本书为"乔伊斯文集"中的诗歌、剧作与随笔卷。诗歌部分收录了乔伊斯从少年到成名后所作的各类抒情诗、讽刺诗、短诗、长诗共160首;剧作部分是仿易卜生风格兼具自传性质的问题剧,也是作家唯一的剧作《流亡者》;随笔部分则收录了诗人根据观察和内心感触摹写下来,兼作创作素材之用的短文小品3篇。 -
The Collected Poems of W.B.Yeats
W. B. Yeats was Romantic and Modernist, mystical dreamer and leader of the Irish Literary Revival, Nobel prizewinner, dramatist and, above all, poet. He began writing with the intention of putting his 'very self' into his poems. T. S. Eliot, one of many who proclaimed the Irishman's greatness, described him as 'one of those few whose history is the history of their own time, who are part of the consciousness of an age which cannot be understood without them'. For anyone interested in the literature of the late nineteenth century and the twentieth century, Yeats's work is essential. This volume gathers the full range of his published poetry, from the hauntingly beautiful early lyrics (by which he is still fondly remembered) to the magnificent later poems which put beyond question his status as major poet of modern times. Paradoxical, proud and passionate, Yeats speaks today as eloquently as ever. -
这本小册子收录了包慧怡写于2010-2012年间的三辑诗:《凯尔特谣曲》、《走之底》和《异教时辰书》。 其中第一辑极富音乐性,可看作一组爱尔兰岛屿风物志,虽然作者在后记中称它们为“私人的时间胶囊”。 第二辑采取十四行体,表面写一次法国旅行,讲述的却是制作琥珀的手艺,仿佛对死去恋情的一场悼亡。 第三辑原题《一个诺斯替主义者的告白书》,作者在其中探索着信仰与诗艺之交叉路上的重重迷障,尝试建立一种“云雾神学”(《管风琴十四行》),体现出一位年轻写作者身上少见的勇气和力量。 在附录《解谜与成谜》一文中,作者与我们分享了她身为一名文学译者在诗歌迻译方面的工作心得。 -
An Ideal Husband
Wilde’s scintillating drawing-room comedy revolves around a blackmail scheme that forces a married couple to reexamine their moral standards. A supporting cast of young lovers, society matrons, and a formidable femme fatale exchange sparkling repartee, keeping the action of the play at a lively pace. -
《我脸上的秘密》是爱尔兰女作家凯伦·阿迪夫的成名作。故事发生在上世纪三十年代的都柏林及其近郊,贫穷孤寂的兔唇女孩韦罗妮卡因一个偶然的机会,闯入大都市的成人世界,命运似乎向她敞开大门,美貌和幸福在向她招手,然而,等待她的竟是极尽旖旎风光的陷阱。 -