The How of Happiness
Finally we have a self-help book from a reputable scientist whose advice is based on the best experimental data. Daniel Gilbert, author of Stumbling on Happiness Is lasting happiness attainable or a pipe dream? For the last eighteen years, University of CaliforniaRiverside professor of psychology Sonja Lyubomirsky has studied this question, and what she reports might even sway pessimists. U.S. News & World Report Lyubomirskys central point is clear: a significant portion of what is called happiness . . . is up for grabs. Taking some pages out of the positive psychology playbook, she coaches readers on how to snag it. The New York Review of Books The right place to look for science-based advice on how to become happier. Martin Seligman, author of Learned Optimism --This text refers to the Paperback edition. -
《哈佛大学的幸福课》浓缩了泰勒博士幸福课程的思想精华,结合当代中国大众的幸福需求,做了极富启示的关于人生幸福的思考与解读。全书从生活的富足为什么不能带来幸福这一实际出发,以讲授课程的方式对幸福的含义、幸福的感受、幸福的寻找、幸福的实现等关于幸福的话题,做了多角度、多维度的剖析,并介绍了中外现实生活中的众多案例,是一本极具思想启迪与人生励志意义的生活教科书。 在世界著名高等学府哈佛大学,排名第一的课程,不是时鬓的经济学课程,也不是实用的法律课程,而是泰勒?本一沙哈尔博士的幸福课。泰勒博士被誉为哈佛大学"最受欢迎的讲师",他的幸福课引起了前所未有的轰动。 幸福课受到美国及其他国家主流媒体的关注与报道:美国CNN电视台、英国BBC电视台,美国《波士顿环球报》、《纽约邮报》、《纽约时报》、《福克斯新闻》,英国《时代报》、意大利《新闻报》、《韩国时报》、《印度时报》、《中国青年报》等都进行了积极报道。 -
一本在世界各地引发寻找幸福热潮的书; 连续三年蝉联欧洲畅销书榜; 英伦实力派演员纷纷加盟电影; 同名电影在中国取景。 幸福,它喜欢悄没声息地跟着你, 要一点用心,你才会发现它就在身边。 曾经有位心理医生名叫艾克托。他是最成功的心理医生,病人最多,女友漂亮,收入很高,保险足够,生活安稳……可他对自己不是很满意。因为他知道,他没法让他的病人快乐。 艾克托想了心理医生这回事:“要留心一下心理医生在全世界的分布图(别费心了,这样的地图你找不到),就会发现,在像他居住的一些国家里,心理医生比起全世界其他各国的心理医生总和多得多,尽管其他国家的人口远胜过这些国家的居民总数。” 世界该有多荒诞?在我们这个地球上,有多少人要靠心理医生才能幸福?郁闷的他无法调适自己的心情,决意外出游历,踏上全球之旅,寻找幸福的真谛。 这是一场现代的奥德赛之游,艾克托来到中国(在这里他遇到了在中国淘金的跨国企业老总、一位让人动心的姑娘)、非洲(他遇到了驱之不去的乞丐,还有一个毒枭,他甚至被绑架)、美国(这个国家该有多少富人)……艾克托在迥然不同的环境中感受人们的焦虑,记下了23条关于幸福的法则。欧洲媒体盛赞:艾克托是我们现代的小王子! 小说文笔幽默,情节有趣,从理性角度轻松拨开幸福的情绪迷雾,让心理学也变得不再干巴巴。 -
《加州大学伯克利分校的10堂幸福教养课》内容简介:为什么现在的孩子越来越不快乐?为什么孩子不愿意和父母沟通?为什么那么多孩子长大后,面对恋爱、婚姻、职场依然无法应付自如?……其实,在这个复杂而多变的社会,比好成绩更重要的是“幸福一生”的技能。如果你希望把孩子的成功建立在他们的快乐之上,那你就一定要读一读《加州大学伯克利分校的10堂幸福教养课》。 来自世界顶尖学府加州大学伯克利分校的克莉丝汀•卡特博士提供了10个最科学、最实用的教养建议,帮你自信满满与孩子打交道,让孩子快乐成长,并且为未来的幸福做好准备。在《加州大学伯克利分校的10堂幸福教养课》中你可以看到:如何帮助孩子建立积极心态怎样教孩子成为情绪管理的高手;如何让父亲更多地参与进来;如何巧妙应对孩子的淘气或叛逆行为;怎样让家成为孩子创造力的梦工厂;如何激发孩子的内在动力;如何避免陷入“完美主义”强迫症;……幸福是一种能力,当孩子学会快乐的方法,就能更加自信地面对未来。 -
Search Inside Yourself
From the ground-breaking offices of Google, 'Search Inside Yourself' is a personal growth program that focuses on developing emotional intelligence through mindfulness, making its participants more productive at work and better leaders, while becoming more peaceful, happy and compassionate individuals. Famed for its innovative and unusual, yet highly successful working culture, Google is more than just a search engine. One such innovation is the' Search Inside Yourself' program, created for Google by a diverse group of individuals including a Zen Master, a CEO, a Stanford University scientist, and author Daniel Goleman, it's been a life changing program for many participants, contributing to great improvements in both their personal and professional lives. 'Search Inside Yourself' has been taught in Google since 2007 producing dramatic results. Some participants have found new meaning and fulfilment in their jobs (one person changed her mind about leaving the company after taking the course!) Some have become much better at what they do; one engineering manager discovered the importance of giving himself quality time and reduced his working hours to four days a week. After he did that, he got promoted! Some have become more effective managers, learning to listen and communicate better and bringing a calm attitude to every situation. Not surprisingly, many people found 'Search Inside Yourself' to be beneficial in their personal lives as well. Many participants found they were happier and less-stressed, their marital relationships improved and some even said the program helped them deal with personal crises. This book will show you how to apply the principles of 'Search Inside Yourself' to you, your business and everyday life. Whether you are a junior team member or a senior manager, a secondary school teacher or a bus driver these valuable lessons have the potential to dramatically improve your life. Written by Chade-Meng Tan, the first engineer in Google's history to leave the Engineering department and join their Peoples Ops Group, where he leads this and other personal-growth programs. It also includes a foreword by Daniel Goleman, the author of Emotional Intelligence and introduction from Jon Kabat-Zinn, author of Wherever You Go, There You Are. -
每个女人都渴望获得幸福,每个女人也都有获得幸福的权利。但是,人生充满风险与变数,使我们偏离追求幸福的方向,错把成功当幸福。 其实,女人不一定要成功,但一定要成熟。成功并不是幸福的前提,成熟才是抵达幸福的唯一路径。 成熟是一种处变不惊的从容,胸有成竹的大气,与世无争的淡泊,游刃有余的厚实。成熟不一定与年龄有关,就如同智慧不一定与智商有关一样。一个成熟的女人,能够使家庭温馨和睦、事业蒸蒸日上,能够获得自己想要的幸福。 然而,有太多的东西教育我们如何成功,却很少有人指导我们走向成熟。李玲瑶女士常年往返中美两国,看到国内女性的种种困惑,非常希望将自己多年经营家庭与事业的心得与女性朋友分享,更希望女性朋友能够重新审视自己,成为心智成熟的幸福女人。 成熟的女人才是最成功的……