part by putting to good use the critical information within its pages.