《文学理论》讲述了:“外教社原版文学入门丛书”以介绍文学理论和小说类型及相应的社会文化背景为主,勾勒出英美文学发展的概貌。本丛书文字简练、语言生动,对我国的外国文学及理论研究者、在校学生以及广大文学爱好者都有很高的参考价值。《文学理论》为该丛书中的一本。全书以历史进程为顺序,以流派转换为框架,以文学理论及其代表人物为核心,简明扼要地向初学者介绍了西方文学批评的历史、主要流派和人物代表。《文学理论》内容丰富,难度适中,使人一卷在手,西方文学理论尽收眼底。 -
The Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism
"The Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism" is the gold standard for anyone who wishes to understand the development and current state of literary theory. Offering 185 pieces (31 of them new) by 148 authors (18 of them new), "The Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism, Second Edition", is more comprehensive, and more varied, in its selection than any other anthology. New selections from non-western theory and a thoroughly updated twentieth century selection make the book even more diverse and authoritative. -
The Event of Literature
In this characteristically concise, witty, and lucid book, Terry Eagleton turns his attention to the questions we should ask about literature, but rarely do. What is literature? Can we even speak of "literature" at all? What do different literary theories tell us about what texts mean and do? In throwing new light on these and other questions he has raised in previous best-sellers, Eagleton offers a new theory of what we mean by literature. He also shows what it is that a great many different literary theories have in common. In a highly unusual combination of critical theory and analytic philosophy, the author sees all literary work, from novels to poems, as a strategy to contain a reality that seeks to thwart that containment, and in doing so throws up new problems that the work tries to resolve. The "event" of literature, Eagleton argues, consists in this continual transformative encounter, unique and endlessly repeatable. Freewheeling through centuries of critical ideas, he sheds light on the place of literature in our culture, and in doing so reaffirms the value and validity of literary thought today. -
Theory Of Literature
Theory of Literature(1985) 中文名:韦勒克、沃伦《文学理论》英文版 Author: Rene Wellek and Austin Warren Publisher: Peregrine Books Year: 1985 Language: English Imagecount: 390 书籍简介:这是一本有关文学的本质、功能、形式及内容的经典理论著作,作者以“文学的外部研究”和“文学的内部研究:构筑其理论体系,超越了多年以来文学理论架构的传统模式。本书是在文学研究方面最富条理、范围最广、最有针对性的尝试之一。值得注意的是,该书出版以来,即作为最经典的文学理论教材受到全球范围内专家、教授以及广大学生的欢迎。美国《星期六文学评论》的署名文章说:这部百科全书式的论著蕴涵了海量的信息,繁杂的材料被更有效地组合,行文简洁兼之针对性极强的分析,与传统的此类著作迥然不同,此书值得每一个学术图书馆收藏。